Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 932

Yew behind, has a strong force, she entered the killer organization, with Jing ruijingzhi reasons are not the same.

She was not forced to come in, she asked to come in herself!

She knows that Jing Zhi has a special identity, and even that he is different from ordinary people.

Lose to a non-human, yew didn't feel anything, but lost to Jing Rui, she was very angry.

She has never understood what is special about Jing Rui and why he can not only surpass her, but also surpass Jing Zhi, who is abnormal.

After a moment, yew finally did not hold back and walked to Jing Rui.

"I want to compete with you!"

Jing Rui looked at yew faintly and said coldly, "I'm not interested."

Compared with a girl who is younger than him, he won without any sense of achievement. On the contrary, it is easy to expose his own strength.

The killer base is full of danger. Jing Rui can't act impulsively because he has a trace of appreciation for a female killer.

Moreover, appreciation is one thing, and competition is another.

He will not be merciful just because he appreciates a person. On the contrary, if the yew attacks him, he will not hesitate to hurt the killer.

The word "Lian Xiang Xi Yu" has not yet been included in Jing Rui's dictionary.

Yeshan is already ready to be rejected by Jingrui. She has been observing Jingrui secretly and knows that Jingrui is indifferent and doesn't like to beat around the bush.

She deliberately excites Jingrui: "are you not interested or dare not compete with me? Coward

Jing Rui is not affected by her provocation. He said coldly: "if you suspect that the base ranks the killers, you can go to the base to reflect it. Otherwise, I am the first and you are the third. This has already shown that you are poor in strength."

It was said that the strength of bad, arrogant yew where can stand!

She doesn't hesitate any more and directly attacks Jing Rui.

Yeshan thinks that her shooting skills are not inferior to Jingrui. She wants to prove her strength is stronger than Jingrui through close combat.

Jingrui originally had a trace of appreciation for yew. A girl tried so hard to improve herself and bravely wandered about, which was something many men couldn't do.

However, he hated being pestered by others, and even more hated being forced to do anything by others.

Yew forced him to fight with her, regardless of his current mood and physical condition, she showed her selfishness.

The girl's white and thin hands hit his chest. Jingrui instinctively repels him. Every close fight is a great torture for him.

As he grows older, he doesn't know how to touch others.

In order to avoid being entangled in close combat, Jing Rui has created a faster and more fierce method.

He is known as "lightning" in the killers' organization, with lightning speed, lightning power and lightning like ending the battle.

His Blitzkrieg fighting style is very effective for opponents who are much weaker than him.

But encounter yew this kind of expert, but can't do the end of lightning.

Other people are afraid of Jing Rui's reputation and his ruthlessness, but yew is full of fighting spirit. No matter how she fights, she seems to have no idea of pain. If she falls down, she will immediately get up and attack.

However, yew has taken out 10% of the strength, and Jing Rui only took out 50%.

No matter when, he will keep his own strength, unless the critical moment of life and death, or the card is absolutely not shown.

Even so, Jing Rui is also shocked by the strength of yew.

This girl, who is only 17-8 years old, is so terrible!

There was no fancy in her fight. All of them were the most practical moves, and they were deadly.

She tried to attack from all directions, fast and slow. It's a dead play.

Jing Rui is still shocked at the beginning of her strong physical fitness, but soon found the yew deep sea of mind!

She even deliberately put on a posture of death, trying to create psychological pressure on him.

She is testing him, testing his bottom line, but also looking for his flaws!

Jing Rui seldom fights with women. First, there are few female killers. Second, there are few female killers. Most of them are male killers.

So he never realized that a woman could calculate this degree.

He didn't even know what yew was thinking, let alone what she wanted to do next.

This girl, on the one hand, wants his life with the tricky and cruel moves, but on the other hand, she keeps getting close to him, deliberately using her own physical advantages to lure him.

This is a beautiful female killer, the most natural advantage.

However, Jing Rui is instinctively unhappy.

A woman's heart is a needle in the sea.

The killer camp has never advocated that female killers use their own bodies to kill people. Unless it is a very special task that requires the sacrifice of their bodies to succeed, female killers are not allowed to have an ambiguous relationship with their targets.It is not a long-term plan to serve people by lust. It is a valuable experience summed up by killer organizations over the past 100 years.

The killing skills of female killers are the most important. If they only want to use their bodies to complete tasks, then female killers will rely more and more on their own bodies. On the contrary, their real killing skills will be seriously degraded, and the final result will be very miserable.

Jing Rui originally thought that, like yew this desperate Sanlang, disdains to use that kind of means, but he still miscalculated people's heart.

Looking at Yew's chest up against him, Jingzhi frowns slightly, grabs a flaw of yew and kicks her out.

In the air, there is a crisp bone crack sound - the ribs of yew are kicked and broken by Jingrui.

And Jing Rui to her that a trace of appreciation, also along with this crisp voice broken.

He looked at yew from a commanding position. She had tenacious willpower, her ribs were broken, and she was injured in many places. However, she was still silent. She just bit her lips and looked at him with complicated eyes.

"If you don't want to die, go away."

If this is not in the killer base, killers are forbidden to kill each other, Jing Rui will not tolerate Yew's mischief.

Just now, if he was weak, he would have died in the hands of yew!

A girl is so vicious that even Jing Rui feels chilly all over!

He clearly had no hatred against her, but she wanted his life!

Jing Rui's heart is full of light killing intention. He has never been a soft hearted person. The yew in front of him has become one of the people on his death list.

He needs to check the identity of yew again!

yew as like as two peas, who bear great pain, at the moment, they are exactly the same as Wang Rui. She also wants to look at the identity of Jing Rui thoroughly.

This is the enemy of her life!

It's better to get rid of it! , the fastest update of the webnovel!