Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 826

Pei Xinhua couldn't believe it. She was shaking all over her body. Her lips turned white. She asked in a trembling voice, "doctor mu, you and you You're not mistaken, are you? How could my daughter Poisoning? "

Zheng Lun's food and clothing are all taken care of by her. Recently, her daughter stays at home every day and has never gone out. If she is poisoned, she must be poisoned at home. However, how could she possibly make her daughter poisoned!

Mutong is often questioned by the family members of the patients. He is used to it and won't be annoyed when others suspect his diagnosis. What's more, he can understand Pei Xinhua's feelings now. He also has a daughter himself. Parents always don't want their children to have any mistakes.

"Auntie Pei, I'm not mistaken. You and Lun Lun are both food poisoning. However, your symptoms are very mild, and there are few toxins in your body. Therefore, there is no need for treatment. You can recover your health only by relying on your own immunity and metabolic capacity. But Lun Lun can't. She has been poisoned for too long and has to be hospitalized. "

Pei Xinhua stumbled at his feet and nearly fell.

Zheng Jing immediately helped her: "Mom, don't panic, Lun Lun is OK!"

Zheng Lun also quickly stood up from the chair, went to embrace Pei Xinhua's arm, gently called her: "Mom, I'm not good now, the doctor can certainly cure my poisoning, is it doctor mu?"

Mutong hesitated a little, but still nodded: "the problem should not be big, but the premise is that you must not be contaminated with toxins, otherwise the consequences are very serious, even if my grandfather comes, I'm afraid there is nothing I can do."

Zheng Lun was poisoned for such a long time that she was really worried that she would eat poisonous food again. In that case, it would be really hopeless!

So he didn't dare to say too much, otherwise if Zheng Lun couldn't be cured, there was no way to explain to the Zheng family.

Pei Xinhua did not know how her daughter was poisoned. She wanted to say that she would never let her daughter get poisoned, but she didn't have the confidence!

Her eyes were red when she held Zheng Lun and cried: "Lun Lun, it's all mother's fault!"

In fact, Zheng Lun is also very afraid, because she was once poisoned by Yang Muyan quietly. That time, she has coughed up blood. This time, it seems to be more serious than the last time. She is also very flustered.

But she still held Pei Xinhua tightly and wiped her tears: "no, mom, you are the best mother in the world!"

Zheng Jing held both of them in his arms and gently comforted the two most important women in his life: "it's OK. Don't be afraid. My father and I will find out. Lun Lun won't be poisoned and will be OK."

Mutong looked at the three of them holding each other, looking like the sky was going to fall down. He felt that what he had just said was a little too much. Shouldn't he tell the truth?

Oh, really, if only Mu Qing were here. His younger brother must be much better at dealing with such things than he did.

However, he really thinks that Zheng Lun's poisoning is very difficult. Although Zheng Lun looks like a normal person now, in a few days, after the full outbreak of the toxin, she will be very, very painful. Not only the mouth will be hot pain, gingiva will be a large area of atrophy, and the throat part will fester, no matter how much antibiotics are used, not only can't speak, but also there will be a problem with eating. If she can't make it through, she will really die.

These symptoms, he did not dare to speak out!

Forget it, or don't say it. Pei Xinhua can't carry it now. Let Zheng Lun be hospitalized first, and then tell Zheng Jing about the rest.

At least Zheng Jing seems to be the most calm one, he should be able to resist it?

That night, Zheng Lun was hospitalized and began to receive treatment.

After arranging the investigation of Gu Qianyue, Zheng Qinnan also came to the hospital soon. He told Pei Xinhua and Zheng Lun all the things.

Both felt incredible!

It's a thousand years old!

Taiyin is cruel!

Until the next morning, Pei couldn't accept the fact.

Gu Qianyue was introduced to Zheng Lun by her. She knew all her parents. They had been friends for five or six years. She was a pure intellectual family and a scholarly family.

Pei Xinhua never thought that ancient Qianyue would poison Zheng Lun!

She blames herself and heartache and hugs Zheng Lun all night without closing her eyes. They adopted Zheng Lun and managed to raise her to adulthood. If she was killed like this, she would never forgive herself in her life.

She has lost a daughter and can't bear to lose her daughter again.

Zheng Lun began to feel a little uncomfortable today, his throat was very uncomfortable, and even his teeth hurt.

Mutong has told her that the drug intervention will make her body's poison break out in advance, and then slowly excrete from the body, so it is normal to have discomfort, and she needs to be patient.

She held back her discomfort and said to Pei Xinhua with a smile: "Mom, don't be sad. Doctor Mu said that I can cure this kind of poisoning, but it will take a long time. You should have a good rest and take good care of yourself. I am sick now and need your care. If you are also ill, who will take care of me? "Pei Xinhua's tears suddenly flowed out. She took Zheng Lun into her arms and choked: "Lun Lun, it's mom. I'm sorry. If I didn't have to let you stay with that bastard, you wouldn't be poisoned! I'm blind. How can I introduce you to such a pervert? "

Zheng Lun quickly wiped tears for Pei Xinhua. Only she knew how much she loved Pei Xinhua. She introduced her object eagerly, but she wanted to make her happy.

Her starting point is good. If she knew that there was something wrong with Gu Qianyue, her mother could not have introduced it to her.

Pei Xinhua has scolded Gu Qianyue a thousand times last night. If it hadn't been for Zheng Qinan and Zheng Jing, she would have gone to Gu Jia and killed Gu Qianyue alive!

"Well, mom, don't blame yourself any more. Seeing you like this, my daughter will also be distressed! I don't blame you for this. It's all that Gu Qianyue is not good. Thanks to me, he is my good classmate. He is so bad

Zheng Lun holds Pei Xinhua's arm and is coquettish. The soft and sticky voice makes people's heart turn into a pool of water.

Zheng Lun's coquettish Kung Fu is born. She doesn't need to do it deliberately. She just needs to show her most delicate side. Others have no resistance.

Pei Xinhua lovingly stroked her daughter's soft long hair. She was happy and sad in her heart.

The daughter is so sensible, afraid of her self blame, change the way to comfort her, really grow up!

What should she do with such a beautiful, gentle and understanding daughter who is so unhappy in her marriage! , the fastest update of the webnovel!