Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 909


The person in charge "pa" gave the deputy a slap, which made his face swollen.

"They are all the successors that the organization has managed to cultivate. After more than a few years of practice, lightning will certainly be able to make it into the top ten! If I let him hang up now, the man in charge will kill me immediately! You don't think I'm too slow to make room for you, do you? "

The Deputy covered his face, which was almost numb with pain. He lowered his head and immediately admitted that he was wrong: "yes, yes, it's all because I didn't think about it, or was the boss considerate?"! I've got a blind idea. You can just think of me as a fart! "

His tone was sincere and humble, but his eyes flashed with fierce resentment.

Good intentions to make a proposal, the result is also hit! How can he meet his colleagues in the future!

If you can't return it after being humiliated, the humiliation will increase dramatically!

Everyone is out to mix, who has few lives in hand?

The deputy's hand tightly clenched up, it doesn't matter, let him live for a few days, he can always make mistakes and be caught! The position of the person in charge will be his sooner or later!

The person in charge looked at the deputy's gloomy departure, and his anger dissipated a little. When he came back to reason, he began to think seriously about his deputy's suggestions.

The deputy is right. The top ten killers are all human spirits. The Jing family protects the heirs so tightly that they don't know where to find so many experts to fight back, and then kill Jing Rui. Obviously, it's killing Jing Rui.

Maybe angel can get it, but she can't do it to Jing Rui.

To send a killer with a lower level than the 11th is to send the killer to death. Moreover, they need to report the information of the killer to the employer at any time. If the employer knows that all the killers sent out are low-level killers, they will be very angry. More importantly, spread it out, and the killer organization will be disgraced!

Thinking about it, it seems that it is the most appropriate to send new killers.

Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. Lightning is a few people, are full of effort, they go together, may succeed?

And we can also explain to the employer: This is our latest killer. Even the first one has been sent out. We value this deal very much.

The person in charge thought about it for a whole day and then asked the general manager of the killer base for instructions.

The last person in charge of the killer base has died of infection with the virus, and the current leader is one of the top leaders in the killer organization.

The new killers are related to the future of the whole organization. Those in power dare not make such a decision alone, so they immediately consult with other authorities.

The next day, when Jing Rui got up, he received a message in his killer's internal communication device:

the highest level task of the killer base was released -

the executors of the task: lightning, demon, yew, hurricane and poisonous snake.

Location: a city, state Z.

Objective: Jing Rui.

Task difficulty: Top a.

Then a high-definition head image is displayed on the screen of the communicator.

Jing Rui looks down from the screen to see his face, suddenly gently smile.

He's going to kill himself!

Good. Everything's going according to his plan.

I haven't been back for six years. I don't know if the city a in his memory is still as warm and beautiful as before. I hope to go back there and let Jingzhi feel the scenery and recover some memories.

Jingzhi, brother will take you home!


The killer camp has never taught killers team combat, but individual combat. Therefore, sending the top five new killers to carry out tasks is not to let them cooperate with each other, but to enable them to fight continuously and finally kill the target.

Five people in turn, can always catch each other slack time?

But the arrangement of the upper level, the killers below can't understand at all.

Except for Jing Rui, the other four people were all shocked when they received the task message.

Kill Jingrui?!

Recently, the name "Jingrui" has already been heard throughout the killer organization!

This task was released half a year ago. Twenty two top killers died, and four killers died every month. However, the task was still not completed. All the killers felt incredible!

Because of this, killers have become a global laughing stock!

This king Rui, in the end is who sacred, 22 killers to kill him, he is still alive unhurt! Life is too hard!

He seems to have become the legend of the whole killer world!

Now let them five new people to kill Jing Rui. Is this really not a joke?

The task level of killer organization is from a to bottom. A is the highest, B is the second, and C is the second.

The highest level task that the newcomer receives is only c! Even if it's a C-level task, it's very difficult. The death rate of new people is very high!

What is the "super a top" mission?! They've never heard of this mission level in killer camp!And I've never heard of a group of five killers killing people! Isn't it clear that their strength is far from each other?

It's said that the 11th killer has died. Why not send the top ten killers to kill Jing Rui instead of sending them these new people?!

Isn't angel the number one player? Send her!

Should we use the five of them as cannon fodder?

Just when the five people's minds were different, another message came from the communicator: everyone, this mission is a trial mission. If you can't kill the target, please take life preservation as the primary goal of the task.

All of them are relieved that they should not be sent to death.

Since the primary goal is to protect life, it's also good to go to a city in Z country to play. Seeing the legendary King Rui, this trip is also worth it! It's a kind of honor to deal with Jing Rui's "super-a top" level to be able to retreat from the whole body.

Jingzhi lay on the bed and chewed the orange. Seeing the message, he couldn't help but sneer: "cut, I've learned to buy people's hearts! Save your life? It's to keep us alive and make money for you. "

He gulped down an orange with the belt meat, and suddenly felt that the two words on the communication device were a little inexplicably familiar.


Jingzhi unconsciously rubbed his chin and murmured the name: "Jingrui..."

Why is there a sense of familiarity?

He held his head and tried to think and think, but his brain hurt and he still didn't remember who it was.

He opened the picture on the screen of the communicator. At first glance, he had a sense of familiarity, but when he looked at it carefully, the familiarity disappeared.

Where have you met this man?

The more he thought, the more blank his mind was!

Jingzhi is so irritable that he is going crazy!

Not only Jing Zhi is going crazy, but also the top leader of Virus Research Institute!

He was yelling at the phone, "no, Sean can't be on a mission! He must not go to city a! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!