Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 911

While the two giants constantly blame each other, Jing Rui's five people have already taken different flights to city A.

In order to ensure that Jing Rui can be killed, the killer organization also secretly arranged for other killers to help.

Andrew's task this time is inevitable. This time he must not make any mistakes, otherwise his position will be shaken.

During his term of office, so many high-level killers died. He should take the blame and resign.

However, Andrew was reluctant to be above the others and control other people's life and death. He just suppressed the opposition. But he knew that he could not suppress him for a long time. He had to get rid of Jing Rui immediately, and then pick up a few big lists to search for some new killers with potential, so that the whole killer organization could be rejuvenated!

A city, late at night, mist enveloped the whole city, dense and dreamy, mysterious and sentimental.

Jingrui got off the plane and saw the beautiful and familiar night scene of a city. Even the humid air felt a kind of familiar intimacy.

He didn't come back for a long time. In seven years, he changed many things. Only the feeling of home never changed.

My father used to say that he was too young to understand the warmth of his home, so he liked to go out and roam alone. When he grew up and experienced hardships, he would know that the most beautiful place in the world was not as good as a bed at home.

Dad is right. He didn't really feel it until now. It's so good to have a home!

He is carrying a silver suitcase, carrying a backpack, wearing a black baseball cap and a light gray sports short suit. He is upright, youthful and sunny, like an overseas student who has just returned from a holiday abroad.

The 19-year-old Jing Rui is 1.86 meters tall. Although he wears an ordinary human skin mask on his face, he still can't hide his innate aristocratic temperament.

He lowered the brim of his hat, dragged his suitcase out of the airport, got into a black public car and disappeared into the vast traffic.

Ordinary appearance, interior luxury in the Volkswagen car, even in the summer is still a black suit cold expensive man, indifferent to sit in the car.

He turned the document in his hand, looked up at Jing Rui, and said faintly, "do you still know to come back?"

Jing Rui is a little uneasy and calls out: "Dad!"

Jing Yichen looked at his son from head to toe, and then took back his eyes. He suppressed the joy of seeing his son in his heart. He asked as if nothing had happened: "when will we go back?"

"The deadline is one week."


And then There was no and then.

The carriage was quiet. Ah Hu, who was a driver in the front row, suspected that he was driving an empty car. The two people with the same temperament in the back row seemed to be his imagination!

I don't know how long after that, just when ah Hu thought the father and son were frozen down, he heard Jing Rui hesitant and asked, "my mother Are you ok? "

Jing Yichen closed the information, posture leisurely lean on the back, light spit out a word: "good."

"Did you tell her that I am back?"

Jing Yichen had no expression on her face and made a cold voice from her nose: "well."


What do you mean by "um"? Is this said or not?

Jingrui has some helplessness. His father is still angry with him for leaving without saying goodbye!

What can I do?

He has no experience in cajoling people! And Looking at his father's cold side face, he felt that even if he coaxed him, he would not have any effect.

Once again, there was a dead silence in the carriage.

Ah Hu, who was driving in front of me, was almost anxious to death by the father and son!

He knew Jing Yichen and was used to his style of speaking like gold. He also knew that he was indifferent and could not chat at all.

But when the young master left, he was only 12 years old. Now he has come back so old. Even if the father and the son don't cry bitterly, they should at least show some expression!

This is not the time to jump out word by word!

Even he is anxious to ask the young master how he has been abroad in recent years, whether he has been bullied, and how Jingzhi is. Have you found him?

He also wants to ask the young master if he has a girlfriend or Where's your boyfriend! He spent ten years abroad with Jing Yichen. He knew how easy it was to bend a straight man abroad!

Unfortunately, ah Husheng is full of doubts and gossip. He doesn't dare to ask a word, otherwise he will be thrown out of the car by jingyichen immediately.

Jingrui doesn't know that AHU, who looks simple and honest, has a bad stomach. He takes a look at his father, but is surprised to find that the years have not left too many traces on him. He just becomes more dignified and introverted.

, as like as two peas at twelve, he had a white shirt, a black suit made by hand, and a short, short hair. All over and down, he had a charming charm of a mature man.Jingyichen noticed his son's line of sight, turned his head and asked faintly, "is there a problem?"

"Dad, no little girl is chasing you?"

Jingyichen immediately frowned and said in a cold voice, "no!"

"Dad, my mother used to conclude that when you lie, your voice will be more deep than usual, and the corners of your eyes will be slightly raised. Just now, you have occupied both of them!"

Jing Rui finally regained his self-confidence. He folded his legs like Jing Yichen and leaned back on the back of the car seat. Then he made a concluding speech: "it seems that there are many girls chasing you, and many of them are still struggling."

Jing Yichen's eyebrows can't help but wrinkle deeper.

Jing Rui took the document in his father's hand and said faintly, "don't worry. I won't tell my mother. She will be sad when she knows."

Jing Yichen finally got angry and scolded his son: "don't talk nonsense! If you don't learn well at a young age, you'll think about it! Did you go out to learn how to kill or make a scandal? I'm just your mother. There's no little girl

Jing Rui opens the data, the lip angle can't help but rise slightly.

Alas, it still hasn't changed at all. Not only has the harshness been reduced, but it has been aggravated!

He just made up a "little girl" casually, and my father was going to hit people.

My mother's other achievements in this life are not so outstanding, only to train her husband is worth learning.

If I had known that moving out of my mother would immediately crack my father's mask, he moved it as soon as he got on the bus!

However, Jing Rui is not happy for a long time, and is soon given an army by jingyichen.

"And you? My son is so excellent, is the girl chasing you from North America to the moon , the fastest update of the webnovel!