Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 914

Because Jingzhi's head was still stinging and her body balance was not good, she didn't walk fast. Jingyi ran caught up with her after a while.

After walking for a while, Jingzhi suddenly turned back and sneered: "get away, or I'll kill you! Are the people sent by the killers so low? It's a miracle that you can live to this day

Jing Yiran was not stunned and subconsciously said, "I'm not one of them!"


Jingzhi frowned: "who are you? Doctors at the virus Institute? "

Jing Yiran finally reacts at the moment. Jing Zhi regards him as the person over there.

He shook his head and said in a low voice, "I'm a doctor, but I'm not from the virus Institute you're talking about. I'm from city A

Jing Zhizhen did not have a good feeling for the doctor. When Jing Yiran said he was a doctor, he snorted coldly and left.

If it was not for the first time, unfamiliar with the environment here, afraid of killing people at will and causing trouble, which is not conducive to the completion of the following tasks, he would have killed the man who followed him all the time!

It's not North America, it's not the home of research institutes and killers. Killing people can be safe.

Although he is arrogant in nature, he will not take any risks and add trouble to himself.

Jing Yiran watched his son go, and immediately followed up with his son's suitcase.

Jingzhi went out a long way. Seeing that "tail" had been following him all the time, he couldn't help being angry: "what are you doing with me? Don't think I dare not kill you

He said, stretching out his finger to pinch jingyiran's Adam's apple. He hated being followed by people like this. He didn't want to bear it.

Jing Yiran is too familiar with this action, because Xiaolu and jingyichen both love to use this move!

"Ah Zhi, don't do it! I'm your father

Jing Zhi's hand is so stiff in the air.

"What are you talking about? Say it again

"I didn't lie to you. I'm really your father! City a is your home. You lived here before you were taken away! Don't you really remember? "

Jing Yiran has nothing to care about. If he doesn't tell the truth today, he will be killed by his son next second!

Since Jing Yichen dares to let him meet Jing Zhi, it shows that there will not be too much danger.

Although he didn't know how jingyichen did it, he fully believed in his brother's strength. In any case, jingyichen would take care of everything. He first saved his life, and then recognized him with his son!

Jing Zhi stares at jingyiran, slightly shaking in his heart.

The person in front of him was seven points similar to his appearance, and he did not wear a human skin mask or make-up at first sight. No one believed such a similar appearance without blood relationship.

Moreover, he has a strange sense of familiarity with this place. He always feels that he has been here. If he really grew up here, and his memory is erased, then that sense of familiarity can be explained.

But Jing Zhi can't believe these words easily.

Walking on the street of a strange country, suddenly a man came out and said that he was your father. How strange it was!

However, Jingzhi did not kill jingyiran.

The person in front of him acted so irrationally that even if he was not his own father, he must have another identity.

Jingzhi is an excellent killer, but also an excellent lurker. It is very easy to get rid of Jingyi ran, a person without professional training.

He soon disappeared from the sight of jingyiran and began to track jingyiran.

He quietly hid himself in the shadow, and then saw that the man who was nearly 50 years old was squatting by the side of the road in the middle of the night with his suitcase, wailing and crying!

His cry with a kind of despair and deep sadness, as if lost the most important thing in life, crying people heartbroken.

Passers-by looked at him in surprise, then shook his head and left.

Jing Zhi is a little surprised.

He is now seventeen years old, and he would never have cried so recklessly.

Men, what pain should be swallowed into the stomach, can not be revealed, people look down on. Can't cry at will, make people laugh!

This man is not acting, is he?

Perhaps, he knew that he was following him, and he wanted to cry for him?

That person's acting skill is also very good, the Oscar young person does not give him even can't say.

Jing Yiran lost her son and was heartbroken. The pain and hatred accumulated over the past seven years broke out in an instant. She couldn't help crying.

His son was taken away, and his wife was forced to leave him to escort his son. Over the years, he lived alone and missed him alone!

If it wasn't for the news that jingyichen would pass on to his son and wife every month, he would doubt that he could survive for so many years!He only hates his own incompetence!

He can't protect his wife and son!

He can't even join the killer organization like Jing Rui and give his son even a little care!

Jing Yiran squatted there and cried for a long time. His eyes were swollen, his voice was hoarse and his strength was gone.

He sat on the road without image, took out his mobile phone and called jingyichen.

"Brother, I've lost ah Zhi. What should I do?"

Obviously, they are nearly 50 years old, but their voice is like a child. They are helpless, confused, painful and self reproach.

Jingyichen's faint voice came over the phone: "well, it's normal that he has become one of the top killers in the world. If you can track him, the killer organization will be dissolved."

"Brother, is he in danger? I just called his name and told him that I was his father. What should I do if he was heard by others? "

"No, ruiruirui has arranged everything. Ah Zhi won't be in any danger in the short term."

Jingyi was relieved, but still very depressed: "brother, am I useless?"

Jingyichen uses affirmative language airway: "yes."

Jing Yiran breathed a stagnation, and angry, saying "no" to cheat him once will die?

Well, to tell the truth is the style of jingyichen!

He held the phone and did not speak, but also refused to hang up, so he kept crying on the phone.

In the whole a city, the only person who can make him feel down-to-earth is jingyichen. Even if he doesn't say anything, as long as he can feel the presence of jingyichen, he will feel confident, and he will feel hopeful - the sky falls down, and his brother is also against it.

Jingyichen is very patient and does not hang up the phone because of jingyiran's silence and crying.

After a while, he just light mouth: "don't cry, go back to clean up, wait for your son to go home." , the fastest update of the webnovel!