Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 915

Jingzhi hides in the dark, listening to the dialogue between jingyichen and jingyiran brothers clearly.

Because a chip was removed from his body, his hearing has recovered a lot in the past six months. Although it can't compare with the best time before, it is also much better than ordinary people.

So even if jingyiran's mobile phone doesn't turn on hands-free, he can still hear all the words of jingyichen.

However, after listening to their conversation, Jing Zhi is more and more confused.

What the hell is going on here?

Who are they talking about "ah Chi"?!

Is that him?

But if it was him, how could he go home! Other people are in the hands of the two major organizations, and they can't escape at all!

The morning light is slightly bright, and the east gradually appears light, driving away the disturbing night.

Jingzhi looks at jingyiran's tall figure, but she moves forward slowly with a little rickets. Suddenly, she feels a pain in her heart.

This kind of pain, too sudden, too inexplicable, let his whole person fall into a kind of rigidity.

He followed without hesitation.

Jingyiran dragged Jingzhi's suitcase and walked along the path.

The rising sun was shining on his face and gradually brought him warmth and hope.

Jing Yichen said, let him go home to clean up and wait for his son to go home. Can he really go home?

Jing Yichen always keeps his word and never deceives him!

Until now, jingyiran just recovered from the loss of her son and finally reflected the meaning of jingyichen!

After he recovered, he felt excited and walked to his villa with his suitcase.

When he got home, he didn't even ask a servant to help him clean up. He rolled up his sleeves, cleaned the table and mopped the floor, and took all the quilts in the yard to dry.

Over the years, he has lived here alone. There are a lot of new quilts in the cupboard, which are moldy after a long time.

After my son comes home, he can't let his son cover the moldy quilt!

He cleaned up from the early morning until late at night. He was full of energy. He was busy all day. He even picked up his lunch in a hurry and let the servants clean up without serious eating.

In the dead of night, the villa becomes more and more empty.

Jingyi ran leisure down, that kind of heartache slowly put him to oblivion.

His villa is a small villa with only two floors.

However, since Jing Zhi disappeared, Jing Yiran has never been to the second floor.

On the second floor is Jing Zhi's bedroom, study, studio and toy room specially built for him.

Jingyiran did not dare to go up. He was afraid to see his son's room would be painful for a minute and didn't want to live.

He just asked the servants to clean it every day and protect it well, waiting for his son to come back one day.

Jing Yiran sits on the sofa with Jingzhi's suitcase beside her.

He looked at the trunk for a long time before he tried to unlock the code lock.

He thought it would be difficult to open it, but he only tried it once!

The password is Jing Zhi's birthday!

The suitcase is very large and full of food, except for some clothes.

Jing Yiran knows that, like his wife, his son is very hungry, so he takes so much food with him.

He suddenly remembered something and immediately took his mobile phone to call the servant.

"Lao Zhang, buy more food tomorrow. Remember to buy more chocolate and oranges, as well as beef and mutton."

The old Zhang at the other end of the phone was awakened by Jingyi ran in the middle of the night. He thought that something was wrong. He listened to his orders to buy food. He could not help saying, "second master, you have told me today. I have bought a lot of them. The three refrigerators at home can't be put down. There are several boxes of oranges in the dining room."

"It's OK. Buy it again!"

Jing Yiran's tone is beyond doubt. He is worried that if his son doesn't have enough to eat at home, he will blame himself very much.

Lao Zhang had no choice but to answer.

Hang up the phone, Jing Yi Ran still worried, ran to the kitchen to check the food in the refrigerator.

But when I opened the refrigerator, it was empty!

Jing Yiran was a little confused. After a long time, he realized what he was blessed with and quickly ran to the restaurant to have a look.

There are only two of the four boxes of oranges that Lao Zhang bought today!

The other two boxes are completely empty!

Lao Zhang and his daughter-in-law have been working here for several years. Both of them are honest and responsible people from the countryside. They are usually diligent and have no bad habit of stealing food. What's more, even if they steal, they can't steal so obviously!

It's a son!

The son is back!

Only he can steal food from home, only he can eat so much! And he likes oranges best!Jingyi suddenly burst into tears and laughed.

Jingzhi came back with him!

I'm afraid he was hungry that day, so he ruined all the food in the refrigerator!

Jing Zhi lies on the bed on the second floor, touching his round stomach and sighing contentedly. He has not eaten so much for a long time!

He followed jingyiran all the way to the villa, and his inner sense of familiarity became stronger. When he entered the villa, he was surprised because he found that even if he closed his eyes, he could imagine all the structure of the villa!

He even unconsciously went directly to the second floor and found his bedroom!

And the bedroom is full of pictures of his childhood!

From birth until he was ten years old, there are photos of himself and his parents.

This is really his home!

Memory of that kind of familiar and kind, is simply can not deceive people!

In fact, when he saw jingyiran, he had that kind of intimacy in his heart, which was ignored by himself.

It's just that all of this is too sudden, too bizarre, Jingzhi simply can't believe the things in front of him!

When he calmed down, he decided to observe.

If this is really his home, he can't stay here, let alone recognize jingyiran! Otherwise, the two organizations will not necessarily use what kind of means!

He spent the whole day in the dark to observe the scenery. Seeing that he took the trouble to go and buy things, he told the servants to buy this and that, and his heart was filled with warmth.

He is used to being used as a test object of life, the human feelings in memory are indifferent, who would sun the quilt for him and carefully clean the house for him!

But Jing Zhi still has too many doubts in his heart. Instead of appearing rashly, he steals food from the kitchen and runs to the second floor to eat.

There is only a family of three in the photo. Why doesn't he have his brother? , the fastest update of the webnovel!