Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 922

When his parents leave with his sister, Jing Rui calms down and goes to sleep soon.

He needs too much rest!

The next day, he gets up and has a simple breakfast from jingyichen. Jingrui begins to deal with the affairs in his hands.

He has been infiltrating forces into the two major organizations. Up to now, although he can not completely control these two forces, it is easier to get information.

When he saw Andrew and North falling out, he could not help but smile on his indifferent face.

The cooperation between the two organizations began to crack, so he could take advantage of it.

However, the virus research institute sent a lot of people to a city to bring back Jing Zhi.

Jingrui sneers, these people, after coming to a city, don't want to go back again!

The Institute of virology has abundant resources in various fields. It has cooperated with the governments of many countries. However, in terms of fighting power, they are far behind the killer organizations.

When the killer organization comes, Jing Rui still needs to deal with it in person. When the people from the virus research institute come, they don't need him.

After dealing with the affairs at hand, Jing Rui changed into a common dress, put on his hat and went out.

Today, the hypnotist will come to a city. Although he is extremely cruel, his hypnotism is unique. Whether Jingzhi can restore his memory depends on him.

However, this man is too crafty. Jing Rui doesn't trust him. He needs to put pressure on him again, because tonight, he will ask the hypnotist to try to hypnotize Jingzhi.

The hypnotist lives in the most luxurious five-star hotel in a city. This hotel is a subsidiary of Jingsheng group. All of them are his own people. Jingrui doesn't have to worry about any accidents.

Hypnotist was forced to come to a city, very reluctant, but after seeing the cold Jing Rui, he was honest.

Br >

when you look at my father's luxurious room, do you think you can find my father's room in front of my window? You're not the only hypnotist. Don't challenge my bottom line again

The hypnotist panicked. He lived all his life, but ended up in the hands of a stinky boy less than 20, which made him resentful and helpless.

Jing Rui is not a human being. His cruelty is shocking!

He has already spied on Jing Rui's ambition. He even wants to control the world's largest killer organization!


Others don't know, but he knows that the 22 masters lost by the killer organization in half a year are all killed by Jingrui! It's all his own acting!

So many people died just to let Jingzhi return to city a and arouse his memory!


The hypnotist shuddered, "no, no, ray, you misunderstood me! I just knew that jingshao was your father, so I looked for him! I just want to live! Don't we all have an agreement? You said you would protect my daughter from harm! "

Jing Rui doesn't turn his head and still looks at the sea outside the window.

His white face is straight and straight, and his black face is straight and straight.

"Yes, I promised to protect her and give her freedom in the future. However, if you are honest and obedient. Obviously, it's you who broke the agreement first. I think you decided to give up your daughter's life, didn't you? "

"No, no, absolutely not!" The hypnotist is in a cold sweat. He is afraid that Jing Rui will really kill his daughter. He can lose everything but his daughter!

"Don't touch my daughter! I will never contact others again. I will try my best to help your friend recover his memory! I have made a new breakthrough in Hypnotism recently

Jingrui hears the words, but his face is still indifferent.

"It depends on your performance tomorrow! Tomorrow I'll bring someone over. If he can't recover his memory, the sea outside is your grave! Your daughter, too, will be with you


Because it's not easy to hide during the day, most of the killer's actions are at night, and in the dead of the night, when people's defense ability is the lowest.

Jing Zhi takes his own equipment at the specific contact point of the killer organization, changes into a black night suit and begins to track and observe the target.

In the killer organization, there are special intelligence personnel who are responsible for collecting target information and providing the general location of the target.

The intelligence that Jingzhi received last night was the target of Jingsheng group. The information received today is the target in the hospital.

Jingzhi frowns slightly.


He hates hospitals!

And the target in the hospital can be better protected, not conducive to killing.

A fourth ranked hurricane has died, but Jingzhi did not act rashly. He has a good experience in killing people, and knows that he can't be too anxious.However, when observing the surrounding terrain, he always felt that the target hospital was very familiar.

Did he come here many times as a child?

Jingzhi thumped his head, and the feeling of forgetting all the past was really painful.

He shook his head and did not dare to think hard again, so as not to have a headache again. If he had a headache at this time, he would be exposed.

After observing the terrain outside all night, Jing Zhi has a general plan for his retreat. Then he changes into a normal dress and a blue baseball cap and goes into the hospital.

After entering the hospital, Jing Zhi is more and more sure that he has been here as a child.

The memory is extremely fuzzy, but with a kind of intuition, Jing Zhi finds an office successfully. The door number of the office says: chief physician Jing Yiran.

There is also a picture of jingyiran wearing a white coat under the name.

Jingzhi stands in front of the door, trance seems to be back in childhood!

A child, chuckling, shouting "Dad" here!

He remembers here!

He's been here! I've been here countless times!

On the door of the office, the words "Jingrui" and "Jingzhi" are askew!

He remembered his name at last!

His name is Jingzhi!

His name is not Sean!

No wonder!

No wonder he is very familiar with the word "Jing"! The king family, which has a high reputation, is his home! His name is Jing!

No, wait!


Isn't that what he wants to kill?!

He looked at the two crooked names on the door, took off his gloves, and the two light blue handwriting in the palm appeared in front of him.


The man he's going to kill is his brother!

All around the sound are disappearing, all the figures are retrogressing, his mind, a blank! , the fastest update of the webnovel!