Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 898

Peter's face was obviously angry: "you immediately go back to school to draw blood! No killing

has the final say of my blood. What do you say to smoke? After smoking for so many years and injecting so many messy things to me, I didn't become an idiot because of my good luck! As for homicide Didn't you want to be a killer? I can do nothing but kill! "

as like as two peas in the eyes of the landscape, the smile disappeared on the landscape. All the eyes were cold and bitter.

Of course, he knew that his memory did not disappear out of thin air!

Ten years old before the memory of a blank, he is not a fool, how can not know is the role of those drugs!

"It's for your own good, lest you die too soon! Your parents abandoned you, and you were the one who asked to join in! "

"Not necessarily! I'm afraid you won't believe this. Do I look so brainless and believe your lie with no intelligence quotient? "

Jing Zhi sneers, looking at Peter's eyes like an idiot.

"According to the plot of the movie, it should be you who killed my parents and forced me to join your organization! In order not to let me find revenge on you, so I will use drugs to destroy all my memories! "

Peter immediately denied: "we didn't kill your parents! No one forced you back then

"Why are you in such a hurry to clarify? It will only show you are guilty! "

Over the years, Jing Zhi has never asked himself about his life experience.

Who are their parents and whether they are alive or dead, he has not asked or investigated.

Because with his in-depth understanding of the virus research institute and killer organizations, he knew that his every move was under their surveillance. Even if he investigated, it was impossible for him to get the truth.

The truth has been covered up by them!

He will either die or live, become more powerful and powerful enough to be able to find out the truth before he goes to investigate.

Seeing Peter, the senior leader of the Research Institute, Jing Zhi wants to kill him very much. After all, if he kills one, he will have one less opponent in the future!

Feeling Jing Zhi's fierce killing intention, Peter's face is very ugly.

He didn't want Sean to do any killer training!

To make Sean a top killer is to dig his own grave!

There are only a few ways they can control him, and they can't play their due role at all! Many virus researchers in the institution have been killed by Sean. Otherwise, how could they let him go to school to have blood drawn!

This school is specially set up by their scientific research institutions. There are 12 schools around the world, which provide talents for virus research institutes every year. By now, however, Sean has destroyed three colleges, leaving only nine!

Every time he draws blood, Sean kills people. He hates people taking his blood and pricking him with a needle.

The researchers in the institution were carefully trained and could not die easily, so they asked college freshmen to draw blood for Sean. These people were victims.

However, even the victims can not die too much, otherwise it is easy to cause panic and chaos.

Peter doesn't want to be Sean's next victim.

He immediately changed the subject: "you should be more restrained in the future! We spent a lot of money and energy trying to smooth out those cases for you. The two students you killed today are not small, and the organization will be involved in disputes because of this! "

"Good! Roll it, roll it hard! I'm glad you're all dead

"You can't live if we all die! Don't forget, the virus in your body will break out once every two years. This year's outbreak will come soon. You'd better be obedient, or you will die soon

Jingzhi shrugged his shoulders and raised his eyebrows: "whatever, I've lived long enough! I don't want to live until now! If you don't have to die, you don't have to die

Peter's face is stiff. He is blocked by Jingzhi's words and can't say a word.

Jing Zhi had committed suicide many times, because at the beginning, he had been imprisoned. The large dose of drug injection not only made him lose memory, but also changed him into severe depression. He often had various hallucinations and abandoned himself, and was on the verge of death.

Fortunately, their virus research team is the elite dug from all over the world, and after endless rescue, it made him survive.

After he woke up, the organization did not dare to imprison him, but gave him a lot of freedom, so he slowly came out of the depression.

However, even if he lost his memory, he still had an instinctive hatred and hatred for the entire scientific research institution. Before he officially entered the killer organization, he had killed many elite virus researchers with his far more extraordinary strength and speed.

Peter knows that Jingzhi is a person who doesn't care about others' threats. He is cold hearted and even ignores his own life, let alone others.He took a deep breath and changed his friendly way of speech: "we are now in a cooperative relationship. As long as you cooperate well, the organization will certainly give you freedom in the future, and it will cost you endless money. Now virus research is at a critical stage. In less than two years, there will be a breakthrough. You just need to stick to it for another two years. "

Jingzhi unconsciously touched his chin and showed a sarcastic smile: "yes, you lied to me like that two years ago! It's a pity that I was cheated when I was too young. Now try again. If I am cheated again, what's the difference between me and an idiot like you! "

"No matter what, you have to draw blood today. The blood samples of the research institute are used up. The research can't be interrupted. You'd better be obedient, or you will suffer in the end."

Jing Zhisen smiles: "Oh, threaten me? Ha ha ha, you probably don't know? Their killer camp is more abnormal than you. I'm not a human being at all! I've tasted it all. OK, I've been having nightmares for half a month! I really have to thank them, or I may not be able to sustain your torture! "

In fact, Peter is aware of the appalling methods of the killer camp. Jing Zhi is their key successor. He must have done everything he can to create a world-class killer.

Every time he sees Jing Zhi's penetrating eyes, he feels that both of them are cultivating an increasingly powerful enemy for himself! , the fastest update of the webnovel!