Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 926

Jingzhi suddenly turns around!

A familiar, masked face came into his eyes.

Jingzhi's pupil suddenly shrinks: "lightning!"

Jing Rui chuckled and said, "I am."

"What did you call me?"

"I call you a Zhi, because the devil is dead now."

Jingzhi subconsciously took out the gun, aimed at Jing Rui, and asked in a sharp tone: "who are you?"

When performing tasks outside, the killers will not meet in private. Everyone is busy with their own affairs, and there is absolutely no possibility of company.

In front of the lightning ranking first, they trained together, Jing Zhi knows his ability is very strong.

What's more, he subconsciously chose to protect himself after so many things that he couldn't understand just now.

Jing Rui is pointed at by his younger brother with a gun, and is not displeased at all. He takes a look at the comatose twin sisters on the ground and says in a low voice, "the efficiency is very high. You can find them both so quickly."

Jing Zhi didn't dare to relax. Everything was so strange today. He had a strong guard in his heart.

Isn't Jing Rui in the ward always protected by countless people?

Why is it that after the gunshot, he has been crying in pain and crying out for the doctor, but no one came!

All the doctors and nurses are dead?!

Jing Rui seems to dislike the voice inside. He says faintly to the ward: "cold wind, let him shut up."

As soon as his voice fell, there was a thump in the ward, and then there was a dead silence, and there was no sound.

Jing Zhi's mind was shocked and he blurted out: "did you shoot him just now?"

Jing Rui nodded faintly: "yes. Any questions? If not, let's go! "

"To where?"

"Go home."

"I don't have a home!"

"No, you have found it."

"My death, is your hand and foot?" Although it's hard to believe, everything is unreasonable. Only the "lightning" in front of her is so calm and confident that Jing Zhi can't think of any other possibilities.

"Yes." Jing Rui's cold face with a touch of mild, "I've been waiting for this day for seven years! It's a little late, but I've finally brought you back! "

"It's impossible!"

Jingzhi can't believe that the killer organization's system will go wrong!

He then implanted a life sensing chip. Unless he really died, the killer organization would know that he was still alive through the chip!

But now the words of his death appear on the mobile phone!

And what does lightning mean by saying that he has been waiting for this day for seven years?

Jingrui himself knows how bizarre such a thing is, because he has spent countless human and material resources to crack the secret of the killer organization's chip. The profits of Jingsheng group in recent years have all been used to crack the chip.

"No doubt, my men have broken all the systems of the killer organization, so they have tampered with your state of life. Just now my men shot into the ward just now, also to hide people's eyes. The information from the killer organization will be that you shot and wounded Jing Rui, and then be shot and killed by the people around him. "

Jingrui said, taking out the medicine from his body, slowly dripping on his face, his mask began to gradually separate from his skin.

Jing Zhi's eyes are wide with shock!

"Lightning" should take off his mask and meet him with his real face!

The true face of a killer is unknown to other people except several senior leaders of the killer organization. This is the top secret of the killer organization and the biggest secret of a killer!

Jing Zhi is confused, nervous and on guard.

Until he saw the real face under Jing Rui's mask, his mind became blank!

The person in front of him is very similar to his target Jing Rui!

"You, you, you You are... "

"Yes, I am Jing Rui."

"No! The one inside... "

"The one inside is just a double."

Jingzhi swallowed hard, he found that he had completely lost the ability to think!

"How can I believe you?"

"Ah Zhi, I've been by your side for seven years, haven't you noticed it?"

He sensed it!

Of course he did!

He just thought it was incredible!

His brain is not enough. It's a complete mess!

"Although the virus research institute is more difficult to control than the killer organization, it can still be done by placing a few people to take care of you. Does Peter look like he's a good talker? Is the most fresh orange for you every day

Jing Rui looked at Jing Zhi's shocked appearance, and said with a faint smile, "I know that although I have repeatedly reminded you to peel oranges, you have always been disobedient.""Besides, I'm your brother, the one in the ward, just like me. Next time, don't call the wrong person again. "

Jing Zhi stares at the tall man in front of him. He just feels like he is in a dream. Everything he experiences is so unreal.

"If you have any doubts, you can do DNA identification later. However, the top priority now is to help you find your memory. I've got the best hypnotist in the world, and it might be useful. If the hypnotic effect is good, then DNA identification is not needed. "

Jingrui finish saying, then turn around, stride to leave.

His voice, through the air, reached Jingzhi's ear far away: "I'm waiting for you in the Crown Hotel of city a, room number is 2201, I hope you won't let me wait too long."

Jing Zhi looks at the man who is likely to be his brother, and slowly disappears in his sight. He can't help but feel empty.

He stood there for a long time without moving.

I don't know how long it took for Jing Zhi to find his reason.

He took a deep breath and strode out of the hospital, ignoring the comatose twins.

For seven years, he has been searching for the truth of the past. Now, the truth is only one step away from him. He will not give up because of fear.

What's more, he doesn't feel any danger from Jing Rui.

In the hotel room, Jing Rui waits patiently.

He knew that Jing Zhi would come back.

Although Jing Zhi may have a lot of doubts, he must have a positive answer in his heart - his surname is Jing.

Night, already very deep.

The hypnotist has been straining his nerves tonight, waiting for his most important patient of all time.

At one o'clock in the morning, a tall figure appeared quietly in the dark room.

"Ah Zhi, here you are."

After a short silence, Jingzhi's hoarse voice sounded in the room: "brother, is it really you? Don't lie to me. I'm scared

Jingrui stands up and walks to his younger brother. Looking at Jing Zhi, who is taller than him, he coaxes him like a child: "don't be afraid. I'm here. I've been there all the time." , the fastest update of the webnovel!