Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 899

The virus Institute has been strengthening his body in recent years, trying to use his body to cultivate a higher level of virus.

The killer camp has been improving his killing skills. Now, when Jing Zhi tries his best, he is almost invincible.

Jing Zhi put too much pressure on Peter. He wanted to reprimand him, but soon changed his mind.

Jing Zhi is crazy, but everyone will kill him. Peter doesn't want to be his ghost under the gun, so he gives up the idea of letting him go back to school to draw blood. He turns to the truck and finds someone else to deal with Jingzhi.

Jing Zhi winces when he sees Peter choking with him half way, and can't help frowning.

Everyone in the virus research institute is abnormal. They are all paranoid and fanatical, and love the virus more than anything else.

Since Peter is one of the leaders of the Research Institute, it is absolutely impossible to let him go so easily.

Jing Zhi turns into the car, turns the air conditioner to its maximum temperature and continues on the road.

Peter is right. There are only a few days left in his virus outbreak this year. His temperature is getting lower and lower, and his bone pain is getting worse. He can't sleep at night.

But he didn't want to bow to the virus Institute.

He would rather suffer pain than let them draw his blood and inject him with chemicals or even other kinds of viruses.

He's their experiment.

It's a vessel in which they grow the virus.

Because the virus in his body is very difficult to survive in other people's bodies. Once introduced into other people's bodies, the vast majority of people will die in three days. Only a few people can survive after complicated and expensive treatment, but those who survive will also become disabled people.

I don't know why. Jingzhi always feels that there is a man who has successfully contained the virus in his body and has some of his super abilities.

Who is this man?

He raised his left hand and looked at the lines in silence.

In his palm, there are two words in light blue, brother.

This is from the beginning that he found that his memory gradually disappeared, every day with blue ink, with infusion needle, bit by bit.

Day after day, he persisted in the ligation, even if there was deep pain, he never gave up!

His body has a strong ability to recover, and all the scars can recover quickly. However, the blue ink has soaked into his skin. Over time, these two words are clearly engraved in his palm.

His memory slowly disappeared, he did not remember the "brother" in the end is who, forget his appearance, forget his voice, forget his everything.

However, he remembered that this was a very important person in his life!

He dare not forget, he is not willing to forget!

Every time he saw these two words, he always had a warm feeling in his heart, which was the only sunshine in his dark and painful purgatory life.

He murmured: "brother, where are you? I don't remember you. What should I do? "

His expression is at a loss and helpless. He is not like the top killer who can kill people mercilessly. He is just like a child who can't find his way home after dark.

When the last ray of sunshine disappears in the world, the darkness begins to cover the whole land.

Jing Zhi drives his car and stops by a beach.

He slowly got out of the car, stepped on the soft sand, a deja vu feeling like he hit.

However, the feeling disappeared so fast that he couldn't catch it.

For six years, he often had this sense of deja vu. Every time he tried to catch it, he always got nothing.

He walked on the beach, until he reached the sea.

The sea water soaked his shoes and socks, wet his expensive white trousers, he was still unconscious.

Stars all over the sky, the light scattered on the boundless sea level, sea breeze blowing in the ear, lonely shallow singing.

He seemed to be the only one left in the world.

He gently lifted up a little sea water with his palm.

Suddenly, a vague picture jumped into his mind!

I don't know how long ago, on such a night and on such a beach, there was a little boy washing his hands for another boy.

The picture flashed away.

But Jingzhi is sure that this is his memory!

Childhood memory!

He raised his left hand again, looked at the two light blue handwriting in the palm and whispered: "brother, is that you?"

Night, already very deep, winter seaside, wind is very cool, water is very ice.

However, Jingzhi is not willing to leave the sea area. This is the first time that he recalled the previous pictures since he lost his memory. Even if it is vague and fragmented, it is enough to make him feel happy and warm.He was very happy.

He has been resisting medication for the past six months, and his memory finally shows signs of recovery!


Deep underground of the killer base, Jing Rui simply ate and began to take on new tasks.

His body also carries the same virus as Jingzhi, so he eats a lot. Although not as exaggerated as Jingzhi, it is more than three times that of ordinary people.

After six years of hard work, the killer has changed his picky eating habit. As long as he can provide his body with the most basic energy needs, even raw beef and snake meat, he will not hesitate to eat it.

It would be a shame to be exhausted in high-intensity training because of lack of energy.

He can't die here. He hasn't brought Jingzhi home.

The killer group's R & D team has developed a new chip, implanted in the skin behind each killer's ear, which is mainly used for positioning and health monitoring.

Before the person under his hand does not break the program of this chip, he can not act rashly, let alone escape from North America directly with Jingzhi. No one can escape from North America except for going out to do tasks. All the fugitives will be immediately activated by the killer camp's self exploding device, and then their heads will explode.

According to Jing Rui's style, he disdains to abscond.

There is no such word in his life dictionary.

He came to take Jing Zhi home and collect the killer organization. He didn't come to be a fugitive.

However, his current level is still relatively low, and he has not touched the core of the killer organization, so he is still dormant.

He took the task, originally ready to start, but then received the killer camp medical information.

In the killer camp, this kind of physical examination is carried out once a year, occasionally twice.

It has been carried out at the beginning of this year and again at the end of the year.

Is it something unusual?

Jing Rui has a slight doubt in his heart.

The most important part of his medical information is fake. , the fastest update of the webnovel!