Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 829

"It's still under investigation. I'll tell you something definite. There is a problem with his identity, which is for sure, but it will take time. He's very cautious, he doesn't leave a handle on things, and he loves to destroy all the evidence. And he usually lives in seclusion, does not associate with others, has no friends. Although he is now a teacher in school, he often asks for leave and doesn't go to school

Jing Yichen's voice is faint, without any emotion.

However, in fact, he is still very concerned about Gu Qianyue, and his efficiency is particularly high.

After all, the victim was Zheng Lun. Not only was Zheng Jing in great pain, but Shangguan Ning learned that Zheng Lun was poisoned and had to go to the hospital to see her several times.

If she didn't know that Zheng Lun was in a bad condition, could not speak or move, and was not suitable for meeting outsiders, she would have gone to the hospital.

"One of the most important clues I found is that in the last ten years, there was only one person, Zheng Lun, who was closer to him."

Zheng Jing was surprised: "only one Lun Lun?"

Gu Qianyue is not good at social intercourse. His family all know that, but Zheng Jing didn't expect that Gu Qianyue didn't make any friends for ten years!

He suddenly approached Zheng Lun, which is obviously very strange!

"What's more, no poison has been found in his family so it is likely that someone will deliver it to him regularly. However, no one has been found to deliver the poison. We need to wait for another two days to have a look."

Zheng Jing's heart "clutters" for a moment, and sure enough, there are friends!

"Well Have the parents of ancient Qianyue been involved in this matter? "

Jing Yichen gave him a positive reply: "No

"No?" Zheng Jing was a little unbelievable, "how could it be? Those snacks are all made by the mother of ancient Qianyue

"Gu Qianyue's mother, Wu Zi, 49 years old, is a professor at X university. She has a good reputation in the school. According to Zhao An'an's teaching record, she is not a strict teacher. She has a soft heart and few students fail. Moreover, she will subsidize students who are difficult in the class, so she is very popular with students."

"Gu Qianyue's father, Gu Yingjie, is 51 years old. He is also a professor at X university. Like Wu Zi, he is not strict and likes to support poor students. They have a good relationship with their husband and wife. They have no record of abusing students or killing animals. The results of psychological tests organized by the school every year are normal and there is no tendency of distortion. "

Zheng Jing understood that Jing Yichen meant that both of them were normal people and had no tendency to kill people.

"In addition, I installed a bug in Gu's home. Gu Yingjie and Wu Zi have no problems in their conversation. I'll ask AHU to send you the recording later. You can listen to it yourself."

The simple judgment of character and character is not easy to believe. The most powerful evidence is the real evidence. The recording is one of the most straightforward evidences.

"Good! Great

Zheng Jing is a little excited. Recording is the best!

I don't know how jingyichen did it. It's not so difficult to install a bug in Gu's house. Gu Qianyue doesn't go out at all except to go to Zheng's house. He stays at home all day long. Gu Yingjie and Wu Zi have no classes these two days and are at home.

When three people are at home, they can actually go in and install a bug. It's really amazing!

Zheng Jing's own people can't do it at all, otherwise he would have got some evidence.

"Gu Qianyue doesn't teach at X University, but teaches in a third rate art school in a city. With his education background and the ability of his parents, it is entirely possible for him to teach at X university. He chose the art school himself, because the management of the art school is much looser than x. even if he doesn't go to class, it doesn't matter. The teacher's qualification will still be retained. "

Jing Yichen's subordinates have already fed back all the things they have found, but due to the short time, they are basically superficial.

He is using his own logical thinking to judge Gu Qianyue family.

"Gu Qianyue has serious social disorder. Autism is obvious. He can't be a teacher at all. He must have had a special childhood experience, otherwise, with the character and ability of Gu Yingjie and Wu Zi, Gu Qianyue would not have autism and abnormal tendency. However, at present, the information available is limited, and it is impossible to find out what happened to him in his childhood. "

Zheng Jing felt that it was not easy for Jing Yichen to find out so many things so quickly.

His own people are also checking Gu Qianyue, but all they find are the better side of Gu Qianyue, and there is no trace of his problem side!

However, Jing Yichen mentions Gu Qianyue's childhood, which reminds Zheng Jing of his former classmates with Zheng Lun.

"Jingshao, Gu Qianyue used to be in the same class with my sister several times. According to my sister, he did not have a friend, but he was willing to make friends with Lun Lun. Do you think it was at that time that he hated my sister?"

"Not necessarily."

Jing Yichen did not judge easily.

The judgments made just now are based on the information we have found. With his ability, the correct rate of making this inference is more than 99%. However, Zheng Jing's guess is only a guess and has no substantive basis."I'll give you an answer in two days."

Jing Yichen finished and hung up the phone.

He checks things, except for those that are particularly difficult and complicated. Usually three days is enough.

Although there are some thorny things in ancient Qianyue, it is not difficult for jingyichen.

Hang up the phone, Zheng Jing soon received an email from AHU to him.

Attached to the email is the recording.

He listened carefully, then took it into the ward and put it to his parents and Zheng Lun.

After listening to Pei Xinhua, the depression in his heart dissipated a little.

In the recording, there are daily conversations between Gu Yingjie and Wu Zi. However, they mentioned Zheng Lun many times in their conversation. They are concerned about the marriage between Zheng Lun and Gu Qianyue. Obviously, they are looking forward to Zheng Lun's marriage and their son's wedding.

They can't be the ones who poisoned them.

Otherwise, the tone will not be so expected, and will not want to let Zheng Lun marry in the past.

Pei Xinhua thinks that this at least proves that Wu Zi, her friend, has no problem. The blind date at the beginning should have been accidental, not deliberately arranged by Wu Zi.

However, since the blind date is accidental, the understanding between Gu Qianyue and Zheng Lun is accidental. Why does he attack Zheng Lun?

Zheng Lun didn't think so much. She just had a good feeling for Gu Qianyue's parents. Every time she saw Gu Qianyue, she always felt a strange feeling. Although they were very shallow, they all existed. When she saw Gu Qianyue's parents, she did not have that strange feeling. , the fastest update of the webnovel!