Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 927

A top hypnotist, can easily make people into deep sleep, also can let people in the half dream and half awake, recall some of the past scene.

However, Jing Zhi has systematically studied anti hypnosis courses, so hypnotists in the process of hypnosis are not smooth.

After a lot of hypnosis, the effect gradually came to fruition.

Jingrui has always been with Jingzhi. He hears Jingzhi shouting "brother" in his lethargy, and sees the word "brother" in Jingzhi's palm.

His eyes were reddish.

He wasted seven years in the killer organization, suffered seven years of suffering, he never regretted.

At this moment, he was very happy with his choice.

He can learn other things slowly, and his family assets can be taken care of by others. The only thing he can't wait for is to rescue Jing Zhi.

At the beginning, he didn't have enough ability to penetrate into the two forces. He couldn't determine which one was Jing Zhi.

In the first two years, he and Jing Zhi both suffered a lot, until later his power gradually grew stronger and stronger.

Now, it's time for him to revenge on those people!

North America, luxury decoration and strict management of the Virus Research Institute Headquarters, since receiving the news of Jingzhi's death, has been fried.

Their virus research is at a critical stage. If they lose Jingzhi, all their efforts in the first seven years will be wasted!

Their genetic modification program will be completely interrupted, and the loss will be incalculable!

A lot of money invested by governments has been wasted, and their research institutes need to bear the anger of more than a dozen powerful countries.

In the Research Institute, people are in a panic, Shu Yin's face is flustered and uneasy, but her heart is calm and calm.

She was even a little happy.

Is this crazy virus cage finally going to be disintegrated?

So, does that mean she's free?

Boss promised her that as long as Jingzhi can return to a city safely, her task will be finished.

She hasn't seen the outside world for a long time!

She came to the virus research institute when she was very young. Because of her special talent for genetic inheritance and virus isolation, she survived in terror.

Dealing with viruses every day, many doctors and researchers die of virus infections.

Doctors will take weak children to do experiments. All the children who grow up in the research institute are experimental subjects, including Jingzhi and her.

However, she and Jing Zhi's luck seems to be good, although the virus still exists in the body, but they are tenacious to survive!

Jing Zhi is taken home by boss, and Shu Yin is envious.

She has no home.

Even if the virus institute does collapse, there is no place for her to go.

Jing Zhizhen is happy. He has a brother like boss to take care of and protect him.

Admiration to envy, Shu Yin but not discouraged.

In this world, there has never been love for no reason. Although she has never been out of graduate school and never seen boss, she knows that boss and Jing Rui must have been very good brothers when they were young. Otherwise, Jing Zhi would not have stabbed the word "brother" in his palm when he lost his memory.

Shu Yin is 18 years old. She has been in the Virus Research Institute for ten years!

It is enough to prove that she has strong willpower and tenacity to survive in a man eating Research Institute. She has become a little successful doctor step by step from an experimental sample. Her research and understanding of virus have exceeded imagination.

In the past two years, her status has been greatly improved due to her affiliation with Jing Rui. She has mastered a large number of Secrets of the virus research institute, which she secretly reported to Jing Rui bit by bit.

Male and female researchers often come to study the virus.

Shu Yin has no background or any support in the Academy. She is also a rare Asian girl in the Research Institute. She has black hair and black eyes, and her skin is as white as snow. She is obviously different from Western women, so she has naturally become the coveted object of many men.

The biggest reason why she chose to join Jing Rui was that she had no way to protect herself, and she had to find a strong supporter.

In fact, many people in the research institute have turned to Jing Rui, the boss who never appeared before. At that time, Peter advised her to join Jing Rui.

At first, Shu Yin was afraid that Jing Rui was also a wolf's nest. Later, she gradually realized that although the boss was cruel, she didn't seem to have any interest in women. She didn't need women to sacrifice their bodies for intelligence.

Therefore, she has been taking care of Jingzhi secretly and openly all the time, which is her only task.

The stolen secrets are all her own gifts to Jing Rui in return.

After all, the more valuable she is, the less likely she will be given up.The cruel living environment has long given Shu Yin extraordinary maturity and scheming. Here, if she is simple and kind, there is only one end - tragic death.

The academy and the killer organization have been fighting each other, and the top leaders of both sides are almost crazy, constantly blaming and attacking each other.

The partnership just broke down!

However, only a few hours later, the two sides even truce!

They joined hands again!

Shu Yin soon got the result of the joint effort - they sent enough people to kill city A.

She ventured to obtain all the lists of the research institute going to city a, and then immediately submitted it to Jing Rui.

City a, the sky is slightly bright, the darkness is gradually fading, the hotel's luxury suites, refract into the soft sunshine.

Jing Rui looks at the long list that Shu Yin passes to him, can't help but sneer.

Are they all here to die so quickly?

Seven years ago, they took Jing Zhi away. He was so oppressed by the two forces that he could not resist.

But now, he is no longer a twelve year old boy!

He gave Shuyin a series of instructions, and at last, he sent another single instruction: when it's done, you will be free.

Jing Rui takes a look at the hypnotist who is still hypnotizing Jing Zhi.

This hypnotist, surnamed Shu!

Hopefully, Shuyin never knew that her father was still living in this world, and she had better not know that her father would die in his hands.

Otherwise, he would have to kill the girl.

If she is safe, he will let her live well. After all, she has taken care of Jingzhi for so long, secretly changing a lot of drugs for Jingzhi, so that his body gradually recovers.

Hypnotist seems to be aware of it. He raises his face and stares at Jingrui.

"You promised me not to kill my daughter, you promised to take good care of her!"

Jing Rui is silent for a moment and says faintly: "as long as she is honest and honest, I can promise you that you will not kill her." , the fastest update of the webnovel!