Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 921

Shangguan Ning understood his son's meaning and said with a smile, "your sister is six years old this year, isn't she very clever?"

Jing Rui also laughed: "it's very smart."

If you are not smart enough, Jing Yichen will not tell Jing Xi about the stand in. It is easy for such a small child to say something out of the mouth and show his flaws easily.

What's more, the tone of Jingxi's speech is quite different from that of ordinary children.

Jingrui has been in contact with many children. How does he think that Jingxi's IQ should be closest to him.

It's just that she is a girl. She seems more lively and lovely than he is.

Jingxi heard his brother boast, but also very happy, Du small mouth son with him coquettish way: "brother, mother talks about you at home every day, how can you go home! Others have brothers and sisters to play with, but I don't! "

Jing Rui doesn't know what to say for a while.

He is indifferent, and today is the first time to see Jingxi. Even though they are brothers and sisters, he can't get close for a while. Unexpectedly, Jingxi is a self-made acquaintance, and his words make people feel so intimate and have no estrangement at all.

Jingrui doesn't know. Jingxi follows shangguanning, and almost every day she hears shangguanning talk about him. Since she was five years old, she knows that the common brother is not her own brother at all. She hopes that her brother can go home every day. She is waiting and waiting every day. Now her brother finally appears in front of her. If it is not really strange, she is a little strange I'll throw myself into my brother's arms.

Jingxi is really intelligent. She is very sensible. Her character is not like jingyichen, but like shangguanning.

She is the first girl in the Jing family. She has been pampered and cared for by the whole family. However, she is never unruly and willful except for being coquettish.

At home, mother often tears because of missing her brother. She will act like a coquette and coax her mother to be happy. Now that her brother is home, she must take the opportunity to tell her brother about her mother's missing for her brother.

"When I'm done, I'll show you."

Jing Rui has no experience of playing with his children. Before, Jing Zhi was his follower. He followed him shamelessly and refused to let him go to sleep. But at that time, both of them were boys, and they were children of the same age.

Now let him accompany Jingxi to play, he is a bit at a loss.

However, it's quite a novelty to have a beautiful doll like sister playing coquetry with him.

Jingxi got his brother's promise, nodded happily, and then urged Shangguan Ning: "Mom, it's so late. Didn't my father say that he won't let you stay so long? Let's go home and let my brother rest. "

Shangguan Ning is busy nodding, but Jing Rui is stunned.

His sister is like a housekeeper!

The most amazing thing is that my mother listened to my sister very much!

At home After all, is it the younger sister who has the final say?

"Housekeeper" Jing Xi was very happy today. She finally met her brother.

My brother is really different. It's much better than the double. At least the elder brother's eyes on her are affectionate. Unlike that double, she always looks gloomy when she looks at her.

"Brother, come here."

Jingxi smiles and waves to Jingrui.

Jing Rui hesitated for a moment, or close to his sister, and then on his face "PATA", his sister printed a wet kiss.

Jing Rui is stiff all over and stands on the spot.

Jingxi blinked innocent big eyes and asked, "brother, what's the matter with you?"

Jing Rui finally calms down and wipes his face uneasily.

He was really not used to being so close to him. He was stiff even when he was hugged by the Shangguan just now. Now he felt that he was not his own.

He couldn't help laughing bitterly. Just now he was kiss by Jingxi. He could hardly help but throw her out of the window.

He looked down at Gu Ling's strange sister, and suddenly reached out and rubbed her hair. He said with a smile, "it's clever!"

The little girl knew that he was not at ease, and even deliberately asked him what was wrong with him!

Jingxi was a little wronged. She didn't know that her brother was so unaccustomed to being touched. She turned her eyes and pointed to her small face with a smile: "brother, the teacher said that it's not polite to come but not to go. I kiss you, you should kiss me too!"

Jingrui is frozen again!

Tonight, he has no idea how many times he has been stiff!

When he saw the cunning in Jing Xi's eyes, he knew that he had been teased by a little girl!

He only teases others in his life, and has never been teased by others!

I don't know what's going on. Jing Rui feels that the strangeness between her and her sister disappears immediately.

With a gentle smile on his face, he picked up his six-year-old sister from the bed and said to Shangguan, "Mom, we have a little more goblin in our family. We have to watch it in the future, or you may have to have more sons-in-law!"Shangguan Ning suddenly smile eyes are bent, she looked at her son and daughter just met, so for a while so intimate, in the heart is very happy.

As expected, they are brothers and sisters. The blood relationship is not comparable to anything else. The stand in has not been a good face for Jingxi for so many years. Jing Rui's daughter actually gave a kiss to him as soon as he came back.

Jingxi has a skill since childhood, that is, as long as she is willing, she can be liked by others in a very short time.

Shangguan Ning took her daughter from her son's hand and held her in her arms. She couldn't help kissing her daughter's little face.

The daughter is smart and smart, beautiful and lovely, and is the happy fruit of the family.

Jingxi is also smiling. She is a real and carefree little girl. The Jing family doesn't need her to inherit. She is protected by her father and brother, and cared by her mother inside. Her personality is innocent.

"Goodbye, brother. I'll wait for you to go home."

After all, she still doesn't have deep feelings with Jing Rui, so she says goodbye so simply, but shangguanning can't do it. She is too reluctant to give up her son. After tonight, she doesn't know when to see her son again.

Seeing Shangguan Ning's eyes red again, Jingrui gently comforts her: "Mom, don't worry, I'll be OK, I'll go home soon!"

He circled Shangguan Ning's shoulder and slowly sent the two most important women in his life to the door.

As soon as he opens the door, Jingrui sees jingyichen standing outside the door.



Jingrui and Jingxi speak at the same time.

When Jing Yichen heard his son and daughter calling him, a faint smile appeared on Lengsu's face. He turned his head and saw his wife's red eyes looking at his son. He could not help saying, "ah Ning, you can't stay any longer. It's too dangerous. We must go home."

Shangguan Ning's tears suddenly fell down. She was so cruel that she turned her head and quickly left with her daughter in her arms.

There are only two father and son at the door. Jing Yichen gently patted his son on the shoulder and said faintly, "son, you are a man. Do what you want to do, your mother and I will support you."

Jing Rui nods heavily. , the fastest update of the webnovel!