Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 924

Wood flower is frightened by Jing Zhi's gloomy and cold eyes, and can't help but step back.

"Who are you?" Musen frowned

The person in front of him looks ordinary, but his whole body is murderous and uncomfortable.

They don't know him. Why is his speech so bad?

Jing Zhi didn't answer. He gave them a cold look and strode away.

When Jingzhi left, Muduo was relieved from his fierce pressure.

She stamped her foot angrily: "brother, is this man a madman? When did our hospital become a neuropathy hospital? "

Musen looked at Jingzhi's tall back, thinking.

He is a good-natured person, not willing to conflict with others for no reason. He comforted his sister: "OK, Duoduo, don't be angry. Aren't you going to see your cousin?"

Mu duo was hurt for no reason, and was a little angry, but she was really afraid just now, so that she forgot to get angry. Even if she remembered the appearance of the man just now, she still felt cold all over.

However, she did not provoke anyone!

Since the disappearance of Jing Zhi, the Zheng sisters have been depressed for a long time. Along with her, she has become a lot more honest. Apart from occasionally playing tricks on others, she has never done anything out of the ordinary.

She used to hate Jingzhi, but after all, it was a human life!

After Jingzhi disappeared, jingyiran ran ran to the Zheng family and almost burned the Zheng family! If it wasn't for father Mu Qing's death, Jing Yi Ran killed the twins.

Mu duo shakes her head and dispels the fear of Jing Zhi. She holds her brother's arm and goes to see Jing Rui with him.

After entering the ward, the cousin on the bed looked as if he was not sick at all except his face.

Mu duo couldn't help asking, "cousin, what's wrong with you? Why are you in hospital? "

Liao Wei was half imprisoned in the hospital. He was in a terrible mood. He was cold and didn't pay any attention to Muduo.

However, he turned to think that he used to look like Jing Rui as much as possible. He was cold to everyone at will and was not close to anyone. Now no one doubts that he is not Jing Rui. Why not take the opportunity to win over his own influence?

Nowadays, a lot of things in the Jing family are controlled by his double. Jing Rui is not in a city at all. Even if he comes back in the future, if he doesn't let the power and assets in his hands, can't Jing Rui take them back?

Who is true and who is false, no one else can tell!

Of course, the premise is to let Jing Yichen and shangguanning shut up forever!

Thinking of this, Liao Wei turned his head and looked at the young wood flowers.

The girl's skin is white and flawless, her facial features are delicate, her body is slim, and her legs are long and straight.

What a creature!

Eighteen years old, it is a girl's most beautiful years!

Liao Wei swallowed his saliva and pressed down the evil fire in his abdomen. He said faintly: "I'm not very well recently. I've been hospitalized for a period of time."

Mu duo was a little flattered. She hugged Liao Wei's arm and said, "cousin, would you like to talk to me?"

Since Jingzhi disappeared, Jingrui has not even seen her. He speaks with a word of "um" at most. He looks disgusted with her. Unexpectedly, he is willing to talk to her for the first time today!

Liao Wei is hugged by Mu duo and feels her soft and warm hands.

He is 22 years old this year. He has been a stand in for Jing's house since he was 15 years old. Let alone a woman, he didn't even touch a female fly!

There are so many women throw their arms, but he can only cold face push people out!

Can't touch a woman, 22-year-old is still a child, want a woman can only solve their own, this kind of oppression has nearly tortured him to death!

Suddenly touched by wood, he had a reaction immediately!

However, he couldn't do anything or even enjoy the comfortable groaning touch!

Liao Wei took a cold look at the wood.

Mu duo immediately opened her hand. She was so happy that she forgot that her cousin didn't like to be touched by others.

"Don't be angry, cousin. I didn't mean to. I'm just too happy!"

Liao Wei was so depressed that he almost suffered from internal injury. However, he could only show his displeasure on his face and gave a cold "um".

He can't change too much at once, otherwise it's too easy to arouse suspicion. He needs to take it step by step, so that all the people around him can be dead set on him and become the biggest help for him to overthrow Jing Rui!

Mu Sen also felt the change of Liao Wei today, but he was not as simple as Muduo. He always felt that today's things were full of an unspeakable strangeness!

He didn't miss the surprise in Liao Wei's eyes just now, but also noticed that Liao Wei looked at his sister's chest for three seconds!

Musen's heart is full of misgivings. He knows Jing Rui. How can he stare at a woman's chest! What's more, staring at his cousin's chest!Brothers have subconscious protection for their younger sisters.

Mu Sen grew up with his sister and took care of her as a treasure. If the person in front of him is not Jing Rui, he will not hesitate to give each other a needle!

He wants to take his sister away, but when she sees Jing Rui, she is willing to talk to her. She refuses to go, so she has to accompany her cousin.

Musen didn't dare to leave by himself. He stayed with him in the ward.

When it was dark, his heart was cold.

He doubted that the king Rui in front of him had changed!

How could he be so patient with his sister and let her stay here for a few hours! This is not Jingrui's style at all!

Jing Rui is one of those people who doesn't want to say a word more!

When he was young, he was busy all day without a shadow, learning all kinds of knowledge. There is no reason why he can rest here when he grows up!

Maybe it's not easy, but it can't be recuperated! Even if he is ill, he will seize the time to study and deal with all kinds of affairs at the same time!

Musen knew that there must be something wrong, but he could not judge what went wrong.


In the night, Jing Zhi lurks into the villa of Zheng family.

It is very simple for a killer to find out "Zheng yuluo".

He just needs to provide a little information, and a few minutes later he receives information from the killer organization.

Moreover, he also bought the relevant information of "Musen".

Up to now, the details of Jing family, Mu family and Zheng family are all in his hands.

Seeing the photo of Zheng yuluo provided by the killer organization, Jingzhi is slightly stunned.

This girl is not the student who once tried to draw his blood and was kicked out of the window by him?! , the fastest update of the webnovel!