Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 929

"If you talk again, I'll make your daughter dumb!" If Jingrui interrupts Shucheng mountain, he can only threaten Shucheng mountain with Shuyin in his cold face.

If not Shucheng mountain is still useful, but also need to keep him in good condition to hypnotize Jingzhi, Jingrui will definitely knock Shucheng mountain unconscious!

No one has ever dared to pester him like this!

Shucheng mountain himself is not afraid of death, but the most distressed daughter, smell speech as expected dare not speak again.

The sky gradually became bright and the sun was very bright.

Jingzhi wakes up from his lethargy and feels like he has had a long dream. Many pictures in the past are floating in front of him one by one.

Memories are pouring in. Although there are still some broken memories and still can't remember all the things, the recovered part of the memory is enough for Jing intelligent to sort out some things.

At least, he remembered his parents and the people he had known.

Seeing Jingzhi wake up, Jingrui can't help but feel worried and ask, "ah Zhi, have you remembered anything?"

If Jing Zhi can't remember anything, he can only let Jing Zhi do the paternity test with jingyiran himself, otherwise there is really no way to prove their parent-child relationship.

Jingzhi raised his head and looked at the cold, almost perfect face in front of him. Thinking of Jingrui's appearance when he was a child, he suddenly laughed: "brother, you look the same as when you were a child!"

Jingrui suddenly breathes a sigh of relief, Shucheng mountain's hypnosis has an effect!

Shuchengshan is also relieved. He used to have confidence in his hypnosis. Since he met Jing Rui, his confidence has been completely destroyed. Before, he was afraid that he could not hypnotize Jingzhi. He worried for a long time.

Fortunately, Jing Zhi's guard is not as heavy as Jing Rui, and because he trusts Jing Rui, his mind is open when he hypnotizes, which is the only way to succeed.

"Ray, I've done what I promised you. His memory is restored! Then you will be responsible for protecting my daughter

Jingzhi's memory is restored, and Jingrui is in a good mood. He lightly answers a word of Shucheng mountain: "good!"

The task of Shucheng mountain is completed, and he is soon taken away from the hotel by Jingrui's people.

In the room, only two brothers were left.

"Brother, I In fact, I just remember a little, but I don't remember much. "

"Remember me?"

Jingzhi immediately nodded: "remember!"

Jing Rui smiles: "that's OK."

The hypnotist is not omnipotent. He just plays a guiding role to remind the amnesiac of his forgotten memories. It is impossible for people to recall every bit of the past. He can only make Jing Zhi recall his most familiar and impressive pictures.

"Brother, I'm hungry..."

Although Jing Zhi remembers some things in the past, he has not been with Jing Rui for seven years. He is still a little embarrassed when he says he is hungry.

However, he had not eaten for a day and night, and he was too hungry.

Jingrui takes out his mobile phone, dials a number, simply orders two words, and then someone brings in all kinds of food.

"Eat it. It's already ready for you."

Jing Zhi glanced at the food he had brought and found that it was all he liked to eat!

He loves beef, sweets and oranges, but he has never told anyone about his preferences, and he has always been careful to guard against his hobbies. Even if there are vegetables and other things he doesn't like to eat, he will eat them all.

However, Jing Rui knows all his likes and dislikes!

Now his brother is in the hospital. He must be the one in front of him!

Jingzhi kept putting his right hand into his mouth. After eating for a while, he felt less hungry. Then he put his left hand in front of Jingrui: "brother, do you think I'm smart? I engraved these two words in the palm of my hand, so I always remember that I have a brother

Jing Rui looks at his brother's heartless appearance, and the pain in his heart is so clear!

He knew that Jing Zhi must have found that he had forgotten a lot of things. He was afraid that he would forget his brother, so he would use this way to remember.

This is undoubtedly the most painful way.

Pricking words in the palm of one's hand is a pain that ordinary people can't bear. What's more, Jing Zhi's body has a strong recovery ability. These handwriting needs to be repeated many times before it can be left.

He couldn't imagine how young Jing Zhi wanted to remember him. He would stab words in his palm again and again and experience the pain again and again.

He put a peeled orange into Jing Zhi's hand and whispered, "yes, you are very smart. But you can be a little bit stupid in the future. I'm smart enough

Because I'll never lose you again.

Jingzhile giggled, and his brother peeled the orange for him again!

How happy!

In his memory, no one has peeled an orange for him except Jingrui!In fact, he didn't like to eat orange peel, but he always stubbornly refused to peel it, because he knew that his brother would be cold and soft hearted to help him peel.

Jingzhi gobbles up an orange, which makes his hands and mouth full of orange juice.

Jing Rui takes out the white handkerchief from his body and carefully wipes his hands.

Suddenly, there was a picture in Jingzhi's mind. One day, at a certain time, he had eaten orange juice in his hand. His brother sat beside him, and slowly wiped his hand. After wiping, he called him a "fool".

Jingzhi looks at his brother's calm face and subconsciously asks, "brother, why don't you call me a fool?"

Jing Rui couldn't help laughing and said in a low voice, "fool!"

As expected with the memory of the same tone, with a little helpless, but also with a touch of connivance.

Jingzhi is happy and destroys all the food.

When his stomach is round and round, he suddenly finds that Jingrui has nothing to eat!

Jingzhi was a little confused: "brother, I ate your share as well..."

Jing Rui said calmly: "it's OK. It's not the first time."

Jingzhi thought for a moment. It seems that it is! He can't think of the specific, but he has many similar conversations in his impression!

June day, the child's face, said to change, outside the first moment is still sunny, but the next moment to make up for the clouds, seems to be brewing a shocking storm.

Jing Rui looks up at the sky outside and stands up to go out.

"I'll go out and deal with other things first. You stay here. Don't go anywhere until I come back."

"Brother, I'll be with you!"

Jingzhi knows that he is going to deal with the people of the two organizations. He can imagine what kind of shock will be caused by the news of his death!

He didn't want his brother to bear the anger of those people alone! , the fastest update of the webnovel!