Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 897

It was Zheng yuluo's own request to study life science abroad. Neither of her parents was at ease. However, she made up her mind to say goodbye to her twin sister and went abroad alone.

Since the disappearance of Jing Zhi, she was seriously ill, leaving a knot in her heart.

Once upon a time, she was young and unreasonable, and was held in the hands of her family. As she grew up, her guilt and regret became more and more serious.

She did not dare to see Jing Zhi's parents and relatives, even her own family.

Musen said that Jingzhi was not dead, but he would be worse off if he was caught.

Is life better than death?

Zheng yuluo doesn't know what kind of darkness Jingzhi lives in. She only knows that she has been struggling on the edge of life and death for six years, suffering in purgatory.

She hates herself!

She tried to commit suicide countless times and gave up again and again.

It's not that she is reluctant to die. She thinks that she is not qualified to die before finding Jingzhi and confirming that Jingzhi is still alive in the world.

Consciousness some fuzzy, Zheng yuluo bit his tongue hard, want to keep his sober.

She specializes in life science. Although she can't do surgery, she is half a doctor. She knows that the longer she stays awake, the stronger her desire to survive, the higher the possibility of survival.

The sound of footstep sounds in my ears, getting closer and clearer.

It's Sean!

The murderer!

Zheng yuluo closed his eyes, held his breath and pretended to be dead.

A funny voice sounded on her head: "your life is still very big, I kicked a foot, actually did not die, you see your classmate is not dead? Why don't you die? "

Camouflage failed!

She had tried her best to imitate, and she was dying. How could he find himself alive?!

What a devil!

Now that she has been seen through, Zheng yuluo no longer disguises herself. She opens her eyes and resists the intense pain from her whole body. She raises her eyes slightly and looks at Sean: "don't kill me, I can't die, I can't..."

She was so weak that she could not even hear her voice, but Jingzhi could hear her clearly.

Not to mention that he has extraordinary hearing, even if he can't hear it, he can understand Zheng yuluo's lip language - she doesn't speak English, it's Chinese!

It's strange that he doesn't remember learning Chinese. Why can he understand what she said?

He's pretty sure he didn't learn the language in the killer group.

He can't remember many things in the past. He can understand Chinese. Did he learn it when he was a child?

He wanted to make up for the living one and let her die quickly. There is no good thing in this research-oriented college! Damn it all!

However, he suddenly did not want to make up.

With both hands in his white suit and trousers pocket, Jingzhi yelled: "come on, help! Someone is injured!"

His voice is clear and clear, as good as being washed by spring water, with a trace of youth unique sex appeal, fascinating.

Zheng yuluo is very sober!

Did she hear right? He's calling for help?!

Isn't he going to kill her? What's the pattern?

The voice of the youth echoed in the whole campus. Someone looked out of the window and saw Jing Zhi. He immediately shrank back.

Today is the day when the devil came to the college. No student and teacher dare to appear in front of him. He is extremely bloodthirsty. He takes people's lives by his own preference. There is no reason at all. What's more, he killed so many people, and he was safe all the time!

No matter how much power, position and wealth of the person he killed, he does not need to bear any responsibility for it!

Who dares to offend such a man?

No one will be angry with the devil for a girl student who is usually unknown.

Jingzhi sighed: "well, it seems that your life is not very good, and your popularity is not very good. No one has come to save you. Forget it, you'd better die. One day I can kill all the people here, and I will be happy! "

He said, glancing at several corners of the school, Shi Shi ran out of the school, on his own sports car, gallop away.

Zheng Yu lay on the cold ground, his heart is also a desolate.

Sean is right. Her popularity is really bad. She used up all her good friends when she was a child. All her luck disappeared after Jing Zhi disappeared.

Her character changed greatly six years ago. She was no longer the lively and proud twin sister, but a silent and lonely girl.

When she came to this college, she didn't know anyone and didn't want to know each other. She came here for only one purpose, looking for Jing Zhi.

Apart from studying, she spent all her time looking for him and had no other time to make friends.The news she got from Mu Sen and Mu duo was that Jing Zhi was probably in a certain area of North America, so she came.

Even if she exhausted her life, even if she searched every corner of the world, she would find him!

Consciousness gradually blurred Zheng yuluo, do not know that he has been with her to find the person, her only idea is, she can not die!

Jingzhi drives his car on the highway. His mobile phone rings again and again, but he doesn't answer at all. Instead, he hums along with the mobile phone ring and hums a song, which is free and unrestrained.

However, he did not indulge for too long, and his car was stopped by two heavy trucks.

Two trucks take up the whole road and can't get through unless they can fly.

Jingzhi stepped on the brake, untied the safety belt and walked calmly down.

On the truck, the same person came down.

The visitor is about 40 years old. He is in a straight dark gray suit with gold rimmed glasses. He has deep facial features and short hair. He is a standard European aristocrat.

People like him walk down from a truck, inexplicably a little discordant.

Jingzhi leaned on his luxurious sports car and sneered: "Peter, when did you change your car to a truck? Why not ride in your bulletproof Ferrari? Oh, oh, oh, I see. You finally find out that Ferrari doesn't get hit, right? "

Peter looks a little ugly.

His favorite car is Ferrari, but his collection of a dozen limited edition cars, in the past three years, all have been smashed by Sean!

Although he is extremely rich, he will scrap several Ferrari every year, and he will be very distressed!

In order to prevent the sports car from being damaged by this crazy man again, he specially rented two heavy trucks today. , the fastest update of the webnovel!