Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 825

Speaking of this, Mu Qing seems to be a little elated: "she recovered very well, my program and medicine are very effective! At present, the cancer cells have been reduced a lot, and it is expected that another course of treatment will return to the previous state! "

"Is it? That's wonderful! "

Zheng Jing is really happy for Mu Qing. He is affected by Mu Qing's excited tone, and the whole person becomes excited.

"Lun Lun and I will wait for you to come back!"

"Ha ha, good. When are you going to have a wedding? I'll take ANN to a wedding reception! Let me tell you, hurry up. Jingshao's son is so old. You and Lun Lun's children should be born soon. It's better to have a daughter and marry a genius like Jingrui in the future, so that everything will be OK! "

"Er This... "

Zheng Jing turned his head and looked at his father. Seeing that his face was gloomy and looked like he was going to eat people, he immediately said, "well, I still have something to do, so I don't want to talk about it!"

Zheng Jing hung up the phone with a bang. Mu Qing, who was on the other end of the phone, was stunned for a long time before he realized that he seemed to have said something wrong. No, he didn't say anything wrong, but Zheng Qinan has forgotten him!

In front of the father's face, let his daughter give birth to his son, this thing is really pulling hatred!

"You are quite capable of telling the story of your sister's covetousness, for fear that your sister's reputation will be too good, right?"

Zheng Qinan's face turned pale!

Although Mu Qing doesn't mean anything, it's too bad to hear!

If someone else knows, how can Zheng Lun live!

Even to drink wedding wine, let Zheng Lun give birth to Zheng Jing! If it had not just been troublesome for Mu Qing to identify the toxin and owe him a favor, Zheng Qinan would have been angry on the spot!

"No, no, no, Dad, you misunderstood me! I didn't say anything in front of Mu Qing. He guessed it by himself! You know, he is such a character and loves to make jokes, but he just talks about it in front of me. He will never go out and talk nonsense! "

"Hum! It's better! I don't have time to talk about these things with you right now. Please take your sister to the hospital for investigation first! Oh, by the way, bring your mother with you. She also ate the dim sum named gu

"Good, good, I'll go home now and take them to the hospital!"

Zheng Qinan did not care, Zheng Jing was greatly relieved, he quickly picked up the car key to go out.

Now it's getting late. It's estimated that Gu Qianyue has left. Now he can avoid him and take his mother and sister to the hospital for examination.

When Zheng Jing took Pei Xinhua and Zheng Lun to Mu's Hospital, it was completely dark. The Zheng family was far away from Mu's Hospital, and there was a traffic jam on the road. When they went to the hospital, Mutong had already left work.

Zheng has the cheek to accompany his wife and children's Wooden Tong to the hospital, let him do the inspection for Zheng Lun.

As a doctor, Mutong has long been used to all kinds of unexpected situations, and sudden overtime often happens. Therefore, he bought his house next to Mu's hospital so that he can go back to work easily and get there as soon as possible.

Zheng Lun and Pei Xinhua were rushed to the hospital by Zheng Jing. They didn't know what happened. They just came to the hospital without saying a word because of their basic trust in Zheng Jing.

Accompanied by Zheng Jing, two people do blood sampling, electrocardiogram and other examinations, and then take the inspection report to Mutong.

Wood with only a look, then smile: "aunt Pei is OK, go back to drink more water and eat more fruit."

Pei Xinhua didn't worry about herself at all. What she worried about was Zheng Lun!

If Zheng Lun's health was not a problem, Zheng Jing would never have taken them to the hospital in such a hurry. She didn't feel that she had any physical problems, so she thought that the problem should be Zheng Lun. However, no matter how she asked, Zheng Jing refused to say, and she was dying of anxiety!

Zheng Jing also guessed that Pei Xinhua probably had nothing to do with it, because she was usually reluctant to eat those delicate snacks brought by Gu Qianyue. Most of them were left to Zheng Lun. Except yesterday, Zheng Lun said she didn't like waffles and Pei Xinhua ate a little more, she ate very little.

Now hearing Mutong say that Pei Xinhua is OK, he is completely relieved.

"Dr. wood, what about my sister?"

Pei Xinhua also anxiously asked: "yes, how about Lun Lun?"

Mutong carefully looked at Zheng Lun's inspection report. He did not directly answer Zheng Jing and Pei Xinhua's words, because Zheng Lun's condition was a little serious, he wanted to make further diagnosis before answering them.

But he still smile ha ha toward Zheng Lun way: "come, sit down, I give you pulse."

Zheng Lun knows Mutong. She is chubby and chubby. She feels very friendly. She doesn't have the rejection of the opposite sex. She sits on the opposite side of Mutong, stretches out her arms and hands over her wrist.

It took a long time for Mutong to feel pulse. Although his face was still smiling, sweat had been oozing from his forehead. Obviously, this kind of pulse diagnosis was also exhausting for him.The smile on his face gradually disappeared after pulse diagnosis. He said directly, "first arrange hospitalization, serious poisoning! Moreover, the time of poisoning has been more than two months, so it will be more painful and difficult to remove the toxin. Fortunately, you are here today. The toxin content in her body has reached a critical value. If you come later, the complications will be very serious. Even if you come today and give Lun Lun treatment immediately, I'm afraid her body will have abnormal reactions in two days. Lun Lun, don't you feel thirsty these days? Do you drink more water than usual? "

Zheng Lun slightly hesitated for a moment, and said with uncertainty: "it seems that there is, but it is not too different. I don't pay much attention to it."

Most people don't notice how much water they drink in a day. Even if Zheng Lun is not thirsty every day, he will also drink a large cup of honey water. Pei Xinhua will prepare a lot of fruits for her. She will not feel thirsty after eating, so she really does not feel too much change.

It's just that she's poisoned?! And it's serious!

How could that be possible!

Zheng Lun was very shocked. How could she be poisoned?

Is it true that her little fish died today and was poisoned?

This is terrible!

She looked at Zheng Jing at a loss. The helpless and frightened look in her eyes made Zheng Jing feel heartache.

Fortunately, he had already predicted the result of Zheng Lun. Now Mutong has not said that she has throat cancer. She has been very lucky. For Zheng Lun, severe poisoning is very light.

Because it can save her life at least! , the fastest update of the webnovel!