Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 923

Jing zhistaggers back.

He still did not remember the past, but he remembered who he was!

He is the Jing family. How can he kill Jing Rui, the successor of Jing family!

The killer organization and virus research institute must know his identity. They tried their best to erase his memory. One took him as a virus test object, and the other used him as a killing machine to kill Jing's family!

What a cruel heart!

No wonder the killer organization sent him to carry out such a difficult task this time, and completely ignored the opposition of the research institute!

Last night, he had already mastered the information of Jing family!

At present, Jing Rui is the only successor of Jing family!

There's no mention in the intelligence that there is a king Zhi who has been missing for many years!

I don't know how long it took for Jingzhi to recover.

His excellent hearing and vision make him quickly find the advanced ward of Jingrui.

There are people in and out of the ward from time to time. Jing Zhi sees the man lying on the hospital bed through the crack of the door far away - exactly in line with the target picture given by the killer organization.

Jing Zhiyin is in the dark, but doubts gradually arise in his heart.

In the past six months, he was very sure that his brother was with him. Whenever he was in danger, he could always save himself from danger. He even knew that when he fell into the sea, his brother saved him.

On the oranges that he ate, there were words carved by his brother!

If the man in North America is a brother, who is the man in front of him?!

Does he have two brothers?

It's impossible. The intelligence doesn't say that Jing Rui has other brothers.

Damn it! If only he had not lost his memory!

In any case, he can't kill Jing Rui.

Before that, he must retrieve his memory first!

Jing Zhigang wants to leave when a man and a woman break into his sight.

A brother and a sister are both alike at the age of seventeen.

The boy is gentle and handsome. He is dressed in white, handsome and steady.

The girl has bright eyes and bright teeth. She looks like a fairy coming out of the flowers in her yellow dress.

Even her voice was clear and sweet, just like oriole.

"Brother, what's wrong with my cousin? Isn't he always in good health? How can you be hospitalized! And I heard Dad say he's going to stay here for a month? Are you going to sit here

"Don't be naughty! How can a girl of such a big age speak so poorly? My cousin just came to the hospital to take care of himself. My father said that he had suffered too many injuries before, but he didn't take good care of it. Recently, he was too tired to manage the company, so he fell ill. "

Juvenile helpless reprimand, but the tone can not say doting.


Jing Zhi's heart flashed a sense of familiarity, he glanced at the young man's chest plaque: Mu Sen.

Another familiar name.

However, it's just a little familiar. Specifically, Jing Zhi can't even remember the picture.

However, it is a good thing to have a sense of familiarity!

This shows that he must have known these two people before!

Jingzhi didn't move. He leaned against the wall and pretended to be another patient's family member. He quietly listened to the two people.

Mudo turns his back to Jing Zhi, but he doesn't notice him at all. However, after seven years, Jingzhi has changed too much, and he still has a mask on his face, so he can't recognize him.

Musen only looked at Jing Zhi, and then continued to talk to his sister.

"Have you finished all my homework recently? Why did you come to the hospital again? In a few days, you will officially start the operation. If you don't have a good practice in school, come here to be careful that your mother will deduct your pocket money. "

"Oh, brother, if you don't say no, no one will know? I came to the hospital to see my cousin! He has been busy all day, and now he has a chance to meet him. You are not allowed to report! My cousin is now more and more indifferent to me, the last time I saw him or two months ago, he was as crazy as he did not see me! Don't even say hello to me. I'm here to settle accounts with him today

"Duoduo, don't make a fool of yourself. Since Jingzhi is missing. My cousin is like a changed person. He doesn't like to talk. You'd better not quarrel with him. "

"It's not me who tied up Jing Zhi and sent it to those bad guys! Brother, I'm not the one who makes mistakes! When I was a child, I fought with Jingzhi again and again, but I didn't do anything to hurt him! That day When Zheng yuluo confused Jing Zhi, I didn't participate

"I know, Duoduo, you are not involved. However, you did not save him, knowing that he was tied up by Zheng yuluo, you did not stop him. What's more, I gave the medicine to Zheng yuluo in the end. Otherwise, Jingzhi's strength would not be cut by others. If it wasn't for my random delivery of medicine, Jing Zhi might have escaped that"Brother, how can I blame you! You gave her medicine to protect herself, not to harm people. Brother, don't blame yourself. At that time, we were all young and didn't understand anything. Even if we fell down, we didn't know that it would lead to such serious consequences Jingzhi Maybe he's all right. Where is he going on holiday? "

Although both brothers and sisters kept their voices very low, Jingzhi still heard it clearly.

He's like an iceberg!

My brother and sister had something to do with it!

Who is Zheng yuluo again?!

The girl said, he's ok? on vacation? Play?!!

Jingzhi smiles miserably!

No one knows what kind of hell he is living in!

No one can understand what kind of suffering and pain he suffered!

He has been searching for the reasons for so many years. He has never known why he fell into the hands of virus paranoia. He still does not know why his parents did not want him. It turns out that someone buried him himself!

He must find out the truth of that year! No one who should go to hell can escape!

Jing Zhi stood there with a calm face, and no one knew what terrible waves had been set off in his heart.

He clenched his hands tightly together, raised his head, and engraved the appearance of the brother and sister in his heart.

Since they do not care about his life and death, then, he will not care about their life and death!

Maybe it's because Jing Zhi's eyes are too cold. If he feels it, he follows the source of his eyes.

At the sight of Jing Zhisen's eyes and cold expression, he was shocked.

Mu duo saw that her brother was stunned and did not speak. She could not help but also looked at her brother's eyes.

Jingzhi finally sees the front face of Muduo. It's very beautiful, but He wanted to destroy it!

He gave his brother and sister a cold smile, revealing his white teeth: "you Don't die too soon , the fastest update of the webnovel!