Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 907

After a task is completed, Jing Rui returns to the killer base for a short rest.

He had not closed his eyes for two days and nights. On this busy Christmas day, he ate a pack of compressed biscuits and drank a bottle of mineral water with ice.

He now has a very low demand for food, as long as he doesn't starve to death, he can eat anything.

As long as Jing Zhi can eat happily, he will feel at ease.

From the day Jingzhi was born, he knew that he was his brother, and he would take all the responsibilities like his father, so that the follower would suffer less hardships.

He knew for a long time that Jing Zhi had lost his memory. Modern medicine was very developed, and it was easy to erase a person's memory.

However, generally speaking, people with amnesia are unlikely to have no impression of the past and rarely change some of their past behavior habits.

He wanted to slowly evoke Jingzhi's memory, but he didn't expect that it would be effective today.

Brother remembers him, that's good!

Jing Rui takes a shower, eats and lies in bed.

After the rest, he took up the task again and set off.

The competition among killer organizations is very fierce. They are now ranked not only in the novice's internal ranking, but also in the global killer ranking since their debut.

At present, the number one killer is still fawn. Jing Rui's goal is not to surpass fawn. He just needs to be famous.

Only in this way can he have enough prestige to prepare for commanding all killers in the future!

At two o'clock in the morning, Jing Rui sets off again with his own equipment.

Because he won the first place in the rookie ranking this time, he has many ordinary killers without authority. One of them is that he can take multiple tasks at a time without having to follow the rule that he can only take one task at a time.

This time, he took on four tasks with a time limit of one week.

All four targets are killed quickly, but Jing Rui doesn't fire a gun at once - all the people are killed by fawn.

Six years ago, fawn returned to the killer organization. She has little use value for the virus research institute, but for the killer organization, she is the most powerful weapon.

Different from the new killers, the old killers have their own homes and are not allowed to live in the killer base.

The killer group is confident enough to make sure fawn can't take her son Jingzhi alone, so her return is very welcome.

It's true. Not to mention that Fawn and Jingzhi can't see each other at all. Even if they do, Jingzhi can't remember his mother at all, and it's hard for fawn to distinguish Jing Zhi, who has grown up with a human skin mask.

Fawn's activities are very free, and no one monitors her, so she often helps Jingrui do tasks.

And Jing Rui has more important things to do than kill.

In an unimportant office building, Jing Rui sits on the sofa, quickly looks over the contract in his hand, and then nods to the middle-aged man opposite him: "deal."

"Ray, I gave you my daughter. As long as she's safe and sound every month, I can help restore your friend's memory. However, depending on the extent and duration of his amnesia, I can't guarantee that I can restore all his memories. I can only do my best. "

"What is the success rate?"

"Look at his resistance to hypnosis. If hypnosis doesn't work like you, the probability of success is zero. If his resistance to hypnosis is weak, there is at least 70% success rate

"If you succeed, your daughter will be able to continue to live, and I will pay her enough living expenses according to the contents of this contract. If she fails, I promise she won't live to be 18. As for you, whether you succeed or not, you will die. No one else can know my secret. "

The middle-aged man was in a hurry: "ray, I said before, I don't know for sure! My hypnotism doesn't work on you. If you make me remember the person who is immune to hypnosis, I can't succeed at all! It doesn't matter if I am dead or alive, but please don't hurt my daughter, she is innocent

Jingrui put the contract into his black handbag and put it with guns and ammunition. He stood up indifferently and said in a cold voice: "when you try to hypnotize me and kill me, she is not innocent!"

"I tried to kill you, but I failed? You are still alive The middle-aged man is full of anxiety and panic. He tries hard to clear his guilt, so as not to implicate his daughter.

"I live, that's my skill! If I wasn't strong enough, I would be a corpse by now! Should I forgive you if I didn't die? Dream

The man in front of him tried to use hypnotism, but his father had taught him how to crack it when he was ten years old, and he had been trained in anti hypnosis for a hundred days.

"Yes, yes, I am damned for that! But this has nothing to do with my daughter. She doesn't know anything. Please let her go! I'll do it alone, I'll do it alone! ""Pray, then, that your hypnosis will work!"

Jing Rui finished and left with his equipment.

Left the middle-aged man there alone in pain.

He contacted ray three times and knew what a cruel man he was. He said that if he wanted his daughter to die, she would not live!

Had known that ray was such a tough guy, he wouldn't have shot it rashly!

Half a year ago, someone paid a lot of money and provided Ray's location and photos to kill ray.

He is nearly 50 years old, once used hypnosis, killed a lot of people, the technology has been very skilled. He thought ray was just an ordinary person, so he took money to kill.

However, his hypnosis with Bailing has no effect on Jing Rui!

As a result, instead of killing Jing Rui, he almost got killed.

If he had not said that he could help people recover their memory, he might have died.

He didn't know who ray was, but he knew that he had a daughter!

I'm afraid that even his daughter does not know that she has a father alive!

He's really praying now that his hypnosis skills are good enough to let Ray's friends recover their memories, otherwise his daughter will be in danger.

Who did ray kill half a year ago? He didn't finish his killing task. Why didn't the employer come back to him?

This is also Jing Rui's own doubts.

Someone paid a high price of 10 million to find the world's top hypnotist to kill him. Was he exposed? , the fastest update of the webnovel!