Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 908

Since he joined the killer organization at the age of 12, he has been hiding his real identity carefully. No one knows him. He has never provoked anyone. He should not have enemies.

Jing Rui has been investigating this matter for half a year without any clue.

He simply gave up, waiting for the other party to find another killer to deliver.

The other party is very cautious. He is not looking for the killer in the killer organization, but the killer who works alone. In this way, there will be no clues left, so it is difficult to trace his trace.

However, since he is still alive, the other side will definitely not give up, and will definitely make another move.

Jing Rui returns to the killer base with his equipment. After a little rest, he takes the task and sets off again.

His life is monotonous and boring, and the cycle makes his character more cold and firm.

Most of the tasks he took over were completed by himself. Sometimes when he was too busy to be separated, the task would be replaced by fawn.

His ranking on the list of killers keeps rising, and after half a year, he has already ranked in the top 100.

A little bit ahead of the rest of the rookies, not yew.

Jing Rui has begun to pay attention to the female killer named yew at the moment, and has got her detailed information.

He and Jing intelligent stand out from thousands of killers and quickly surpass those experienced killers who have been killers for more than ten years for very special reasons.

And yew a girl, why can climb so fast?

Judging from her data, she is only 17 years old, and seems to have nothing special, except that she works harder than others, and other aspects are average.

The so-called internal information must be false!

Yew can't be so simple!

Jing Rui pays attention to Yew and all changes in killer list.

In the past six months, the death rate of the top killers has increased greatly. So far, 22 of them have died.

This is a terrible number!

It's normal for low-level killers to die so many times. They are inexperienced, their skills are not good enough, and they are not quick enough to escape. They are easy to be killed by the protectors of their targets.

But the top killers, dying so much, are shocking enough. You should know that every top killer's training has been promoted by stepping on a lot of bones. They have wandered on the edge of life and death countless times. After taking away countless lives, they have become today's status.

Each of them is the most precious wealth of the killer organization, and is a money tree after another!

In the past six months, a large number of elites have been lost, and the people in power of the killer organization are furious!

However, there is no way. The employer has already paid 25 million yuan to kill the target, but the target is still alive. On the contrary, all 22 killers who went to kill them were killed!

This is not the problem that the list can not be completed and there is no way to deliver to the big customers, but the face problem of their killer organization!

If you kill one person, you'll lose 22 lives. Who will find them to kill them in the future? Who is willing to pay a high price? There are so many killers that I lose face!

And this is the killer organization since its inception, the most serious loss!

If we go on like this, in half a year, when the high-level killers die, the killers' organization will have to be disbanded!

After so many killers have died, Jingrui is relieved.

It's no one else or him who places orders for the killer organization. He's the big local employer.

The target is himself, the successor of the new generation of Jing family, Jing Rui!

Of course, it's just in name.

He is now in the killer base, and his skin behind his ear is embedded with a special tracking chip for the killer organization. As long as he runs out of a certain area, the control center of the killer organization will receive an alarm message.

Of course, he can't play two roles by himself. The "Jing Rui" who replaces him in a city is just his stand in.

In order to pursue the reality, the double not only has a similar appearance with him, but also has a very similar temperament and manner.

In order to avoid revealing the truth, Jing Rui, except his father, Jing Yichen, conceals all the others.

However, Jing Tianyuan and Jing Zhongxiu soon discovered the clue, and her mother Shangguan Ning discovered the flaw when the double went home for the first time.

There's no way. Mother and son are connected. A mother has her own way of identifying the children she has given birth to in October. It's hard to admit that she is wrong.

However, except for the four of them, the rest of them do not know that "Jingrui" has changed, let alone that the real Jing Rui is now the 76th killer in the world, lightning.

As for the killing of 22 high-level killers in half a year, no one else is fawn. She's the only one with the strength to kill people, and she won't be found.As the world's number one killer, she didn't have any chips embedded in her body. This is not because killer organizations give her preferential treatment, but because they know that it is useless to install chips on deer. She is the kind of person who would rather die than obey orders.

And killer organizations are not willing to lose such a killer anyway.

Twenty two of the top 100 killers died, and the people behind them automatically replaced each other, so Jing Rui's ranking would rise so fast.

Now, the killer organization will send people to kill Jing Rui, and it will be No. 10 on the list.

A week ago, the one who just failed to kill was the 11th.

Inside the killer organization is turbulent, filled with a dignified atmosphere.

The top person in charge of the task assignment, after assigning the task to the tenth, received the rejection of the tenth killer in less than a minute!

The person in charge looks a little ugly.

The tenth is obviously aware of the danger of the mission. He would rather resist his life and accept severe punishment than accept the task!

The person in charge started from the ninth place and went all the way to find the first angel. Without exception, he received nine "refuses"!

The face of the person in charge can't be described with difficulty!

All the top ten refused to accept the task, and he arranged for a fart!

He was so angry that he dropped his favorite gun and scolded all his men.

The subordinates all know what happened recently, but I don't know why the boss suddenly got so angry and wondered whether there was another killer killed.

Only his deputy knows why the boss is angry.

The Deputy thought and thought again and again. Finally, he walked up to the boss and whispered his advice: "boss, those people in front of me are already excellent people, and they certainly don't want to take risks. Why don't you try using new people? Isn't that "lightning" gaining momentum recently , the fastest update of the webnovel!