Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 840

What's more, Zheng Lun's father, Zheng Qinan, was the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau of a city at that time. If his daughter died inexplicably, he would certainly not let go of any suspicious person.

Gu Qianyue did not dare to act rashly. He approached Zheng Lun carefully, trying to prove whether Zheng Lun was Gu Xi.

He has repeatedly proposed to go to Zheng Lun's home to play, but Zheng Lun's guard is too heavy. Even if two people often talk, they can be regarded as familiar classmates. She is still a little timid and unwilling to get close to him, and she directly refused his request to go to Zheng's house.

Although he and Zheng Lun have become classmates many times, they have never been to Zheng Lun's home, and other students have never been there.

Gu Qianyue is very anxious, but he is not totally without harvest.

At least, he knew that Zheng Lun's memory had been lost before she was six years old. She didn't remember many things before!

This is really good news, can't be better!

In his mind, Zheng Lun is 80% likely to be the Gu Xi he met before.

What makes him jealous and crazy is that Gu Xi was adopted by others, and is such a superior family!

In the eyes of many people, the deputy director of the public security bureau is already a very big official. When Zheng Lun went to high school, Zheng Qinan had already become the director of the Public Security Bureau. He was also a famous heavyweight in city a!

By what! Besides a beautiful and lovely face, what else does Guxi have! Stupid to die, so easy to be cheated, bullied, do not know how to protect themselves, a look is spoiled grow up, life skills is zero!

Why do so many people like her? Her luck is enviable!

He tried his best to please Gu's husband and wife. He was afraid that they would not want him one day. He also took the risk of buying sterilization medicine for his adoptive father and mother!

Can't have other children, then his position in the ancient family will be very solid! The money of the ancient family is all his, and no one will take it away!

Zheng Lun did not need to do anything, and got the wholehearted love of the Zheng family. Her mother drove her to school every day, and she was not willing to let her live at school!

She has a brother who has hurt her to the bone!

Is it because she is kind that God favors her?

Gu Qianyue hated Zheng Lun in his heart. He had secretly followed her countless times and gave her medicine, which made her diarrhea unable to take the exam.

He was not able to kill Zheng Lun at that time, but it was OK to torture her.

After graduation, he also met Zheng Lun many times. What made him angry was that Zheng Lun didn't remember him at all!

How stupid is this girl to know nothing about other people's poison!

It seems that it is too easy to kill her!

From that day on, Gu Qianyue began to plan to kill Zheng Lun.

Even God is helping him. Zheng Lun's mother and his mother have gradually become good friends. They get together once in a while and then want to form a family.

Therefore, he and Zheng Lun went on a blind date.

He was afraid that Wu Zi would recognize Zheng Lun as his own daughter, but he didn't!

Zheng Lun's face changed a little bit. Her face was completely opened. It was no longer the chubby round face of a child, but a thin melon seed face. Even the original single eyelid became double eyelid, and the bridge of her nose became much higher.

It's normal for Wu Zi not to recognize her.

Gu Qianyue even suspected for a period of time that he had recognized the wrong person. Zheng Lun was not Gu Xi at all.

What's more, Pei Xinhua's treatment of Zheng Lun seems to be the way she treats her own daughter. She will also inadvertently say that Zheng Lun is her child.

The best way to judge whether Zheng Lun is Gu Xi is to do DNA identification!

The appraisal result proves that Zheng Lun is the real daughter of Gu's husband and wife!

Gu Qianyue's intention to kill can no longer be suppressed. He began to buy drugs online and wanted to kill Zheng Lun quietly.

Just at this time, a woman named Yang Muyan appeared. She not only provided him with a detailed poison scheme, but also provided a more concealed and more significant poison.

Yang Muyan did not allow him to refuse, and even sent someone to watch him. If he could not kill Zheng Lun, he and Zheng Lun would die in the end.

As a result, Gu Qianyue half - heartedly poisoned.

The plan was perfect, but it was destroyed by a few small fish!

His ribs were broken by Zheng Jing's kicking, his internal organs hurt as if they were torn, and his face was burning with pain.

It's his fingers that kill the most!

All said that ten fingers linked to one heart, which one would be very painful, and now, his ten fingers, were all crushed by Zheng Jing!

The fracture of the thumb bone is too sharp, even has punctured the skin, so directly exposed!

This Zheng Jing is just a madman!How could he be so cruel!

No, he must leave here quickly, or he will be tortured to death by Zheng Jing tonight!

Gu Qianyue was lying on the ground, holding back the huge pain of his finger fracture, he supported on the ground with his elbow and crawled forward slowly.

Zheng Jing saw that he was going to leave, so he stepped on his back.

The fierce force makes the ancient thousand more and more nearly be trampled on to die!

He spat out a mouthful of blood, hid the venomous eyes in his eyes, gritted his teeth and said, "you misunderstood me. I have never done anything sorry for Lun Lun. Please don't fight any more. You have something to say! "

Zheng Jing squatted down, pulled Gu Qianyue's hair and pulled his head up: "now will you talk to me? Well, I ask you, how did Lun Lun miss her parents? What have you done to them? "

"I really don't understand these things. Isn't Lun Lun your sister? How come the missing parents again? You really misunderstood me. Please let me go. My parents are still waiting for me to have dinner at home

Zheng Jing sneered: "do you want to threaten me with your parents? Hum, I'm afraid of Zheng Jing! Don't worry, they won't be your parents soon! Tonight, you will stay with me for one night. When the sun rises tomorrow, everything will be different! "

"Nonsense, they will always be my parents!"

"Your parents? Oh, don't worry, they'll come to you! In that poor mountain village called shuiqingwa, there is a talent like you. How can your parents not claim their own son? "

"What are you talking about?"

Ancient thousand Yue finally changed color!

He did not want to see his own parents again in his life, let alone go back to the stinking ditch like small mountain village! There's no food, no clothes, no electricity, no water! , the fastest update of the webnovel!