Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 902

Zheng yuluo was shocked and lost his voice and said: "Weiwei, this is absolutely not possible!"

Even though my sister has been in the Military Academy for half a year and has learned some fighting skills and skills, she is far from sea's opponent!

"Why not?"

Zheng Yuwei has never met Sean, but she is very confident in herself. She begged her father to send her to the military academy in order to learn real skills and protect her sister in the future.

"Sister, I'm not the same as before. I'm not the little girl who can only hide behind you! Don't worry, I won't act impulsively. I won't have a direct conflict with him. I'll kill him in secret! "

She had asked some of her sister's classmates and knew that Sean was a murderer, and everyone who drew blood from him would die in his hands.

But she was not afraid at all. Even if she was hurt, she would ask for justice for her sister!

In school, there is life-threatening. How can such a dangerous lunatic let students draw blood for him?

This life research institute is not a good school. When my sister is ready, she will take her sister away from here.

Zheng yuluo heard that her sister dared to kill. The most important thing is that she wanted to kill Sean!

She was scared to death, and her face turned pale even more!

She pulled her sister's sleeve in panic: "you, you, you You must listen to me. If you dare to seek revenge on him, I will I'll never recognize your sister again

There are people outside and mountains outside. My sister is just a young girl. How can she be Sean's opponent!

His bad name has been chilling for years!

Zheng Yuwei was so miserable that she said with tears in her red eyes: "sister Don't say that. I've been your sister all my life! How can I watch you suffer so much

Since the disappearance of Jing Zhi six years ago, her sister Zheng yuluo's character has changed greatly. Originally, she is lively and cheerful, flying and coquettish. She has become a silent and boring person.

She lives in a black-and-white world. She can't see any other colors in her eyes.

Elder sister has lived enough tired enough painful, how can you let others bully her?

They owe Jing Zhi, but they don't owe anyone else!

"No, vivi, you must promise me that you can never take revenge on that man! You are not his opponent, he is a devil. Thousands of people have died in his hands! He's very hard backstage. He hasn't been punished for killing people. I don't want you to take risks! Swear it

Zheng Yuwei saw that her sister was really in a hurry and even said, "OK, sister, don't be angry. I swear it's not OK? I don't go to that person to avenge, you don't move, be careful of the wound on your body

Zheng yuluo was still worried. She knew her sister's character. She was afraid that her sister didn't know how powerful she was. She ran to find Sean for revenge and immediately said, "you swear with my life that if you go to find Sean for revenge, I won't live to tomorrow."

Zheng Yuwei was stunned: "elder sister!"

She just cheated her sister. She must go to find Sean for revenge. How could she take such a poisonous oath!

"Elder sister, how can I take your life to swear, you don't worry, I listen to your words, go nowhere, just accompany you in the hospital, OK?"


"Really! Since I can't beat him, I won't go and die. When I become more powerful, I will go to him. What's more, even if I want to find him now, I can't find him. What about revenge? "

Zheng yuluo thinks about it carefully. His sister really makes sense. Sean has always been haunted. Unless he appears, no one can find him.

The next time Sean goes to school, it will be at least a month later. At that time, my sister will definitely leave here and return to Europe to continue studying.

She was seriously injured by Sean, and Zheng yuluo was angry, of course, but she knew that she was far from him in strength and had little hope of revenge. She didn't want to avenge Sean at all. She just wanted to stay away from the devil, so that she would not suffer any more.

"That's good. As long as you don't go to him, I'll be very happy, so that my injury will recover quickly. Vivie, don't lie to me

"No, sister, you have to believe me!"

Zheng Yuwei said that she had no intention of giving up revenge.

She took a close look at her sister's long hair and was ready to buy a wig of the same length in a few days.

as like as two peas, she is almost identical to her appearance, temperament and voice. Although her height is two centimeters short and her weight is several kilograms, it is hard for ordinary people to perceive this difference.

Now, the only thing that makes her different from her sister is that she has long hair and she has short hair.

Because the military academy does not allow long hair, so she cut off her beloved long hair after entering school. In order to cheat others, she has to buy a wig.……

Within a week, the killer organization had a lot of bad news.

First, lance, who was in charge of the physical examination and health status of all the killers, died inexplicably on the night of the "magic" injury. Then, several doctors, nurses who had close contact with "magic" that day, as well as the managers of the base, also died.

In just seven days, twenty-one people had died just as the killers knew.

This is a very rare thing in the base, because all the people in the base are strictly selected and trained. No matter whether they are killers or managers, they have experienced many battles. At this level, there will be no mass deaths.

The only one who hasn't died is the general manager of the base.

Because of the high weight of the chief executive, all the treatment resources are concentrated on him, so he can carry on for seven days.

Jing Zhi lies in the ward of the virus research institute, looking pale and browsing the latest information about killer organizations in his mobile phone.

The high-intensity magnetic vibration from the chip caused the rupture of a large number of red blood cells in his body, and killed a lot of viruses, resulting in a short time of body hypoxia, excessive blood loss and syncope shock.

Fortunately, he has a strong non-human recovery ability, and the whole research institute poured all the doctors and drugs on him to save his life, so he woke up on the fourth day after syncope.

He soon found that his body temperature had recovered a little because of the massive death of the virus. , the fastest update of the webnovel!