Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 903

This disaster, inadvertently helped him to solve a short-term hidden danger - the outbreak of the virus delayed.

Moreover, because of the side effects of the chip on his body, the outbreak led to excessive blood loss, and the Institute will not be able to draw blood from his body for at least three months.

One reason is that he can't draw blood because of his current physical condition. The other reason is that the virus is killed by the harmful radio waves released by the chip. Even if he draws blood, he can't get enough virus.

In order to prevent him from being hurt by the chip again, the institute took the chip out of his body.

For this result, Jing Zhi is very satisfied, and the bad mood that almost died is also a little better.

That chip is buried behind his ear. It's a time bomb!

Not only always let his left ear pain unbearable, but seriously affected his hearing!

Originally, as long as he wanted, he could hear other people's heartbeat clearly, but now, let alone the heartbeat, he can't hear even scolding him in the next room. His hearing is almost the same as that of ordinary people.

Jingzhi is not a person who cherishes his life. He thinks it doesn't matter whether he is dead or alive. Anyway, he is suffering from all living. He lives under strict monitoring every day. All his actions are restricted, and he has no freedom at all!

However, he felt that if he had to die, the whole research institute would not want to live!

Good. This time, because the chip was set to the maximum frequency by lance, his blood vessels were ruptured and a lot of blood was lost. Many people were contaminated with his blood.

What are the consequences of his blood contamination?

It's death!

Hundreds of people from the two organizations died this time!

Some people are infected with the virus because they touch their blood, but some people die because they touch the blood of people infected with the virus.

The chain effect is very strong, which makes Jing Zhi very happy.

Lovely viruses, all outbreak! Poison them!

Jing Zhi put away his mobile phone and walked out of the ward wearing patient's clothes and disposable slippers.

He just doesn't understand. Who killed lance?

He can be sure that although lance got a foot from him at that time, it was not fatal. With the medical conditions organized by the killers, as long as they are well treated, they can certainly recover as usual.

Even if lance had been contaminated with his blood and infected with the virus, he would not have died that night.

If the number of viruses is relatively small, it will take at least two days and two nights to engulf healthy cells in an adult's body.

It can't have been the killer organization or the Research Institute. They were all very angry when they learned that lance was dead. The culprit was that the experimental subjects that the two institutions were protecting were nearly dead, and that so many people were killed. If they didn't torture and torture him, it was not the style of these paranoid people.

Even Lance's tough backstage got a lot of bad luck - he gave lance the chip remote control.

Who killed lance for him?

Who's taking revenge for him?

In recent two or three years, Jing Zhi has been vaguely aware that someone is protecting him.

But this kind of feeling is too light too light, every time let him think it is his illusion.

Because every time he saved his life, he felt that he was lucky.

If someone is really protecting him, that person is too strong!

To be able to do things without any trace, it is like a small probability event happened by chance. He has to be strong enough to compete with two abnormal and powerful organizations!

Will there be such a person in the world?

Jingzhi thinks it's impossible!

No one knows better than him how unshakable the two institutions are.

Killer organizations have existed for hundreds of years, and the business of killers makes huge profits. A single list is millions of millions. So many killers have been taking on tasks for 365 days, and the money they have earned has been incomparable.

Nowadays, killer organizations have established contacts all over the world and even cooperate with the governments of many countries. When it is not convenient for the governments to take action, they throw out a lot of money and let the killers solve it.

With such a handle in the hands of killer organizations, how can the government give some powerful help, such as sophisticated weapons.

Although virus research institutions are not as rich as killer organizations, they are also an absolutely powerful force, because they hold a vicious virus that can destroy all human beings and the whole planet.

Most importantly, the so-called Virus Research Institute is backed by several of the most developed countries in the world.

No one wants to die. We all want to be young forever and live healthily for a long time.

Especially for the rich and those in high position and power, when they die, their money and power will all become the property of others. Only by living, can they not waste the first half of their hard struggle.If you want to compete with killer organizations and research institutes at the same time, you don't have the strength. That's hitting the stone with an egg.

Jing Zhi has been trying to escape for so many years, to leave this ghost place, to escape from the cage bound by the experiment, but he has never succeeded.

His body function has been beyond the scope of human beings. It is not too much to describe him as an alien. However, even in this way, he can not get rid of the powerful tracking of killer organizations.

Chase, this is the killer organization's specialty!

Can anyone do something in front of the two institutions?

Jing Zhi is very suspicious.

But if not, how could his intuition go wrong again and again?

Just like this time, Lance died inexplicably. Others thought that lance had been kicked to death by him, but only he knew that his state was very bad at that time. There was a big gap between the strength of that kick and usual. Lance should not die so fast.

Jingzhi feels that there is a layer of fog in front of him, which blocks his sight. He can't see the truth clearly, and even has self doubt.

It doesn't make sense. He knows a lot of people in these two organizations, but none seems to help him!

You're going to lose your head to help out!

Risking one's life to help, it must be a relationship of iron, what kind of emotion it must be!

Are they his parents?

Apart from his own parents, Jing Zhi can't imagine anyone else doing this.

But his parents are dead, aren't they?

Over the years, everyone at the virus Institute has said that, and he thinks so subconsciously.

Even if they are not dead, they may not be able to reach into these two institutions.

Jingzhi walked out slowly, and a word suddenly appeared in his mind.

He spread out his hands, staring at the two words on his palms.

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