Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 910

"North, my brother, don't get angry. Let's talk about it slowly."

Andrew, the top executive of the killer group, speaks to each other in a slow voice.

He is elegant, chubby and kind-hearted. He can't be seen as a leader of a criminal group who reaps his life for a living.

Besides, Andrew is Asian.

Once upon a time, he was the most frightening killer in the world.

Now, he is sitting on a huge fortune and has already stopped doing those dangerous things. He cherishes his life and wants to live for a long time. Otherwise, he will not hear that the virus in Jingzhi's body can prolong his life. So he immediately joined forces with the virus research institute to rob Jing Zhi back.

He is nearly sixty years old. If there were no accidents, he would have lived to seventy at most.

The average life span of killers is very short. The more extreme the killers are, the shorter their lives are. Because when they were young, under the hard training in the killer camp, they squeezed out all their potential and suffered serious physical losses.

Many killers can only live to be around 50 years old. It is a miracle to live to be 70 years old.

Until now, Andrew has been cultivating himself and trying to live longer.

However, his good temper didn't move the angry North on the other end of the phone.

"What can I talk about?! You've got to get rid of the order, get Sean down and get someone else! He must not run out of North America

"Man, don't worry. He has our tracker. He can't run away!"

"Can't the tracker come out?! If it's taken out, where are you going to get him back for me! It's about how long you can live. Don't forget about our body! It's the limit to let him go to your place as a killer. You can't take any more risks! I'll make sure he doesn't run away, and that he's alive! "

"Can't you believe me, man?"

Andrew still sounds very patient and has a good temper like an uncle next door, but what he says reveals his killer nature and sinister intentions.

"Once the tracker we developed is put into the body, it can't be taken out at all. The moment it is taken out, our base will sense it immediately, and then it can detonate the chip! As long as a bang, not to mention people, a building will be bombed to the ground! If it wasn't for the fact that the human body couldn't bear the second chip because of too much radioactive material, we would have implanted a few more. "

"Not so! What if Sean tries to kill himself and takes out the chip? I said, I'll make sure he's alive! It's worth living. We'll never find such a good test body after we die

"Oh, no, our professional psychologist has tested Sean's suicide tendency. His suicide rate is similar to that of Mars hitting the earth. He cherishes his life very much and won't take his own life as a joke

"No, no, no, I just don't agree! When Sean goes back to a city, he will probably think about the past. I have spent so much effort to make him forget the past. If you make him think about it again... "

Before North's words were finished, Andrew, who had run out of patience, coldly interrupted: "if he thinks about it again, you can make him lose his memory again!"

He seems to be able to penetrate the phone and go straight to north.

In fact, north is afraid of Andrew. He and Andrew are people of the same age. They know Andrew's record.

It was only in recent years that Andrew's temper had become so mild that he dared to yell at him.

Now as soon as Andrew's cold voice was heard, his scalp felt numb.

However, he turned to think about it. Even if Andrew was powerful, it was decades ago. Now that he is so fat, it's hard to kill people, right?

North soon calmed down. He didn't even want to give in to Jingzhi.

He was a paranoid. He couldn't pull back a plane for what he had recognized. Jingzhi's safety was related to the major issue of virus research, and he refused to give in.

"Let Sean lose his memory again, and his brain will become useless! You only know how to fight and kill all day. You don't know medicine or science at all! You have so many killers there, why do you have to send Sean? Change people

"It's impossible!"

North is a paranoid, and Andrew is no better.

He hated being questioned about his decision, and even more hated being told by North. Now he says he doesn't know science!

He thinks that the control and management system of killers within the killer organization is so strict that there is no possibility of making mistakes at all!

Over the years, there have been hundreds of thousands of killers under the hands of killer organizations. When has the problem been passed down from generation to generation?

There is no one who will come to a good end!

Even angel was forced to come back!

"They have already set out now, and I have explained to the employer the number of people they sent. Now take back the order. Where will my face go?""You let Sean risk his death just for your face? If I knew I shouldn't have sent Sean to you, what would have been the best in the world, fart! He can't even compare that lightning now! And what yew or Sequoia, a girl almost surpasses him, what kind of mess do you cultivate? "

"Hum! If you hadn't been too eager for quick success and instant benefit, and had taken too much blood and bone marrow from Sean, would he have been as weak as he is now?! You take drugs into his body every day, all of which are used to atrophy muscles and stop his brain development. Do you think I don't know? He's seventeen years old, and sometimes he acts like a child. Dare you say it has nothing to do with you? "

Andrew was ridiculed by an old man and got angry with him.

"If you give me a severe anemia patient with poor brain development and stiff muscles, I can't cultivate a world No.1 even if I have great ability!"

"Why is he not growing up? His muscle strength is so strong, and his IQ is far better than his peers! Recently, anemia is because your man detonated that broken chip, causing him to lose a lot of blood all over his body

"He can have strong muscle strength, which is all the result of my efforts to cultivate! Otherwise, he is a paralyzed in bed, mentally retarded idiot! I'm making up for all your mistakes! Sean has the final say, "I am the man, not you, and let him do what he wants."

As the two giants talked, the smell of gunpowder was getting stronger and stronger, and it was already on the verge of disintegration. , the fastest update of the webnovel!