Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 928

Hypnotist is not at all reassured by Jing Rui's promise.

He is a killer who regards human life as grass root. He lives by reaping life and exploring people's inner secrets.

In his opinion, Jing Rui is a more ruthless killer than he is. Unless Jing Rui really cares about people, he won't care about other people's life and death.

The hypnotist took a look at Jing Zhi, who was in a daze. Suddenly he made up his mind and said, "no, it's not possible! There will be no security for my daughter in the future. You can't just promise me! "

Jing Rui looked at the hypnotist coldly and called out his real name: "Shucheng mountain, you have no qualification to talk to me about conditions!"

Shucheng mountain was called the real name, the heart slightly shocked.

This name has not been called for more than ten years!

He was a natural hypnotist. After learning a little from his master when he was young, he could easily hypnotize some people with weak willpower.

He loved money so much that he did not know how much money he had stolen by hypnosis.

Later, his hypnotism became more and more sophisticated, and finally someone offered him a big price to hypnotize and kill people.

The price offered by the employer was too high for him to be indifferent, so he began to take the road of killing.

However, the domestic law is strict, he violated the criminal law and was sentenced to death.

With the help of his master, he smuggled abroad.

In order to survive, he kept hypnotizing all kinds of people and became a multimillionaire step by step.

The name of Shucheng mountain represents his past, his unbearable, and his precious memory.

When he was still in China, a silly woman conceived his child. She knew that he was an executioner, not a good man, but she still insisted on giving him a daughter.

He never married in his whole life, but he took that silly woman as his forever wife.

Unfortunately, the enemy found the door and killed her cruelly.

When he got home, he only saw his wife's cold body and her daughter hidden in the cupboard.

Shuchengshan knows that he is cruel. He never considers other people's feelings when he kills others. However, he is cruel to others, but he loves his wife and daughter incomparably!

He swore to avenge his wife's death.

But it's inconvenient for him to take his daughter by himself, and it's easy for his enemies to stare at her.

That's why he sent his daughter to the orphanage. Later, he sent her to the virus research institute, which was isolated from the world and could not even infiltrate the killers. No one could find her.

However, Shucheng mountain did not expect that he personally sent his daughter into a fire pit!

He thought that, with the protection of his brother-in-law, his daughter would surely grow up peacefully in the Research Institute.

However, with a very high IQ and hypnotic intelligence, he failed!

The so-called brother is unreliable. His daughter suffered a lot in the Research Institute, but he was unable to save her daughter as a father.

It is only when he meets Jing Rui that he has a glimmer of hope to make his daughter free again.

Now, he can't let this glimmer of hope die! He's going to catch it!

If her daughter has such a powerful person as Jing Rui to guard her life, then she will no longer need to live in deep water!

She will be able to live a carefree life!

He looked at Jing Rui and solemnly said, "if you want to kill me, I have nothing to say. After all, I want your life first. But I want to exchange a message for the happiness of my daughter's life! "

Jing Rui looks very cold: "what news?"

"If you promise me to marry my daughter, I will tell you the news."

Jingrui seems to have heard Tianda's joke!

Is this Shucheng mountain in my head?!

His marriage affairs, even his parents have completely given him the autonomy, his wife let him choose, shuchengshan even wanted to intervene in his marriage, let him marry Shu Yin!

He contacted Shu Yin many times, but never met her! Not even her voice!

Let him marry a woman he has never met, let alone Shucheng mountain, no one can do it!

Jingrui sneered: "Shucheng mountain, you have a big appetite. You want your daughter to be the young lady of our Jing family. After that, all the family assets of the Jing family will be yours, right?"

Shuchengshan takes money as his life. His careful thinking is punctured by Jing Rui, but he is not embarrassed.

"Yes, I just want my daughter to enjoy the glory and wealth! She will give birth to a child named Jing, but not Shu. Your family's money still belongs to you. I'm just looking for a strong supporter for my daughter! "

"It's impossible!"

Let Shu Yin give birth to him?!

Shu Yin has lived in the Virus Research Institute for so long, and many viruses have been lurking in her body. Can she have children or two!What's more, he doesn't want to touch any women.

"I said, as long as your daughter is honest, I will let her live a stable life. No matter what news you have, I don't need it! "

With a message, in exchange for his wife's position, no matter how important the news is, Jing Rui can't agree.

What's more, just like Shucheng mountain can't believe him, he also can't believe Shucheng mountain!

Shuchengshan is an old fox. He disguises himself so well in front of him, looks so sincere and honest, but in fact? Shuchengshan has been trying to contact the outside forces, trying to kill him in turn!

If shuchengshan said is false news, deceive him to throw himself into the net, then everything will be late.

Shuchengshan is very fond of his daughter, but what does this have to do with him?

If Shu Yin tries to revenge in the future, then her kindness to take care of Jing Zhi will be written off! Anyway, he has protected her for so long that he never owes her!

"Shucheng mountain, don't play any tricks. You'd better do your work first. If the memory of the person around you doesn't recover, you and your daughter will meet underground."

"Ray, my information is really valuable! If you don't listen, you will regret it! "

Shucheng mountain did not expect Jing Rui to refuse so simply, his anxious forehead is full of sweat.

"Haven't you met my daughter yet? It's not too late for you to make a decision after you meet her! "

"It doesn't make any difference whether you see or not. Just give up. I won't marry her."

Shuchengshan thought of his wife's beautiful face and whispered, "no, my daughter is very beautiful. She is very similar to her mother. You will like her..."

"Shut your mouth and continue to hypnotize. That's the only value of your life."

"I will try my best to help him recover his memory, but..."

Jingrui suddenly some collapse, how this Shucheng mountain so nagging!

Is that Shuyin a chatter like her father? , the fastest update of the webnovel!