Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 827

Zheng Jing bought breakfast, and then went into the ward. After handing Pei Xinhua's rice to her, she took good care of Zheng Lun.

Zheng Lun's two hands are inserted needle, at the same time infusion detoxification, there is no way to eat their own.

Zheng Jing himself did not eat, first picked Zheng Lun like to eat, look gentle to feed her to eat.

"Be careful, Lun Lun. It may be a bit hot."

"Oh, it's OK, brother. It's not hot. The pumpkin porridge you bought is delicious and sweet."

"Silly girl, I specially asked the boss for rock candy, put a few in, of course sweet."

"No wonder! You and my mother know that I like sweet porridge, but how can I not find out whether my brother likes sweet porridge or not

Zheng Jing smile, doting and gentle way: "I can, for me, there is no difference, on your mouth Diao, in addition to rock sugar, sugar can not."

"Well, I have such a sharp mouth. Aren't you and your mother used to it? It's not up to me, it's up to you! "


Pei Xinhua sat on one side, watching in the early morning sun, a pair of gifted children's intimate talk, in the heart of some persistence for the first time shaken.

Apart from Zheng Jing, I'm afraid no one will take care of Zheng Lun like this!

With Zheng Lun's character, she can't be so close to other opposite sex, so lively, she excludes all men except her father and brother.

She is delicate and sensitive, timid and timid. If a man looks at her more, she will feel that she is not well intentioned and does not like contact with the opposite sex at all.

Originally thought that Gu Qianyue might be able to enter her heart, but who knows that Gu Qianyue is actually a wolf in sheep's clothing. She pretends to be so good on the surface and takes good care of Zheng Lun. But in fact, she is cruel and heartless and wants to kill Zheng Lun.

Pei Xinhua was trapped this time. I can't believe anyone at will!

The only thing she can believe is her own son!

Pei Xinhua is not at ease when she gives Zheng Lun to any man. Zheng Lun is so simple that she has never suffered any hardship after she entered Zheng's family except when she was a child.

Moreover, Zheng Lun is not the kind of girl who will grow up immediately after suffering. Her greatest possibility is not to become strong in the ordeal, but to die in the ordeal.

If she marries a man who is not good to her, she will wither quickly, and will not thrive in bad conditions.

If Zheng Jing had not found her, she would have died in the life of begging. She would not have adapted to her role, learned to pretend to be poor, and then used her own advantages to cheat and beg.

Zheng Lun can't cheat people, and she doesn't have a heart. Pei Xinhua has been worried about her marriage.

However, if you really let Zheng Lun marry Zheng Jing, she really can't accept it psychologically, and others will gossip.

Pei Xinhua ate breakfast and looked at the interaction and warmth between his son and daughter. He felt as if he had knocked over a bottle of Schisandra.

However, to the next day, Pei Xinhua simply did not care about entangled a pair of children's private affairs, because Zheng Lun's body full of toxins.

In fact, in the middle of the night, Zheng Lun had been awakened by pain.

Pei Xinhua sleeps beside Zheng Lun. As soon as her daughter wakes up, she wakes up quickly. Then she sees Zheng Lun spitting blood.

She was scared to death and screamed all over the hospital building.

Zheng Jing and Zheng Qinan were all with him in the hospital. They only slept in the next ward. When they heard Pei Xinhua's scream, they could not even put on their shoes and went straight to Zheng Lun's ward.

The two men who had experienced countless storms, when they saw Zheng Lun spitting blood, they were all pale and flustered.

How much blood can you have in your body?

Zheng Lun spits out the blood, has dyed the white sheet and quilt red a large area, looks lets the human fear!

Zheng Jing's fingers trembled and called Mutong. At two o'clock in the morning, he called to Mutong.

Mutong gave Zheng Lun acupuncture, the symptoms of vomiting blood is stopped, but the pain in the mouth and throat of Zheng Lun torture are almost crazy!

He stayed up all night. In the evening of the next day, Zheng Lun still couldn't sleep at all.

This kind of mixed poison used by ancient Qianyue is a chronic poison. The incubation period in the body can be as long as six months. When it does not break out, the poisoned person does not have any abnormal situation. Once it breaks out, it will be devastating.

The longer the incubation period, the more serious the outbreak will be.

The toxin in Zheng Lun's body has been latent for two months. Originally, it can still be latent for a period of time. However, Mu Tong is afraid that the longer the time is, the more difficult the treatment will be. Therefore, the drug is used to make the toxin in Zheng Lun's body explode in advance.

As a result of the outbreak, Zheng Lun's entire oral and throat system was destroyed.

Gingival atrophy, teeth are a little loose, but this is only one of the lightest symptoms.

The most serious problem was that her tongue and throat began to fester and bleed. She could not only eat, but also talk.Anesthetics and painkillers can not be injected in large quantities, which can only alleviate Zheng Lun's pain to a certain extent. More pain needs Zheng Lun to bear by himself.

Zheng Lun is lying on the bed with Pei Xinhua, Zheng Qinan and Zheng Jing at her side.

She wanted to tell them that she didn't have to watch her. She wanted them to have a rest and eat something. But her tongue didn't move at all, and her voice was completely silent!

She just moved a little, and her mouth began to bleed!

Needle like pain surrounded her, her tears uncontrolled to the fall.

What a pain!

Zheng Lun felt that her consciousness had been a little vague. She even died as if she had died. She would never have to bear this endless suffering again!

However, she was reluctant to die.

She couldn't bear the parents who had brought her up, especially Zheng Jing.

If she died, mom and dad and brother would be sad.

They have not eaten all day, nor sleep, all have been by her side with her.

Mother's eyes have been crying swollen into peaches, but in a short day's work, her head has grown a lot of white hair!

Zheng Qinan looks ten years old. He has never shed tears. When he sees her, he can't help crying!

Zheng Jing's handsome face was full of pain and heartache, and his eyes were all red. If he hadn't been holding on to it all the time, I'm afraid he would have cried out.

Zheng Lun's strength has been exhausted by the pain. She wants to smile at the three of them, but she finds that she can't do it! , the fastest update of the webnovel!