Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 841

"They sold me and didn't want me. I don't have such parents. It's useless for you to find them!"

Gu Qianyue yelled at the top of his voice. He hated the family, the poverty-stricken life and the brothers and sisters who only knew how to stare at their jobs!

Zheng Jing didn't know that Gu Qianyue had gone with the human traffickers himself, but jingyichen's people found out that although his parents were poor, they had never sold any children. After Gu Qianyue was lost, they also mobilized the villagers around to look for them for a long time.

However, they have many children in their family, so it's really not sad to lose one. Moreover, Gu Qianyue is so dull and silent that he doesn't like farming, so it's not pleasant.

As soon as he heard that his son was promising now, he became a university teacher, and his adoptive parents were university professors. Gu Qianyue's parents, brothers and sisters were all excited and wanted to come to the city to join him.

Zheng Jing can't kill Gu Qianyue, but he can be disgusted.

Gu Qianyue has not always wanted Zheng Lun to lose everything, always wanted Zheng Lun's life? Then let him lose everything and then die!

Zheng Jing called Gu's husband and wife and told them that Gu Qianyue was staying in Zheng's house tonight. Although the couple had some doubts about how Gu Qianyue was willing to stay outside, they did not suspect that he had been beaten by Zheng Jing and imprisoned with black and blue wounds.

Gu Qianyue is willing to be close to the Zheng family, which is a good thing. The next two families are in laws. His stay shows that the Zheng family all like him.

"You are shameless! Cheat my parents, they will not let you go! Zheng Jing, you have ruined the friendship between our two families for many years. You are a sinner! "

Gu Qianyue couldn't go home. He was so frightened that he put all his faults on Zheng Jing.

He knows his parents very well. They love him very much. If someone bullies him, they will protect him recklessly!

However, since Zheng Jing has found that Zheng Lun is the ancient treasure, it is obvious that we can't act rashly and let Zheng Lun live a few more days!

Hum, Gu Yingjie and Wu Zi know that Zheng Lun is their own daughter. They will certainly agree with him to marry Zheng Lun home! To his territory, Zheng Lun is not at his mercy!

Zheng Jing looked at Gu Qianyue's eyes twinkling with malice, and knew what intrigue he was thinking.

He grabbed Gu Qianyue's collar with one hand and dragged him from the living room to the small garden of the villa: "don't worry, you can't die for the time being. You can sleep with the mice here tonight. Tomorrow, your parents will come to pick you up and go home."

Gu Qianyue hugged Zheng Jing's leg in a panic and refused to let him go: "no, no, no, you have to send me to the hospital quickly! I have broken my rib and my finger. If I sleep here tonight, I will die! Get me a doctor

After kicking Zheng back to the villa.

He went up to the second floor and watched from the window that Gu Qianyue, who was crawling slowly on the ground, wanted to escape. His eyes were full of mockery.

Want to get out of here?

There are more than a dozen of his men outside. If the seriously injured Gu Qianyue can escape, all his people will be gone!

The garden of Zheng's family is not very big, but it is very difficult for Gu Qianyue, who is injured all over, to climb out. Because every time he moves a little bit, his whole body will hurt badly, as if it were torn. He almost fainted several times because of the pain.

And ten fingers are broken, his palm can not force, all rely on the forearm to do support.

By the time he had spent more than three hours climbing out of the garden, his forearms were all worn out.

However, outside the garden, waiting for him is not freedom, but more painful torture.

The next morning, Gu Qianyue, who was dying, was taken to Mu's Hospital by Zheng Jing. Mu Tong personally treated his wounds, and his broken ribs and fingers were all connected. However, in the process of treatment, Zheng Jing did not let Mutong give Gu Qianyue anesthesia.

The pain of bonesetting is hardly tolerable!

Gu Qianyue fainted in pain.

When he woke up, it was not the well-trained Gu's husband and wife, but his own parents and brothers and sisters who had already had children from the valley!

"Oh, Xiaohai, you are awake! We have been watching you all night

"Xiaohai, I'm your mother. Your child has grown so big in the blink of an eye. My mother almost can't recognize you!"

"Xiaohai, I'm your elder brother. Do you remember? Come on, these two are your own nieces. I heard that you're doing well now and you don't have any children. These two girls are obedient and will be given to you as a girl in the future! "

"Big brother, how can you do this? I've just said that you can send a girl and I'll give a son. If you give two, I'll give two too! Xiao Hai, the two sons of the second sister will be your own sons. You can't treat them unfairly! It's cruel of you not to go home for so many years. We all miss you! "


The ward immediately turned into a vegetable market, a pot of porridge with a lot of noise. Adults yelled at the children and cried. Even in order to send the children out, they had already fought regardless of their brotherhood!Gu Qianyue felt that he had been working hard for so long, as if he had fallen back to the previous poor nightmare overnight!

Can't he get rid of that disgusting home all his life!

Gu Qianyue looked at his desperate to squeeze in front of his hospital bed, forced the children to his body, regardless of his body and injury, regardless of his life or death, just want to benefit from those ugly brothers and sisters, his heart rose a restless disgust and ruthlessness!

All these people, damn it!

He wants to kill them all! In this way, no one knows his past, and no one will pester him shamelessly again!

In his hoarse voice, he growled angrily, "get out of here! I'm not a little sea, I don't know you

However, no one listened to him at all. In addition to his parents calling him unfilial, the rest of the people were still trying to cram their children in front of him. Some of them had already begun to cry for money.

No one cared why he was hospitalized, and no one asked how he was hurt!

This is his home, his family!

Ha ha, kill these people, his heart will not have the slightest guilt and uneasiness.

All blame him for his kindness. He should have killed these people before. Today, there won't be so much trouble!

The injury on the arm is bleeding because of being squeezed and collided by adults and children. The pain goes deep into the flesh and bone marrow from the skin!

No, he doesn't want such family. He wants parents like Gu Yingjie and Wu Zi! , the fastest update of the webnovel!