Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 900

The physical examination of killers camp is a comprehensive test of killers. Height, weight, cardiopulmonary function are only the most basic. There are also some very important parts, including true appearance recording, blood collection, DNA examination, etc.

Since Jing Rui has come to the killer camp, of course, he has made a full set of preparations for counterfeiting.

Although his real face is indeed his own face, it is the face after the injection of drugs that slightly changes his face.

The blood samples collected by the other party will be replaced by his people in the middle of the way. Among the killer organizations, he has planted dozens of people in the past six years, and almost every department has his own people. This year, because of the improvement of the level he has been exposed to, more people have been inserted.

Otherwise, it is known that his blood has the same virus as Jingzhi, and the two people are related by blood, and the consequences will be unimaginable.

Out of his separate suite and into the physical examination room, Jing Rui soon knew why he had two physical examinations this year.

This physical examination is for Jing Zhi.

In the virus research institute, there are also people from Jing Rui. Over the past six years, with the support of his family, he has constantly infiltrated his power into these two major organizations.

After sacrificing countless people, the virus Institute now has his men.

Therefore, Jing Rui knows that the virus research institute basically takes Jing Zhi's blood for research every month. Because it is mainly used for human experiments, the blood is used up after the injection, so it needs to be drawn from Jingzhi constantly.

It's an isolated city. It's built to block all the killers.

So Jing Rui doesn't know what happened today.

Seeing that the people in charge of the physical examination and blood drawing were looking for "magic charm", he immediately guessed that they organized the physical examination to extract Jing Zhi's blood.

Jing Rui's eyes are a little cold.

Every month, he draws blood from Jing Zhi's body. Even if he has a strong constitution, he can't carry it for a long time!

This undoubtedly overdraw his life!

Jing Rui is thinking about it. He sees Jing Zhi coming in with his whole body wet.

His face was a little white, his lips were bloodless, and his expression was slightly distorted, as if he were suffering from some great pain.

More than a dozen killers in the physical examination room looked at Jing Zhi. No one cared about his embarrassment, and no one laughed at his pale face. All of them subconsciously made way for him.

The strong will be respected everywhere.

Jing Zhi is always ahead of everyone with absolutely excellent results in training. Although he is the second in the list of new killers, it does not hinder people's recognition of his strength.

In the field of killers, there has never been any luck. All the achievements are earned by hard work and real strength.

Jing Zhi is in such a mess that everyone thinks he is going to carry out the task. No one knows that he is so miserable because the chip implanted in his body by the killer organization has broken out.

The killers in the killer camp can only be implanted with one chip, and the human body can't bear it any more.

But Jingzhi has a special constitution. After research by the virus research institute, he can be implanted with two chips!

So, killer camp designed another kind of control chip specifically for him, which was implanted behind his ear with the explosive chip.

"Demon, where have you been?! I've informed you many times why I'm back now! If you win the second place, do you feel great about yourself? "

Lance, who is in charge of the physical examination, yells.

Lance came to the killers' base only last year. He has a strong backing in the killer organization, so his attitude is particularly brutal.

He doesn't know the specific situation of "demon", and at his level, he is not qualified to know the top secret of the killer organization.

He only knows that demons are bloodthirsty, but all the people here are killers. Which one is not? If you are soft hearted, you will become a corpse the next day.

There are strict rules in the killers' camp. Lance feels that his personal safety is guaranteed enough, so he has no fear.

Although Jing Zhi is still suffering from the huge torture brought by the chip, he immediately steps forward and kicks lance out without saying a word.

With a loud bang, Lance's back hits a table, and the wooden table suddenly breaks into two, which shows how hard Jing Zhi kicked.

Lance was kicked more than ten meters away, his back directly hit the table top, and his spine was seriously injured!

He lay on the ground, screaming in pain.

Jingzhi slowly walked up to him, looked at him from a commanding position, and showed a cruel smile: "I ranked second, it's nothing to do with you! I'll show you today how great I am

"If you dare to kill me, you will not live!"

Lance screamed.

Until now, he still can't believe that he was beaten by "magic spirit"!He pinched the micro remote controller in his hand, and then madly turned up the control frequency.

Jingzhi immediately screamed "ah" and fell to the ground with his head in his arms.

His ears quickly exuded blood, the nose is also bleeding, blood vessels all over the body began to crack, the white suit was quickly dyed red! He lay on the ground in pain, and the whole person was convulsed and convulsed as if by high voltage.

In just a few tens of seconds, he passed out, but even if he passed out, his body was shaking constantly because of the intense pain.

Jingrui stands more than ten meters away and sees the situation of Jingzhi clearly.

His eyes were red at once!

His six-year career as a killer has already forged him into a cold and indifferent man. His heart is harder than stone, and he has no feelings.

But at this moment, his heart is bleeding!

Is this the kind of torture Jingzhi has suffered in the past six years?!

You're all waiting. Tomorrow, you're all going to die!

When Jing Zhi was taken away, he was only ten years old. Once he was disobedient, they treated him so cruelly!

Jingrui can't help but step forward. He wants to take Jingzhi away now! He wants to blow up the entire killer base!

At this time, the whole killer base sounded a sharp, harsh alarm.

When all the killers were on alert with misgivings, five or six doctors came into the physical examination room. Then, the general manager of the killer base and four top managers rushed in.

None of them looked at it and went straight to Jingzhi. Only the leader in charge yelled in a trembling voice: "everyone out, now! The highest alarm level! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!