Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 916

Jing Zhi was so happy to see so many oranges in the restaurant today. He held a lot of them on the second floor and laid them on the bed. Then he was happily lying on the oranges, gnawing at the oranges and wondering about the photo.

He must have a brother, otherwise he would not be able to bear great pain when the memory gradually disappeared, and prick the word "brother" in the palm of his hand with a needle.

Moreover, in his memory fragments, there is no father, no mother, only brother.

But why isn't there a brother in the family photo?

However, he did not know that Jing Rui was the successor of the Jing family and his identity was strictly protected since he was a child. He never took pictures with others.

Jing Rui seldom appears in the public view. It is just a few people in the family who can see him.

Mu Sen and Mu duo couldn't even see him before. Even if they met each other, they were very short-lived.

Therefore, now Jing Rui uses a double, and no one else has found out.

No one knows what he looks like. What we all know is that he is very similar to Jing Yichen.

Jingzhi has no impression of the past. The men and women in the photos can only vaguely make him feel familiar, but if he thinks about it carefully, he can't remember anything.

He only saw jingyiran today. What about his mother? Not at home all day, out? Or Dead?

Jing Zhi shook his head and deeply hated his memory loss.

Blame those damn doctors for his amnesia!

One day, he must get it back! Let them all die!

He wants to find out everything in the past!

Jing Zhizheng is gnashing his teeth. His mobile phone suddenly vibrates slightly.

He opened it and saw that the code displayed on the mobile phone was the internal code of the killer organization. The meaning of the code that others could not understand was: killer, hurricane, death.

There is no doubt that the hurricane died in the process of assassinating Jing Rui. He ranks fourth in the list of new people. His strength is quite good. I didn't expect to die so soon!

Jingzhi was surprised and dignified.

Only when you are in the scene can you feel the danger. Five people come out to carry out the killing task together. Now it is only the first night that one has died. This feeling is very uncomfortable.

The night is hazy and the fog is dense. Jingzhi jumps from the window on the second floor and disappears into the vast night.

He didn't forget that he was here to carry out the task. He had to get his whole set of equipment first and deal with the task.

Otherwise, he would do nothing, which would easily arouse the suspicion and fear of the killer organization. He had a difficult life experience. He didn't want to die, and he didn't want to be caught back in North America to be erased again.


Jing Rui looks at the code displayed in the mobile phone. Without any expression on his face, he puts away the mobile phone and cleans up his equipment.

Yes, he killed the hurricane. Just five minutes ago, he killed the hurricane that was ready to shoot fake Jingrui.

Then I got a text message from the killer organization on my phone.

Killer organizations have to implant chips into every killer in order to control the life and death of killers at any time.

As soon as the killer's vital signs disappear, the chip will immediately generate a sense, and then send the data back to the killer base in North America, and the killer base will also announce the death of the so and so killer to all killers.

This time, the reason why Jing Rui chose to do it himself instead of letting fawn deal with the hurricane is to protect fawn from exposure.

Otherwise, every time the killer who came to kill him died, the fawn was not in North America, which would easily arouse suspicion.

This time, when he came back, the fawn stayed in North America and did not return to city A.

Jing Rui is dressed in black. He not only changes a mask on his face, but also specially wears a black mask and hat to cover his face in case he is recognized.

He packed his gear and looked up at the man in the opposite window.

That person has a very similar body shape, a very similar face, and even that kind of cold temperament is very similar, if two people appear at the same time, others will certainly think that they are twins.


Jing Rui hates the word.

He didn't like people who looked like him since he was a child, and because of the relationship between Zheng yuluo and Zheng Yuwei, he didn't like twins any more.

as like as two peas, dislike dislike twins, he just hates the same feeling and dislike what the two sisters did to Jing Chi in their infancy.

because as like as two peas, he did not have any rejection. Sometimes he even looked at two more eyes. After all, the two identical children still love people.

Jing Rui hides himself in the dark and looks at the opposite side quietly.

His double is in a meeting with a bunch of people in suits.

In order not to let people doubt the identity of the double, jingyichen early let the double participate in the operation of Jingsheng group.Except for the most important part, he has not been handed over to the stand in, and the rest of the business has been handed over to him. Therefore, the stand in often has meetings with the senior management of Jingsheng group, sitting high up there and scolding the backbone of the group coldly.

The stunt is just playing there. He has been playing for seven years. He has already forgotten that he is a stand in. He seems to be the next successor of Jingsheng group, plotting strategies and giving advice.

Power, wealth, beauty and glory are all within your reach!

Today, some people questioned his decision, and he was very angry, so the meeting lasted until late at night and still refused to let everyone leave.

He didn't know that he had gone through hell.

If Jing Rui is a little bit slow, he will have to report to Yama.

The high-rise building where Jing Rui is located is only a street away from the high-rise building of Jingsheng group. At the moment, it is quiet at night, and the windows on both sides are not closed. He has excellent hearing, so he can hear what the stand in says clearly.

"Whose is Jingsheng group? It's mine! Here I has the final say, and I will swallow up the limited media company tomorrow. I don't care what price you pay, no matter how much money you spend, even a small media company can't eat it. What else can I do in the future? "

"What I want to do is to be the first in domestic media! None of the rest of the media companies will live! "


Jingrui listens to the roar coming from the opposite side. His dark eyes are full of cold. The double is even more crazy than himself!

When the tiger is not at home, a monkey thinks of himself as a tiger.

Those senior executives of Jingsheng group are not vegetarians. They are all promoted by jingyichen one by one. They are not satisfied with any of them except jingyichen.

The stand in is so wild and mindless that it's impossible for the executives to listen to him.

When he was in charge of Jingsheng group, he was afraid to clean up the mess for the double. , the fastest update of the webnovel!