Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 901

In the killer base, the chief executive rarely appeared, his words in the base is the supreme edict, the killers quickly retreat out.

Jing Rui takes a look at Jing Zhi lying in the pool of blood, biting his teeth and retreating out.

At this moment, it is the most important to treat Jing Zhi. Not only does he not have any benefits to stay here, but he may take the lives of both of them.

He clenched his fist and walked out of the examination room with a cold look. He packed up his equipment and went out to carry out the task.

The physical examination is impossible to go on. Jing Zhi's injury is so serious that he will be transferred to the Virus Research Institute for rescue immediately. The doctors in the killer base don't have enough experience and ability to save him. Only the top scientists specializing in this virus can understand his physical condition.

Carrying out the task is not the main purpose of Jing Rui. Only when he leaves the killer base can he get in touch with his men. At present, he and Jing Zhi can only stay in the killer organization. There is no problem with his safety. He needs to ensure the safety of Jingzhi in the future, and there can be no more mistakes.


In the dim dream, a little girl combined with another girl tied a rope all over the body of a little boy, and sent it to a middle-aged man full of flesh and blood.

Then, the little boy began to be tortured, whipped every day, bleeding every day.

Until one day, the little boy couldn't bear beating and scolding, and turned into a cold corpse.

Zheng yuluo suddenly woke up from the nightmare, and when she realized that she was dreaming, the pain in her heart slowly dissipated.

Her face was a little cold, she raised her hand, and it was full of tears.

"Sister, are you awake?"

as like as two peas, as like as two peas, she heard the same voice as Zheng Yuluo, and then she saw the same face as her.


Her voice was so hoarse that she could hardly believe what she saw. Her eyes were full of amazement.

"It's me, sister. I'm vivi! You wake up at last. I'm scared to death! "

Zheng Yuwei said, tightly holding the hand of Zheng yuluo, sobbing.

The two of them are twin sisters. There is a wonderful telepathy between them. The elder sister is lying on the bed without knowing her life or death. She feels empty. Now her sister wakes up, and the heavy stone in her heart finally disappears.

Zheng yuluo stretched out his hand, gently stroked her sister's head and comforted her: "Weiwei, don't cry. I'm ok. I have some pain on my body. Once you cry, I feel more pain."

Zheng Yuwei has to hold back crying. She loves her sister so much. How can she be willing to let her suffer more.

"I won't cry, sister. Don't hurt. I'm so scared! Don't be afraid of me

When she came to the hospital, she saw my sister's face gray and on the verge of it. She almost fainted! She was afraid to the extreme, has been guarding her sister step by step, afraid that in a blink of an eye her sister will disappear.

Zheng yuluo looked at her sister's swollen eyes and knew that she must have cried for a long time when she was in a coma. She whispered: "no, Wei Wei, I will live, I will not die."

Her voice was light, but her voice was firm and persistent.

Zheng Yuwei suddenly heard her sister's meaning. She said that she would not die before she found Jing Zhi.

She felt as if she had been cut by a knife!


Zheng Yuwei's voice was a little choked. She said with red eyes, "it was not your fault. My parents have already said that. Even if we didn't tie him up and give it to that person, he would think of other ways to take him away. It's just, maybe not so fast. Even if there is a mistake, it's not just your fault. I have a share, sister

In her words, she did not dare to mention the word "Jingzhi", because she was afraid that her sister would fall into extreme pain when she mentioned Jingzhi.

Since Jingzhi's disappearance, her sister often has nightmares at night and wakes up with tears.

Long term insomnia and nightmares have been tormenting her. Originally, their two sisters were the same size, but now her sister is a whole circle thinner than her, and they were originally the same height, but now she is two centimeters higher than her sister.

The elder sister's psychiatrist said that the elder sister is because of the psychological pressure is too big, the ponder is too much, plus some malnutrition, therefore affected the development.

The doctor said that the elder sister is only 15 years old now. She should take good care of her, open her heart, strengthen her nutrition and exercise. By the time she is 20 years old, she can basically catch up with her sister.

Therefore, as long as Zheng Yuwei has the opportunity, she will continue to comfort her sister, hoping that she can come out of the shadow of the past.

Zheng yuluo knows that her sister is comforting herself, but she has no way to cheat herself.

She gently shook her head: "no, it's really my fault, you were just listening to my words for the tiger, it has nothing to do with you."

Sister from childhood to most listen to her words, she said East, sister will never go west. It's her idea to deal with Jing Zhi. It has nothing to do with her sister.It was she who pushed Jing Zhi into the cliff with her own hands. She always had to bear the consequences for her mistakes.

Zheng yuluo did not want to continue to discuss this matter, she asked softly: "Wei Wei, how did you come here? Aren't you in Europe? How can you come out at will when your military academy is so strict? "

Zheng Yuwei sucked her nose and said, "your college doesn't know how to find my contact information and say you When I got hurt, I immediately packed a helicopter and flew by. Fortunately, they found me, otherwise... "

Otherwise, she did not know that her sister was beaten like this. The doctor said that her sister's heart had stopped beating several times, and after many times of rescue, it was difficult to rescue her.

"Weiwei, I'm all right now. Go back to school quickly!"

Zheng yuluo immediately drove his sister away.

The younger sister went to the same military academy as her father, the Royal Military Academy. The management was very strict. It was very difficult to ask for leave. Moreover, if she asked for too much leave, she would be directly expelled.

My sister just entered the school this summer and asked for leave after half a year's schooling, which definitely affected the teacher's impression on her.

"How can that be done?"

Zheng Yuwei did not agree: "I don't want to go, I want to accompany you here, take care of you, you are here alone, I don't trust!"

At least three months of broken ribs, she needs to rest in bed! If no one takes care of her, how can she survive alone!

"What's more, my sister has to tell me which bastard hurt you! I will avenge you , the fastest update of the webnovel!