Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 828

It hurts so much!

She can't make any expression, especially smile, which will affect the corners of her lips and make her rotten lips bleed.

However, Zheng Lun's gums were so weak that she was bleeding.

The smell of blood spread in her mouth.

The corners of her mouth oozed blood. Pei Xinhua cried and wiped it off for her. He said in a hoarse voice, "Lun Lun, you can bear it again, bear it again..."

She just said this, but she couldn't go on.

When did Zheng Lun suffer such a crime!

She is a beautiful and delicate woman, her body has always been healthy and healthy, except for occasional cold and fever, where did she get any serious illness!

Now in just two days, she has been tortured to thin down, the original crystal like jade skin, has no luster, become pale as paper.

No one can stand this kind of symptom that mouth and throat bleed all the time!

She is now in one hand infusion detoxification anti-inflammatory, the other hand is inserted is a blood transfusion tube, because her blood loss is serious, without blood transfusion can not resist.

Pei Xinhua heartache wish can oneself for daughter to suffer such a crime!

After wiping the bloodstain for Zheng Lun, she grabbed Zheng Qinan's arm and clenched her teeth and said, "Qi Nan, you must not let Gu Qianyue die too happily. You'd better tear him into pieces and make him ten thousand times more painful than Lun Lun Lun!"

Zheng Qinan patted his wife on the shoulder and whispered in a firm voice: "you can rest assured that I will not let him go. Lun Lun's pain will not be in vain!"

Pei Xinhua nodded in tears and said in a voice of hatred: "he has the face to call me today! Ask me why I'm not at home and where Lun Lun is. I can't help scolding him! "

"And how do you answer him?"

"According to what you told me before, Lun Lun went to Germany to see her sick friend. When he knew about Zhao An'an's illness, he should have no doubts. He thought that Lun Lun went to Germany in a hurry."

"Well, that's good. The matter has not been investigated clearly, so we can't make a fuss about it. We still don't know why Gu Qianyue poisoned Lun Lun Lun. We don't know whether the people of the Gu family or other people were involved in this matter. It's not good to tear your face. We have to find out the real mastermind behind the scenes, or if we kill a Ku thousand Yue, there may be other people who will harm Lun Lun. "

Pei Xinhua is not that kind of impulsive person. She also knows that she can't break with Gu Qianyue now. They have no evidence to prove that the poison was caused by Gu Qianyue.

"I know, so I hold back!"

Pei Xinhua now hates Gu Qianyue. She also hates herself very much. If she was more careful, how could she let such a person go on a blind date with her daughter and run to her house every day to poison Zheng Lun in a different way.

"It's my fault. If it wasn't for me, where would Lun Lun suffer so much! I'm the one who hurt her. I'm sorry for her! "

Pei Xinhua held Zheng Lun's cold hand carefully and couldn't help crying.

Zheng Lun wants to comfort her, but she can't speak at all. Even now it's very difficult to move.

Her fingers gently pinched Pei Xinhua's hand, indicating that she did not blame herself.

There were tears in her eyes, both painful and sad.

Zheng Jing put his arm around Pei Xinhua's shoulder and said in a low voice: "Mom, it's not your fault. Gu Qianyue is too deep to hide. He is so quiet and delicate. He looks as timid as Lun Lun Lun and doesn't like to talk. Who knows he will be such a vicious person? It's OK. We'll take revenge for Lun Lun! "

Ancient thousand Yue, you are really damned! I hope you don't die of any accident these days, otherwise, no one will repay the suffering of Lun Lun!

Through the investigation of ancient Qianyue, Zheng Jing has asked jingyichen for help.

Otherwise, relying solely on the strength of the Zheng family, when we find out the whole thing, maybe Gu Qianyue has already escaped.

Zheng Jing is very suspicious of the relationship between Gu Qianyue and Yang Muyan. Yang Muyan had already poisoned Zheng Lun once before.

And the time of Zheng Lun poisoning happened to be the time when Gu Qianyue just knew each other. It was a coincidence.

The house has been checked everywhere, there is no suspicious items and food, Zheng Jing was very confused at that time, because there are no doubts in all places, but Zheng Lun is poisoned!

Although the poison of this time is different from that of last time, MuQing said that it is an upgraded version, which is more explosive and toxic.

The poison used by Gu Qianyue is probably given to Yang Muyan after he has been improved.

Now Yang Muyan is dead, but Gu Qianyue still hasn't given up killing Zheng Lun. Is he because he has a grudge against Zheng Lun, or is he simply executing Yang Muyan's command before he died?

Or is it that he is not alone in this matter? Is there anyone else behind him?

If we can't catch all those people this time, I'm afraid Zheng Lun will still be in danger in the future!

No, what if Zheng Lun was not killed by poison killing?

He needs to borrow some people from jingyichen to protect Zheng Lun!Zheng Jing got up and went outside the ward and began to call jingyichen.

"Jing Shao, I may need several people here to protect the safety of Lun Lun. I'm afraid Yang Muyan has other means."

Zheng Jing always felt that Yang Muyan and Zheng Lun had no animosity. They had never met before. She was not strong enough to kill Zheng Lun. Otherwise, when she poisoned the three of them, she would not have poisoned Zheng Lun at least.

But now he was not sure.

Yang Muyan is a person who doesn't play cards according to common sense. He kills people as he likes. He doesn't care about any hatred.

Jibo's parents and Yang Muyan do not have the slightest hatred, but they have been cruelly killed by her.

Gu Qianyue seems to have no hatred with Zheng Lun. Zheng Lun even regards him as his good friend. He always entertains him with a smile, but in the end, he almost kills him!

Therefore, Zheng Jing was afraid.

He would rather have done his own useless work than let Zheng Lun have any mistakes.

Jing Yichen heard Zheng Jing's request and agreed without any hesitation.

"I'll give you twenty people first, and then if you don't have enough."

There are a lot of 20 people, because Jing Yichen's subordinates are all elites. It's exaggerative to have one enemy against one hundred. However, ten or eight people are no match for any of them.

Usually, there are only ten people around shangguanning who are responsible for protecting them.

With these 20 people, Zheng Lun's safety will be fully guaranteed.

Zheng Jing was grateful in his heart, but he didn't say anything. He knew that Jing Yichen never cared about those polite words. He liked crispness best.

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