Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 830

This kind of feeling is just a girl's keen intuition, without any substantial basis, so Zheng Lun never said it.

Many of the people she met would not give her that kind of bad feeling. So far, only one person in the past thousand years has made her hair stand on end.

But she always felt that she was too thoughtful.

Because Gu Qianyue is really good to her, takes care of her very much, and respects her will very much. He never gets a step closer.

Moreover, he is very gentle and elegant, wearing a pair of glasses, gentle and gentle, and he also likes flowers and plants, raising small animals and children. Who would have thought that such a person should be an executioner!

All three members of the Gu family are university teachers. They are very cultured people. Zheng Lun always thinks that the children cultivated by such a family must be simple and have no heart.

It seems that her social experience is still too shallow to see through the hearts of the people!

Zheng Lun didn't have much strength to think about anything else. She couldn't hold on to the pain in her throat. If the nurse didn't come to give her an injection of painkiller every two hours, she would have died of pain directly!

It's a pity that painkillers can't be used too much, because the side effects of this drug are too great, and if there are always painkillers, she can't feel the pain in her mouth, and she will be more likely to let the oral bleeding in the case of carelessness.

After listening to the recording, Zheng also said the analysis of Jing Yichen. He also believed that his parents didn't know about the poisoning by Gu Qianyue.

Fortunately, it was Gu Qianyue who did evil alone, not all his family members. The influence of killing a Gu Qianyue and killing three members of his family was still very poor.

There is a way to explain that when Gu Qianyue is dead, it will cause turbulence if all the family members are killed.

Unless he has strong evidence, he will be dismissed and sent to prison!

Even so, things are not easy to deal with. Gu Qianyue's parents are such a son, and they are used to growing up from childhood. When they finally grow up, they want to get married. If they die, Gu Yingjie and Wu Zi can't accept it at all.

Just like his son, if one day Zheng Jing made a big mistake, even if he was against everyone, he would fight to protect Zheng Jing.

This matter needs to be carefully planned. Gu Qianyue must die, but other things should be handled well.

At present, the four members of their family can't bear it. They can't stand it at all. When time comes, they will fall one by one without Gu Qianyue.

"Ah Jing, your mother and I are getting old. We will go to have a rest first and come to replace you in two hours. Then you will have a rest. We will take turns to take care of Lun Lun. Lun Lun has not closed her eyes for a day and a night. It's really impossible. You can ask Mutong if you can give Lun Lun a general anesthesia and let her sleep for a while

Looking at Zheng Lun's painful appearance, Zheng Qinan is really distressed. He would rather leave some anesthetic sequelae in the future, but also let Zheng Lun suffer less.

The idea of Zheng Jing coincides with that of Zheng Qinan.

He also does not want to let Zheng Lun have been so painful, general anesthesia may have some side effects on the body, but it is better than Zheng Lun has been struggling to support.

"OK, I'll talk to Mutong. Mom and Dad, you go to sleep."

Pei Xinhua didn't want to leave. She wanted to accompany her daughter, but she was dragged away by Zheng Qinan: "take a good rest. Only when you have a good spirit can you take care of Lun Lun!"

Zheng Jing soon called wood Tong, but when he heard that he was going to give Zheng Lun general anesthesia, he did not agree: "no, this is too risky!"

Zheng Jing didn't know much about anesthetics. He just wanted to relieve Zheng Lun's pain.

"Why not? When a lot of patients do large-scale operation, do not they use general anesthesia? "

Mutong shook his head seriously: "it's just two things! And even anesthesia during surgery is risky. You can't use general anesthesia for your sister's current situation, or she may never wake up again! "


Zheng Jing's face suddenly turns white. Is anesthesia so dangerous?

"Is that the only way my sister can carry the pain?"

Mutong nodded helplessly: "yes, this is the best way, not only that, if she is asleep, you must wake her up, can't let her sleep too long. In her subconscious mind, she would like to sleep in the past and never wake up again, because waking up means suffering. If her consciousness is too strong, she will never wake up again

He is a doctor and knows very well about Zheng Lun's current situation. There is a reason why he does not give Zheng Lun enough anesthetic.

"Zheng Lun's situation is very common in many critically ill patients. If the patient has a strong will to survive, he can survive, otherwise he will die. Don't mind my telling the truth. According to my observation, your sister's will to survive is very weak. She doesn't have much obsession with living, so I dare not give her general anesthesia at all

Mutong's words, the cold sweat of Zheng Jing all flowed down.Zheng Lun, don't you care about life and death?

How could she do this!

Zheng Jing tried his best to hold back his tears and solemnly said thanks to Mu Tong: "doctor mu, thank you very much. My sister's life depends on you! If you need help in the future, please call me and I will be on call! "

Mutong's round face showed a friendly smile: "where do you say, it's my doctor's duty to help patients! Besides, my cousin keeps saying that you are his good friend, so I must show all my abilities. Don't worry, with me at least, Lun Lun is not in danger of life. He will soon be well after these days of hardship. "

Two people did not talk much, Mutong soon left.

Zheng Lun, holding the needle carefully, has no one to stick to? I will not allow you to die

Hearing his voice, Zheng Lun's tears fell.

Dr. Mutong even saw that her will to survive was not strong. She thought she covered up very well. She thought that she had tried very hard to live.

But it's so painful, so unbearable!

She felt that she was going to die at the next moment, and every second of her life was a kind of torment!

Her breath is difficult, her mouth has been hurt, like a knife with hundreds of knives, throat has been split, she is completely unable to swallow, unable to speak!

Nose, full of bloody breath, her lips and nose are from time to time to the outside of the bleeding, need to be constantly wiped for her.

She finally understood what it was like to bleed from seven orifices in the book!

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