Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 920

Shangguan Ning watched a tall and strange man come in with a gun in his hand. He was a little confused. When he heard Jingrui calling "Ma", he didn't know that the stranger was his son who he thought about day and night!

Her tears immediately fell down, got up and hugged Jingrui: "ruiruirui!"

She cried only two words, and then she could not restrain herself.

Even if Jing Rui's appearance changes greatly, even if he is not the size he left home seven years ago, and even if he is murderous, Shangguan Ning knows from the moment he hugs him that the tall and upright young man in front of him is his hard-working son.

Jing ruimeng is hugged by Shangguan Ning. He is stiff for a moment and then returns to normal.

In the past seven years, no one has held him like this, and he does not allow anyone to touch him. Moreover, the killer is merciless, and everyone is on guard against each other. There is no hugging and so on.

No one can guarantee, after a hug, will be killed.

However, the person in front of him is the mother who loves him most. He doesn't need to resist.

Jing Rui put the pistol away, then patted Shangguan Ning's back with one hand and wiped her tears with the other.

He used to see his father coax his mother like this. Although he was not skilled in his actions, he was not astringent either, because now he can finally understand his father's mood - his mother is their closest woman. She is not willing to let her cry or to make her sad. She always pays in silence. She puts him and her father in the first place and puts herself in the last place.

Her son actually learned from her husband's action to coax her, Shangguan Ning couldn't help crying even more.

Her sagacity, really grow up!

However, he grew up that seven years, her mother is not around her son, do not know how much he has suffered!

Jingrui's clothes on his chest were soon wet by his mother's turbulent tears. He was warm in his heart. He always had a faint smile on his cold face. He said in a low voice: "Mom, don't cry. You have to explain to me, what's the matter with that little girl in my bed?"

Shangguan Ning finally lifted her head from her son's chest and wiped her tears. She took her son to sit by the bed and looked at the little girl sleeping on the bed. She said with a smile, "Rui Rui, this is your sister. Her name is Xixi."

Although Jing Rui has guessed a little from the appearance of the little girl and her mother, she is still surprised to hear shangguanning admit it.

"I have a sister?"

How come no one ever told him!

In the past seven years, jingyichen has contacted him countless times, but he has not mentioned a word!

Dad's holding it tight enough! It must have been intentional!

Jingxi didn't know her brother was beside her. She was sleeping soundly.

With her white face, delicate facial features and long soft hair, she looks like not only Shangguan Ning, but also Jingrui. This makes Jingrui feel strange when he looks at her.

He has always been very exclusive of people who look like him, but to see Jingxi look like himself, he was happy and proud!

Shangguan Ning of course also knew that her daughter and son looked alike. Seeing that her son had been staring at her daughter, she could not help laughing and said, "do you like your sister? But she doesn't like you very much. She prefers Mu Sen and Mu duo

Like I really can't talk about it. Jing Rui just feels that it's strange to suddenly have a younger sister.

As for his sister's dislike of him, it doesn't matter.

I want to know that what my sister saw is the double. The double can't really love Jingxi wholeheartedly. Children are actually the most sensitive. She can feel it in her heart who loves her.

Shangguan Ning didn't look at her daughter. All her spirits were on her son who had just met.

She looked at her son's face, and her eyes were red again. She knew that Jing Rui had a human skin mask, but her facial features could be changed, but her eyes would not.

as like as two peas, the eyes of the king are very beautiful.

Jing Rui hesitates for a moment, and then he wants to take off his mask. It's relatively safe here. No one can see his real face.

Human skin masks are very thin, and they are all covered with glue. It's easy to wear them, but it's hard to take them off. They need to be washed with a special medicine solution made by killer organizations. And once you take it off, a mask is gone.

Shangguan Ning knows these unknown secrets from jingyichen's mouth, and she immediately stops Jing Rui from taking off his mask.

"Ruiruirui, don't pick it, just like this. Mom knows it's you. What's your face like? Mom doesn't care."

She is afraid that if Jing Rui takes off his mask and is seen, it will bring him unpredictable danger, so she prefers her son to talk to her with a mask all the time.

"Your father won't let us stay any longer, and your sister and I will leave soon. I just miss you so much that I come to see you. "

Shangguan Ning said and went to take off his son's clothes.

Jing Rui was startled for a moment. He was a little embarrassed and said in a hurry, "Mom, what are you doing?"

"I'll see if you have any injuries. Don't you move. When I was a child, I gave you a bath?"Shangguan Ning still treats his son as a child, but Jing Rui doesn't treat himself as a child. He tugs at his clothes to keep Shangguan from taking off.

"I'm not hurt, OK!"

Shangguan Ning does not believe it, he must take off his clothes to see.

Two people quarrel and quarrel and wake up the sleeping Jingxi.

As soon as the little girl woke up, she saw that her mother was actually taking off a strange man's clothes. She immediately widened her eyes and lost her voice: "Mom, you don't want my father?"

The mother and son, who were pulling, stopped their movements and looked at the bed at the same time.

Shangguan Ning see daughter wake up, full of surprise appearance, immediately scold daughter: "Xi Xi, don't talk nonsense, this is your brother!"

Jingxi's eyes widened: "my brother?"

The next moment, she suddenly realized: "Oh, I know, this is my brother!"

Jing Rui is surprised that his sister knows the truth. The next moment, he listens to his sister's merciless way: "but how can my brother look better than my bad brother? Mom, didn't you say my brother is as handsome as Dad? What kind of eyes are you looking at? "

Shangguan Ning shook his head helplessly, but patiently explained to his daughter, "this is not your brother's real face. He is in a special situation now. When your brother comes home, you will see what he looks like."

"My brother has dozens of hyaluronic acid on his face? Or a mask? Or is it a total facelift? Oh, it's a pity that I can't see a handsome man! "

Jingxi shook his head and sighed.

Jing Rui finally can't help but ask Shangguan Ning: "Mom, how old is Xixi this year?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!