Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 930


Jing Rui's voice is not big, but the tone is that kind of irresistible firmness.

"You wait here, and I'll ask the hypnotist to hypnotize you a few more times to help you recover your memory. The rest, you don't have to do anything. "


Jingzhi wants to say something more, but is forced to go back by Jingrui's cold eyes.

Outside the window, a thunderbolt exploded, the heavy rain poured down.

Jingzhi watched his brother take out his killer equipment, put on his mask again, climbed out of the window, and then disappeared in the storm. The shock in his heart almost made him cry.

The elder brother chooses a person to face the storm, leaving warmth and peace to him.

A flash of lightning cut through the sky and lit up the dark earth.

In the storm, there is only one figure walking alone.

Jingrui is wet all over, but he has been used to this kind of life, and the heavy rain will not weaken his fighting spirit.

Now, there are a lot of killers around the hospital.

Jing Rui doesn't deliberately hide his body shape. He wants others to see him coming, so as to avoid other people's suspicion.

The false impression that Jing Rui gives to the killer organization is that in the process of killing the target, Jing Zhi is killed by "Jingrui" people after injuring the target.

Since Jing Zhi is dead, at least there should be a corpse. Neither the killer organization nor the research institute believe that Jing Zhi is dead. The orders issued by both sides are: live to see people and die to see corpses.

Therefore, the killer organization immediately dispatched many people to look for Jing Zhi's body.

Jing Rui finds a hidden corner, quietly lurking.

Killer organizations and research institutes are focusing on this, and this is the best time for internal counterattack!

In Mu's Hospital, all of them are guarded by jingyichen.

"Jing Rui" was injured and nearly died. He should be furious and show his most powerful strength.

In the ward, Liao Wei was lying on the bed pale, with fear and panic in his eyes.

He's been a stand in for seven years, and it's the first time he's been hurt so badly! He would have gone to see the king of hell if he hadn't missed it!

What the hell is going on here!

In the past, there were people who wanted to kill him, but every time they were found out in advance by the people around him, and then they dealt with it.

After Jing Rui comes back, he is seriously injured immediately. The first suspect of Liao Wei is Jing Rui.

Moreover, after he was injured, no one came to save him for a long time, and he was even knocked unconscious by the cold wind of honesty and duty!

Thinking of this, Liao Wei took a bitter look at the cold wind still respectfully guarding his side.

He just knew that the cold wind is Jingrui's man! This man has always known that he is just a stand in for Jing Rui!

His every move, must have been told by the cold wind Jingrui!

Liao Wei vowed in his heart that he would get rid of the cold wind in the future!

As for Jing Rui, he also wants to let him taste the pain of eating guns!

Liao Wei has been a stand in for seven years, and he has been in power for seven years. He is not stupid at all. He has been trying his best to cultivate his confidants.

Few people know his real identity. In the name of the successor of the king family, he can easily buy people off.

Over the years, he has been letting his secret forces explore the whereabouts of Jing Rui.

Jing Zhi disappeared at the age of 10, which is known to all a city.

In the same year, Liao Wei became Jing Rui's double, and the real Jing Rui disappeared as if the world had evaporated.

These two things are obviously related. Liao Wei has already found out Jing Ruijin's killer organization from here.

However, Jing Rui is not sure which one of the killer organizations is.

Taking advantage of the cold wind, Liao Wei sends a message to his confidant, and then lies down on the bed, pretending to be nothing.

He sneers in his heart. He can't find out which killer is Jing Rui himself. I think the killer organization can find out?

So confidential information to the killer organization, I think, he can get a huge return!

Jingrui, don't you want to kill me?

Let's see who died first!

As the night passed, both sides lost a lot of manpower.

Then, the top killers all received the order of the organization, and Jing Rui naturally received it.

The killers don't know why they have to be transferred back. Only Jing Rui knows the specific reason.

It's time to go back to North America again. Just after returning, he has to leave again. Jing Rui is a little worried about Jing Zhi.

He immediately rushed back to the hotel and told Jingzhi what to do next.

"I'm going back to the killer base. Ah Zhi, don't show up at will in a city recently. Just stay in the hotel for the time being. Now it's too dangerous outside. After I take control of the killer organization, you can move freely!"Jingzhi is shocked!

He never thought that Jing Rui's goal was to swallow the whole killer organization!

He can't even think about it!

"Brother, I You must be careful! "

Jing Zhi originally wanted to say that he would go back to North America with him, but he also knew that he would not be able to help, but might lead to more fierce fighting. He had to change his words.

Jingrui nodded: "I'll send someone to take out the chip behind your ear in a moment. Don't leave. And, everyone in the family, safety is up to you! "


Jing Zhi thought that he was useless, but he was entrusted with the responsibility of protecting his family. He immediately felt that he was not worthless and he could help!

Jingrui smiles and whispers: "you are the top killer. It's no problem to protect several people. Especially Xi Xi, she is the youngest and most in need of protection. She hasn't seen both of us since she was born. You can let her play. "

Because the mission to a city is to kill Jing Rui, the killer organization has naturally given all the relevant information of Jing's family to all the killers.

Therefore, Jing Zhi knows that Jing Rui has a sister.

He is pretending to be dead, and the fake Jing Rui is still alive. The current situation is very unfavorable to the killer organization. They are likely to take advantage of the young Jing Xi.

Therefore, Jing Rui's worries are reasonable.

Jingzhi more and more feel that the task on his shoulder is also very heavy, he nodded seriously: "brother, I and Xi Xi wait for you to come back!"

Jing Rui smiles indifferently and then turns to leave.

As soon as he got out of the hotel, he received a message from one of his subordinates: boss, shuchengshan committed suicide and left a suicide note to his daughter.

Jingrui slightly shocked, he did not expect that Shucheng mountain, who has always been greedy about life and death, has the courage to commit suicide!

For the sake of his daughter, he has really done his best! , the fastest update of the webnovel!