Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 913

Since he got off the plane, Jingzhi always felt that someone was following him.

You know, the killer's intuition is extremely sharp, and Jing Zhi's perception is far beyond ordinary people's, and when someone stares at him, he immediately realizes it.

However, there are a lot of people at the airport. He thinks he is tall and handsome, and it's normal to attract people's attention.

In such a short time, a lot of big girls and little daughters-in-law were secretly watching him.

But after Jingzhi walked out of the airport, the feeling of being followed was certain!

Just came to this strange city, was immediately watched, this feeling for a killer is very bad!

Jingzhi wants to shoot the stalker with a gun!

Unfortunately, he couldn't carry guns on the plane. He was empty, and he didn't even have a shell case.

His backpack and suitcase were full of clothes and food, and he didn't bring anything suspicious.

To get the gun, he needs to pick it up at a designated location on the base.

Jingzhi had to stride forward when he didn't see someone following him.

In fact, even if he had a gun on his body, he couldn't kill anyone at will.

He's a killer. Yes, killing is his profession, but that doesn't mean he can kill people indiscriminately.

In the process of carrying out the task, unless someone threatens the life of the killer, he should not kill at will. This is a long-standing rule in the killer world.

The first thing for a killer to do after arriving at the destination is not to find the target immediately and kill him, but to be familiar with the surrounding environment.

This is not only conducive to improving the success rate of the mission, but also can make use of the terrain and environment to leave calmly.

Jingzhi walks in the street in the late night, looking at the surrounding street scenes, the yellow faces with black hair and black eyes, looking at the unique flowers and trees of a city, listening to the words of those people around, he feels that he has entered a strange dream!

He's been here!

No, to be exact, he remembers here!

Everything here is familiar to him!

That kind of thing engraved in the bone, hard to erase!

How could this happen?!

There is no trace of this in his memory!

The weather in June has been a little hot, but Jingzhi's forehead is dripping with cold sweat.

There was a faint tendency to explode in his head, which was a sign that he would always think of the past.

However, no matter what he thinks, his mind is blank!

Clearly have a kind of inexplicable sense of familiarity, clearly have to blurt out, but just can't remember anything!


Jingzhi suddenly hugs his head and starts to scream. He falls on the ground in pain and curls up there, hitting his head with one punch after another.

His head hurt like a needle. He couldn't think about anything at all!

Jing Yiran has been following Jingzhi all the time. Seeing his son's painful fall to the ground, he ran to run over and picked up Jing Zhi from the ground: "son, what's the matter with you? Don't scare me

There are not many people in the night, but because it is close to the airport, people who have just got off the plane pass by here and see Jing Zhi suddenly scream and fall to the ground, and also want to help. However, many people are worried that the kind-hearted help will be wronged, so they just look at it from a distance, and they don't really check Jingzhi's situation in the past.

What's more, Jingyi Ran has come forward to help, and other people have not intervened.

Jing Yiran received the call from jingyichen and kept watch at the airport exit.

As soon as Jing Zhi appeared, he immediately followed him.

He is not far behind his son, looking at his tall and strong appearance, both happy and sad. When his son was taken away, he was only ten years old, still a child who did not understand anything. Now, he has grown up!

If Jing Yichen had not given him the picture of Jingzhi, he would not have recognized it!

He wants to know what his son looks like now, whether he is as handsome as he is and whether he has the same eyebrows and eyes. Unfortunately, Jing Zhi's face is covered with a human skin mask, and according to Jing Yichen, in order to prevent Jing Zhi from being recognized, people from the virus research Institute regularly inject hyaluronic acid into his face to change his appearance.

Jing Yiran is not a man who easily shed tears, but at the moment when he saw his son, his tears fell like that without precaution.

Now he saw his son scream and fall down. He didn't care about anything and rushed up directly.

Fortunately, he still has a sense of reason. Instead of calling Jing Zhi's real name, he called out "child".

Jingzhi hears someone calling him in the hazy, and then he falls into a warm and strong embrace. Two arms hold him tightly, which makes him a little breathless.

In his memory, no one ever held him.

However, today's embrace, also some inexplicable familiar!Jingzhi reluctantly opens his eyes, takes a look, hugs him, and calls his man anxiously.

Then he was stunned.

The person in front of him is at least seven points like him!

His consciousness suddenly awakened a lot, and the tingling in his mind was relieved a lot.

"Who are you?"

Although Jingyi ran knew that his son had lost his memory, he didn't know him at all. He looked at him like a stranger. What he said was not Chinese, but English. His heart ached.

He tried to suppress his heart's pain and anger at the man who took his son away. He still held Jingzhi tightly and asked him with heartache, "are you any better? where are you not feeling well? I'll take you to the hospital! "

For Jing Zhi, the word "hospital" is no different from hell.

In his understanding, the hospital is not a place to save the dying but to imprison him, draw his blood and inject him with various poisons.

"Go away! I'm not going! "

He pushed jingyiran like crazy, got up from the ground and staggered forward, even without luggage.

Jing Yiran is pushed to the ground by Jing Zhi's powerful force. Half of his body is numb with pain.

However, nothing is more important than her son. Jingyi has no complaints about Jingzhi's violence.

It's not surprising that the son didn't know him.

Strangely, as soon as my son heard the word "hospital", he immediately blew his hair!

Jing Zhi has been outside for seven years. Although Jing Yiran doesn't know how he has been living, he knows that fawn was once taken by his parents for virus test, and also knows what life she has been living in the killer organization. So he can guess some of Jing Zhi's experiences.

Now seeing Jing Zhi's aversion to the hospital, his first reaction is that his son must have suffered a lot in the hospital.

Jing Yiran gets up from the ground, pulls Jingzhi's suitcase and trots after him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!