Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 917

When he was looking for this double, he was not good at words, but also a very cautious person. He never talked nonsense and looked at people.

I didn't expect that after he became the successor of the Jing family, the change of the double was so great.

That kind of gesture between the momentum, has been a superior posture.

Jingrui still remembers that after he left, jingyichen was worried about finding this double, for fear that the stunt would show up if he didn't perform well.

But now, the double is more real than his original Star!

Jing Rui looks at the face which is very similar to himself from a distance. He is so arrogant and insidious that he feels in a bad mood.

In the brightly lit Office of Jingsheng group, the stand in Liao Wei is in a bad mood.

Today's meeting has been held for seven hours. However, no matter how much pressure he exerted, the top leaders of Jingsheng group didn't even pay attention to him!

He has been a stand in for seven years, and the king family has found him the best teacher to teach him. From the posture of walking to the etiquette of eating, from simple foreign languages to complex management knowledge, he is gradually changing.

His actual age is three years older than the real Jing Rui, because he was only 15 years old at that time as tall as the 12-year-old Jing Rui.

Even if he looks very tall now, in fact, he is wearing special high-rise shoes. His actual height is only 1.8 meters.

He has been a poor family for seven years!

His custom suit is worth 160000, and the Patek Philippe diamond watch on his wrist is the only one in the world, which costs hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Indifferent, noble, handsome and rich, he is the dream lover of all girls in a city!

However, no matter how handsome he is, no matter how rich he is, the twelve people on the conference table are not bird him! Don't give me any face!

Liao Wei is very clear in his mind that if Jing Yichen was here to hold a meeting today, the twelve people would not dare to say a word!

He has seen with his own eyes how autocratic jingyichen is. Sometimes it is a business that is completely losing money. Jingyichen will not hesitate to do it, and the twelve people will all rush to support him!

Sometimes Liao Wei often doubts whether these twelve people know his real identity and know that he is not the real Jing Rui, so he looks down on him like this!

But on second thought, he felt that he was worried.

Jing Yichen said that there are only a few people who know this, and all the people in the group don't know that his identity is problematic.

Liao Wei doesn't believe in evil. We must subdue these people today! Jingsheng group is his, and he is the master. Why should we listen to these crafty guys!

He studied hard for seven years, with top teachers to learn all kinds of knowledge, especially in company management. In order to play this role well, he tried his best to memorize it!

After all, Jing Rui is a genius who graduated from Harvard. If he knows too little, it's easy for him to reveal the truth!

But he thinks that he already knows a lot now, why those high-level still show contempt to him!

This kind of look, before he had become Jing Rui's double, was often seen.

His family conditions are poor, his parents are lazy people, his mother with a little bit of beauty, go around to hook up with men, but his father immersed in gambling can not extricate himself, often lose gambling will not stop drinking, drunk will be indiscriminately beaten him.

When he was a child, he would be very jealous when he saw that other people ate and dressed well. He would rob by any means, so that he was taken by the police many times.

Neighbors around them are very spiteful to their family. Seeing that he does not have a good face, they will also show that kind of contempt like these high-level people today!

The high-level people's undisguised contempt reminds Liao Wei of the unbearable memory of his childhood. His heart is pricked, and his temper, which is hard to suppress, is suddenly vented.

"You are just working for our Jing family! What qualifications do you have to challenge me one by one? If you don't agree with my decision, get out of here immediately! I, Jingrui, don't want to be such a loser like you

His words, once again attracted a lot of high-level disdain.

They are loyal to jingyichen, but not to him. He has no right to drive people out.

A group of high-level people looked at each other and saw doubts from other people's eyes: is the person in front of you really the son of jingyichen? Isn't it fake? He didn't inherit any intelligence quotient from Jing family!

Liao Wei is still roaring angrily, but suddenly the door of the meeting room is opened, and ah Hu comes in.

Liao Wei's speech is interrupted. He just wants to swear. He turns his head and sees that it's a Hu beside jingyichen. He swears and swallows it back.

Ah Hu is not something he can provoke.

In the past, he thought that ah Hu was just a bodyguard and driver beside jingyichen, and he didn't pay any attention to him at all. However, when he was too arrogant, ah Hu would torture him severely. He was beaten many times by ah Hu, and Liao Wei learned how to behave."Young master, there is a friend of yours outside who wants to see you."

Ah Hu's simple and honest face is respectful, and his tone is also extremely respectful, just like talking to Jing Yichen.

Liao Wei's heart is finally a little happy, for a Hu this pair of servile appearance, he is very useful.

But ah Hu's words made him unhappy and confused. He said coldly, "I don't have friends. You go out! I have a meeting and no one is allowed to disturb me! "

When he talks with a cold face, he is very similar to Jing Rui, but ah Hu doesn't even have a trace of good will for him.

Fake is fake. No matter how much we teach and how to cultivate, a monkey can't become a tiger.

Ah Hu didn't look down on the stunt's manner in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face. He still said respectfully: "he is a friend that the young master has been talking about. He has just come back from afar. Don't you always tell the young master that you want to see him?"

Ah Hu finished, and then slightly lowered his head and went out.

His respect is not for Liao Wei, but for Jing Rui.

Jing Rui will soon come back to take over the whole group. No one in the senior management knows that the person in front of them is a double. If he doesn't give the double face, Jing Rui will not be respected by others when he comes back in the future.

Liao Wei looks at ah Hu's exit, but in his heart he sets off a tremendous wave!

His face quickly turned white, and his hands under the table were tightly twisted together.

He's back!

Jingrui is back!

The real heir of Jing family is back! , the fastest update of the webnovel!