Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 904

At the beginning, why didn't he prick the handwriting of his father or mother in the palm of his hand, but the two words of brother?

Even if he lost his memory, he was still convinced that he had a brother.

On the contrary, he had no impression of his parents.

Others said his parents were dead, but no one said his brother was dead. This means that his brother must be alive.

The chip is taken from behind Jingzhi's ear, which makes him feel that his brain seems to be much clearer.

He felt that he had been neglecting an important issue. Maybe, there are people protecting him in these two organizations?

If, before those accidents are not his illusion, but really someone is helping him?

All of a sudden, Jingzhi has a sense of happiness warmed by the sun.

This is the first time in six years that he really feels happy, protected and loved.

He is not an experimental object, he is not a monster, he is just a child who has forgotten his life experience.

He looked down at the two pale blue handwriting on his palm, and a brilliant smile appeared at the corner of his lips.

It's so nice to have a brother. He feels that the wounds on his body don't seem to hurt any more!

Jingzhi clenched his fist and strode out.

Seeing that he was about to leave, the doctors in the research institute stopped him one after another.

"Sean, you can't leave. You haven't recovered yet!"

"Sean, you go back and lie down. Today's drug injection is not finished yet!"

"Sean, you can bleed anywhere in your body. You can't touch anyone else, or you'll die in a large area. You've been sentenced to prison! You can't get out


Jingzhi was in a good mood at first. He was in a bad mood. When he saw the people who had been experimenting with him as a mouse, he was in a bad mood.

These people in the Research Institute, in order to prevent being infected by him, all wore masks and rubber gloves. They also wore protective clothing and were fully armed, with only two eyes exposed.

Jing Zhi smiles innocuously at those people and bites his fingertips.

All the researchers who came to block the way, when they saw that he was bleeding, they all turned pale with fear and stepped back in panic.

He's a moving pathogen! The most dangerous one!

The blood drops by drop, and Jingzhi doesn't care at all. In any case, even if he doesn't waste it, the blood will be taken away.

Every time a drop of blood comes out, he throws it at a person fiercely.

In the killer camp, he has already been trained with excellent accuracy. In addition, he has excellent eyesight. It is not difficult to throw blood beads into people's eyes.

But in a minute or two, the Academy's underground research room was already howling.

The harsh siren of the Institute immediately sounded, and an angry voice echoed through the loudspeaker throughout the Institute: "stop Sean, never allow him to leave!"

Hundreds of heavily armed bodyguards stopped Jing Zhi. Each of them had a gun in his hand. As long as he took another step, he would shoot.

Of course, it's not bullets, but powerful anesthetics.

Jing Zhi is the most important and valuable virus research body in the whole research institute, and his life must not be in danger.

Jingzhi looks at the oppressed group of people who stop him and sneers.

When he was in killers' camp for six years, did he learn for nothing?

Suddenly, a group of bodyguards darted into the anaesthetic to speed up.

One after another, the bodyguards are kicked out by Jing Zhi. The scene doesn't seem to be kicking people out, but it's like throwing a broken sack out.

Screams one after another, after a while all the bodyguards are lying on the ground, life and death do not know.

Jingzhi kicks open the door and walks up the steps step by step.

His white medical suit was stained with bloodstains, both his own and others. I don't know where his feet are on the cold ground.

In order to prevent him from escaping, the virus research institute did not give him food since he fainted, and only gave him infusion to maintain his life every day.

He hasn't eaten for seven days in a row.

If his body wasn't strong enough for the virus to engulf cells and release energy, he would have starved to death.

The serious energy deficiency makes Jing Zhi a little heavy handed.

He had lost too much blood, in order to maintain the concentration of the virus in his blood, the research institute refused to give him blood transfusion, so his face was very pale.

Just now, he was beaten by a hundred enemies, and he was hit by several anesthetics. His body was seriously overdrawn.

He began to see hallucinations in front of him.

Jing Zhi knows that this is an illusion.With all his strength he began to run.

He wants to get out of here. This is hell on earth!


Why is there a rare virus in his body? Why is he being held here? Why no one treats him like a man!

What did he do wrong? He should be punished and tortured like this!

The effect of anesthetics gradually occupied Jing Zhi's body. In his hallucination, he accelerated to run out of the high wall of the Research Institute, ran across the central square like the wind, and rushed into a vast expanse of sea water, allowing his body to sink slowly.

For a moment, he saw many pieces of memory, but the fragments were so messy that he could not tell whether it was an illusion or a precious memory that he had once owned.

"Brother, I have chocolate for you to eat!"

"Brother, when can I grow taller than you?"

"Brother, can I sleep with you?"


In a trance, he saw a tall figure jump from the shore into the icy sea water.

The figure was indistinct, but it was getting closer and closer to him.

He reached out to him, held his body, took him through the sea level and got fresh air again.

Jingzhi wants to see him and know who saved himself. However, his physical strength had already been overdrawn, and the anesthetics forced him into the endless darkness.

The next day, Jing Zhi wakes up from his lethargy.

Looking around, he was depressed.

No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't get out of here.

He leaned against the head of the bed, recalling what had happened last night, and some were not sure if someone had rescued him from the deep sea.

He often could not distinguish between illusion and reality. He always felt that he was in a dream last night, so unreal.

The door of the room was opened and Peter came in.

"Seventy two people died directly yesterday, and 256 people were infected with the virus!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!