Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 919

The corridor was dark, only the window had a glimmer of light.

However, the light is blocked by the tall Jingrui, which makes Liao Wei feel that he can only hide in the dark forever.

By what!

Why should he live in the dark? He is the one who lives in front of everyone!

Jing Rui is the one who really lives in the dark!

In the dark, Jing Rui, dressed in black, turns around. Liao Wei is stunned to see his appearance.

The real Jingrui, how could he look so ordinary?!

He is not like jingyichen at all!

Poor Liao Wei didn't know that Jing Rui was wearing a human skin mask. Seeing Jing Ruipu's ordinary face, he felt a sense of superiority!

Jing Rui can see through Liao Wei's mind, his pride, his killing intention and his damned greed!

He looked at Liao Wei's face, which was very similar to himself, and coldly pierced Liao Wei's dream: "you are just a stand in. Everything you enjoy now belongs to the Jing family. Don't do anything that is not in line with your identity! You don't need to meddle in all the affairs of the company in the future. Just come here and make a show. "

Liao Wei was pale and trembling all over. However, he was not frightened but angry.

A clown and a clown are at his mercy!

When Jingrui doesn't come back, he is the overlord here. Except jingyichen, everyone should look up to him and respect him!

As soon as Jingrui comes back, he is immediately beaten back to his original form!

His heart is clamoring, he is not reconciled, but his face is aware of the current situation, showing a humble smile: "yes, you are right, I am just a stand in. I'm also trying to cheat them, so I've done it. Don't worry about it! "

If Jing Rui believed him, he would never have lived to this day.

He is here today to meet with Liao Wei, not to persuade Liao Wei to put aside those thoughts and correct his evil thoughts. He does not have so much leisure.

He just wanted to let Liao Wei know his position and not to use his name to damage his reputation.

Because Liao Wei does many things, will bring endless trouble. Last year, he also provoked a female star. If Jing Yichen didn't put it right in time, I'm afraid he would have married someone!

You know, the exposure rate of female stars is very high. If they are involved with stars, there will be countless paparazzi and photographers, and then the surrogate will be exposed.

Last year, Liao Wei was 21 years old, but Jing Rui was only 18 years old. When he was 18 years old, he fooled around with a female star. His reputation will be very bad in the future.

Man's greed is endless.

If Liao Wei is a good substitute for him, he will get a very rich reward from the Jing family, which will be enough for him to spend his whole life.

But he wants too much, and even wants to kill Jing Rui. Such a person, Jing Rui is absolutely impossible to let him continue to live.

It's just killing people. It's his strength.

Therefore, Jing Rui now sees Liao Wei as a dead man.

In his mind, he walked past Liao Wei without hesitation. He still left his back to him. It seemed that he was not afraid that Liao Wei would kill him with a knife.

Jingrui nodded to ah Hu at the door of the elevator and said, "Uncle AHU, let him have a long memory. He said to the public that I was ill and let him be hospitalized during this period of time."

AHU is very happy to hear Jingrui call him "Uncle AHU". He has not heard this name for seven years!

His face showed a sign of simple and honest smile: "young master, don't worry, he will certainly be sick!"

Jing Rui nods and enters the elevator to leave.

The conference room was buzzing like a frying pan.

"Do you hear me? Our friend is so cold. He is just like the president! How excited I am

"His voice is similar to that of the president! Cold, light, I like it

"Alas, it's too dark to see a face! What a pity


Jingrui knows that the twelve senior executives are eavesdropping. He doesn't care whether he is exposed or not. These people are trustworthy. Jing Yichen has already checked the details of these people.

What's more, in city a, it's Jingjia's world!

He can do anything freely. The infiltration of killer organizations into city a is not so deep. It is superficial and easy to deal with.

However, Jing Rui doesn't know what kind of shock his appearance has brought to the twelve people, so that when they see Jing Rui's double, the disdain becomes more obvious.

Jingrui out of Jingsheng group, soon with his own equipment disappeared in the night.

A hurricane just died tonight. There will be no more killers in a short time. The stand in is safe for the time being. Jing Rui has been guarding the double for a whole day. Now he can go back to have a rest.

His residence is very close to Jingsheng group, which is a high-end apartment that jingyichen finds for him, so that he can go out at any time to protect his double.Doubles are still very useful now. They can't die. If he dies, killers will send them all back to North America.

Jing Rui asks ah Hu to put the double in the hospital, not only to restrain him for a period of time, but also to protect him.

Otherwise, the stand in would have to run around with a sniper gun for protection.

It's much easier to protect a double in a hospital.

The apartment has 20 floors. Jingrui lives on the 19th floor. Both the 20th floor and the 18th floor are empty, and they are connected with the 19th floor, so that Jing Rui can hide at any time.

In order to protect Jing Rui's identity, the guard of the apartment and the people in the monitoring room are all replaced by the people of jingyichen.

When Jingrui comes back here, he can relax completely and have a good rest.

He went up to the 19th floor, took out the key, opened the door, and immediately his body tightened.

Somebody's been here!

Although there seems to be no change in the room, some small mechanisms designed by Jingrui before leaving are touched!

There were several bookmarks scattered on the ground of the porch, but now they are all gone! The vase on the tea table in the living room was slightly tilted, but now it has been put right! All the lights in the house were turned on, but the lights in the bathroom and study are now turned off!

Jing Rui gently puts down the box with the sniper gun in his hand, takes out the pistol from his body, installs the muffler, and walks quietly in.

Not in the living room, not in the study, not in the bathroom.

Jing Rui turns to the bedroom smoothly.

However, when he walked into the bedroom with his gun in his arms and saw the people sitting on the bed, he suddenly froze and called out in disbelief: "Mom?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!