Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 842

At this time, Gu Yingjie and Wu Zi are in ecstasy.

They lost their daughter for 20 years. They found it!

The daughter is in their eyes, and they do not know!

Wu Zi hugged Zheng Lun and couldn't help crying: "I'm sorry, it's hard for my mother to find you!"

Zheng Lun's voice is much better today. Although his voice is a little hoarse, he can speak at last.

In fact, she vaguely knew that Zheng Jing had been helping her find her parents. Zheng Jing did not deliberately conceal it. She even asked about some details of her previous abduction and trafficking.

She can't remember the past, and failed to provide effective clues for Zheng Jing.

However, today, her brother told her that her own parents have been found, that is, Gu Qianyue's parents, Gu Yingjie and Wu Zi!

How could that be possible?

Even after two hours of learning about the news, Zheng Lun was still a little confused. She had always thought that her parents were poor people, and they were very bad to her. They often beat and scolded her. In the end, she thought that she would not do anything. She just knew how to eat and sold her!

Did she remember it all wrong?

Zheng Lun looked helplessly at Pei Xinhua, who was sitting on the side wiping tears. He subconsciously called her: "Mom..."

Pei Xinhua grabbed her daughter's hand and said excitedly, "Lun Lun, I'm here, I'm here!"

Even if he found his own mother, Zheng Lun's first reaction was to call her. He was still closest to her. This daughter, she did not support in vain!

Wu Zi heard her daughter calling others "mother", but her heart was cut.

Standing behind Wu Zi, the red eyed Gu Yingjie is also very uncomfortable. His daughter is too unfamiliar with them!

This is also thanks to the fact that their family had known Zheng family before, and they were more familiar with Zheng Lun. Otherwise, they were afraid that Zheng Lun would reject them even more.

Wu Zi cried for a long time, and her eyes were swollen with tears. Seeing her beautiful appearance, she laughed with tears in her eyes.

She took Pei Xinhua's hand and choked with the most sincere tone: "Xinhua, thank you for taking care of me for so many years! I know that you always treat her as your own daughter. I always thought it was your own daughter

Wu Zi is really grateful to Pei Xinhua. She and Pei Xinhua have been friends for five or six years. She knows exactly what kind of person Pei Xinhua is.

Her daughter is like a little princess in the Zheng family. She is held in the palm of her hand by her family. She has never suffered any injustice.

Her daughter did not bear hardships, but always enjoyed happiness. Wu Zi's heart felt much better. What she was most afraid of was that her daughter was spoiled by human traffickers and sold to poor places to be adopted by those who could not get married.

Pei Xinhua looked at Wu Zi crying into tears, his tears can not stop to fall.

She can understand Wu Zi's feelings. After all, she has lost her daughter. That kind of suffering can make people grow old overnight.

"Oh, let's stop crying. It's a good thing." Pei Xinhua wiped away her tears and went to wipe her tears for Wu Zi. "You can rest assured that Lun Lun is in my family and has never been wronged. She is the treasure of our family! Her father and brother spoiled her to the sky, now this is sick, so thin, before the body is quite meat! Oh, oh, oh, by the way, you've seen it

Wu Zi is still crying, but has been desperately nodding.

She knew that Zheng Lun used to be a little fatter than she is now, and she has grown into a big girl!

When she first met Zheng Lun, she always felt that she had a deep affection for Zheng Lun and liked this girl, so she did not hesitate to ask her son to marry her home.

In fact, she didn't like to make all kinds of snacks before. Later, when she saw that Zheng Lun loved to eat, she learned from the pastry master for a long time, and then changed the way to make it for Zheng Lun.

It turns out that she has been making snacks for her own daughter!

Around, fate finally let her meet her own daughter!

Pei Xinhua saw that Wu Zi was still crying. He took Zheng Lun's hand tightly and said, "Lun Lun, this is your mother. Hurry up, call your mother!"

She was afraid that Zheng Lun would be robbed by her mother, and she forgot her adoptive mother. Now she can't bear to see Wu Zi crying like this. She can't remember the worries before.

Zheng Lun, however, could not be called out.

She only called Pei Xinhua "mother", Wu Zi she always called "aunt Wu", suddenly let her call mother, she was very uncomfortable.

She still thinks that she is wrong. How can Wu Zi and Gu Yingjie be her parents?

Isn't her name seven seven?

Their daughter didn't call it pity!

Zheng Lun is not willing to shout, Pei Xinhua is not anxious, but he has nothing to do. She knows Zheng Lun's character. She is timid, and it's hard to let others go into her heart. It's difficult to make friends. Now she can't accept calling someone else's mother.

Seeing that Zheng Lun was only close to Pei Xinhua, Wu Zi could not help feeling a little disappointed, but soon got excited.It doesn't matter if you call her anything. It doesn't matter if you don't get close to her. Now, as long as she can know that her daughter is still alive and well, and that her foster parents and brother love her so much, it's enough!

Nothing is more important than a daughter's happiness.

Fortunately, Zheng Lun is a soft hearted girl. Seeing Wu Zi cry so much, she is also very sad.

She reached out her hand and gently helped Wu Zi wipe away her tears. A little uneasy, she asked, "don't cry, I think, can you make a mistake? Maybe I'm just like your daughter? "

She and the original Zheng Lun look very similar, and even the voice is like, if other people also look like her, it seems very likely ah!

Zheng Jing looked at his sister's confused and suspicious eyes, and could not help but feel helpless.

Does his brother look so unreliable? If you want to bring someone here, they are her own parents?

"Lun Lun, you've done DNA identification. There won't be any mistakes. Didn't you see the identification report just now?"

Zheng Lun was a little embarrassed: "I I didn't understand... "

The report was full of letters and symbols, and there were several pages of data. The identification result was just a summary of a large number of professional terms. It did not say that she and Gu's husband and wife were parent-child relationship at all!

Seeing that Zheng Lun didn't believe their relationship, Wu Zi suddenly said, "Lun Lun, is your foot another small round pink birthmark?"

Zheng Lun shook his head: "no doubt!"

Pei Xinhua also said: "how can I not remember the birthmark on Lun Lun?"

She had bathed Zheng Lun many times and washed her feet a lot. She didn't find any birthmarks on her feet!

Wu Zi wiped her tears and showed a confident smile on her face: "there must be, but you didn't find it. Lun Lun, you take your left foot out." , the fastest update of the webnovel!