Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 918

Liao Wei's face suddenly changed, which made all the high-level people in the meeting room puzzled.

Twelve pairs of eyes stare at Liao Wei's face for a moment, not willing to miss any details.

There is absolutely something wrong with the "Jingrui" in front of you!

The twelve high-rise people in the conference room are all human beings who have lived in the battlefield for a long time.

Since they all followed jingyichen wholeheartedly and were highly valued by jingyichen, they all studied jingyichen and Jingjia carefully.

These people all know Jing Yichen's style of doing things. He is cold and ruthless, wise and resolute. No one can match his intelligence quotient and EQ.

It is impossible for such a person to cultivate an inheritor like Liao Wei. He only knows how to be cruel and arrogant, but can not solve the substantive problems at all.

You know, although jingyichen is also arrogant, he usually talks very little and has never roared like Liao Wei!

It's not because of jingyichen's good temper, but because he doesn't need to roar at all. He just needs a cold look, and others will surrender!

He never has more than 20 minutes in a meeting, and in those 20 minutes, he can solve all the problems that make them extremely headache.

What about Liao Wei?

The meeting was full of conversation, but in fact, nothing was said to the point!

Is such a person without real talent and learning really the successor of the Jing family?

If the successor of the Jing family is like this, then the king family is not far from bankruptcy!

In fact, it has not been a day or two since they suspected Liao Wei's identity.

Because not only did Liao Wei have no real talent, but also he did not have access to the most confidential and core content of the group.

If jingyichen really wants him to take over the group, it is impossible not to tell him those secrets, because these secrets are even known to 12 of them!

The most important thing is that seven of the twelve high-rise buildings have ever seen the real king Rui!

At that time, Jing Rui was still young, only 12 years old, but he had already shown his extraordinary achievements, which made people dare not underestimate.

Seven senior officials who have met Jing Rui have doubted whether Jingrui is really only 12 years old! How can a 12-year-old be so calm and wise!

Now, Jing Rui is 19 years old, but he is less than 1 / 10000 when he is 12 years old!

At the age of 12, Jing Rui is proficient in the languages of more than a dozen countries. He graduated from Harvard University with outstanding achievements. He not only has unique views on the company's operation, but also has profound knowledge of various disciplines, including medical skills, programming, astronomy and geography!

What about Jing Rui, 19? There is a fancy, let alone astronomy and geography, he can't even speak German!

Among the seven senior executives who have met Jing Rui, one is responsible for the business in Europe.

More than ten years ago, he was not a senior executive of Jingsheng group, but an ordinary business manager in Europe. However, he met Jingrui in Germany at that time!

At that time, Jing Rui was less than two years old. He followed his parents to visit his aunt Zhao An'an in Germany. He spoke German very well!

It doesn't make sense to be able to speak German at the age of two, master more than ten languages at the age of twelve, and only English and French at the age of nineteen!

The twelve senior officials are all suspicious of Liao Wei's identity, but they are all clever and don't say anything. Because jingyichen's meaning is very obvious. Externally, this man is his son!

The inheritors of the Jing family are always mysterious. Jing Yichen himself gradually came into the public view after he was 30 years old. It seems that it is not impossible to find a substitute to replace Jing Rui.

The twelve senior officials, seeing that Liao Wei's face turned pale in an instant, all of them were extremely excited and active.

At ordinary times, Liao Wei is very indifferent. Even if he meets jingyichen, he won't feel any panic.

Why did ah Hu change his face when he said he had a friend to see him today?

Oh, this psychological quality is a little bad!

Jingyichen is the one who can't even frown when the sky falls down!

Who is Liao Wei's friend who has just come back from afar?

Also let ah Hu come to tell this "little young master" in the middle of the night!

A Hu is a person of jingyichen. No one can instruct him to move him except jingyichen!

Come to this "friend", the identity is ready to come out!

The twelve senior executives have been wandering the mall with jingyichen for half a life. They are all old Youzi. They are 100 times smarter than Liao Wei, who is a monk. With a few words from ah Hu, they have already guessed the truth.

Looking at Liao Wei sitting there for a long time before he got up and went out, everyone wanted to go out and have a look at the "friend"!

All the people in the meeting room couldn't sit still. They got up one after another and opened the door of the office to look out.

"Mr. Dong, what kind of friend are you talking about? You have such a big face!"

"Don't ask me, I didn't hear anything! All I know is that our meeting is finally over and we can go home for dinner

"You both keep your voice down. It's so annoying that I can't hear you outside!""Be quiet! Let's listen to our friend's voice and miss this time. I don't know when the next time will be. "


Liao Wei came out of the meeting room, sweating all over.

He strong self - calm, in accordance with the side of a Hu hand pointing direction, slowly walked past.

The corridor lights on this floor were all on, but now they are all out!

At the end of the corridor, next to the open window, stood a tall and straight figure.

In the dark, his figure actually with a strong killing, inexplicably frightening!

It was a hot summer, but Liao Wei was cold and stiff.

He's back, he's back

This is the only sentence in his mind.

After seven years of noble life, Liao Wei had forgotten his unbearable past. He felt that everything he enjoyed would be his!

He thought that Jing Rui would die outside and never come back!

His dream, so quickly broken.

No, no!

He doesn't want to go back to the past!

He's going to stay at Jings! Enjoy all the splendor!

Liao Wei stepped forward, step by step into the dark, slowly walked to the back of the shadow.

Liao Wei looked at the motionless shadow. He seemed unprepared. He turned his back to him and exposed his back.

The intention of killing in his heart is to emerge in an instant!

If he killed this man now, he could replace him forever!

If this man is dead, everything in the Jing family will be his!

In the dark, suddenly sounded a indifferent and cold voice: "you can't kill me, Liao Wei."

Liao Wei shivered all over his body, and the delicate and sharp Swiss Army knife in his hand fell to the ground. He made a "crack" sound in the dark night, which seemed to ridicule his ignorance of heaven and earth. , the fastest update of the webnovel!