Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 824


Zheng Jing and Zheng Qinan take a breath at the same time!

Gu Qianyue is so cruel!

He wanted to kill Zheng Lun unconsciously!

However, Zheng Lun did not have any trouble with him at all. Why did he do this?!

Zheng Jing and Zheng Qinan are both in a state of anger. They are eager to rush to the Gu's home immediately. They grab the clothes of Gu's husband and wife and ask them what kind of son they have raised!

However, the words below Mu Qing let Zheng Jing's heart fall to the bottom.

"A Jing, this is not the most important, the most important thing is that this toxin is the variant of Yang Muyan that poisoned Zheng Lun, that is, the upgraded version!"

Zheng Jing changed color, even his voice changed his tone: "Yang Muyan?"

Yang Muyan's cunning and scheming, let Zheng Jing and Mu Qing all have lingering fear, they two people add up heart eye son also not Yang Muyan one tenth! Cruel degree is also poor far away, Yang Muyan is a real devil!

Even if she was dead, she was still haunted!

Zhao an and Mu Qing's wedding made a great mistake. Now, it's his turn and Zheng Lun?

How much time she's alive!

Zheng Jing is too nervous to breathe. He is too afraid of Yang Muyan to deal with Zheng Lun!

Even if Yang Muyan has died, even if she is with the help of other people's hands to harm Zheng Lun, with Zheng Lun's simplicity, almost certainly will die!

After a long time, Zheng Jing's blank brain began to work again. His voice was dry and astringent: "is The person who poisoned Lun Lun at the beginning is the ancient Qianyue who is now harming her? "

Mu Qing is not sure. He is not good at this kind of things. Those who are good at scheming are people with super high intelligence quotient, such as Jing Yichen.

He said with a wry smile: "ah Jing, I don't know about this, but judging from the composition of the two drugs, Gu Qianyue must have something to do with Yang Muyan. Even if the person who poisoned the drug for the first time is not him, he is not a good thing. You'd better hurry to find Jing Shao, who has the ability to analyze such things and dump us hundreds of blocks! "

"OK, I'll go to find jingshao." Zheng Jing's decision-making way, and then, his voice slightly trembled and asked in a soft voice: "nalun Lun now Will it be ok? "

Because of Zhao An'an, Zheng Jing has a profound understanding of cancer, which is almost incurable. If it is gastric cancer, it may live 10 or 20 years after the lesion is removed at the early stage of disease, but if it is throat cancer

Almost dead!

If this is the case, killing Gu Qianyue can not eliminate the anger and hatred in Zheng Jing's heart.

"I have no way to judge lunlun's physical condition now. You will take her to Mu's hospital tomorrow and ask my cousin to give her a general examination. If she is poisoned for a short time and the toxin content is relatively low, it is still time to treat her. But if the poisoning amount is relatively large, you should take Lun Lun Lun to Germany immediately."

Zheng Jing's heart can't stop flustered!

Zheng Qinan hears Mu Qing's words, the finger also tightly grasps together, if Zheng Lun has three faults, he and Pei Xinhua will suffer the heaviest blow!

He took a deep breath and opened his hands-free mobile phone to Zheng Jing and said, "MuQing and lunlun have not shown any special symptoms. It seems that there is no big difference between them. The source of her poisoning should mainly come from food."

He thought about it and described his judgment as objectively as possible so that MuQing could make the most accurate judgment.

"However, the toxin content in those foods should not be high. The poisoners are very cautious. Sometimes the snacks they bring are poisonous and sometimes they are non-toxic. Your aunt Pei has also eaten those snacks, but they are very few. Most of them are lunlun and Gu Qianyue. Since Gu Qianyue also ate those snacks, is he not afraid of cancer? Or is there an antidote to this toxin? "

Mu Qing and Zheng Qinan are also very familiar. He knows that Zheng Qinan is a cautious and logical person. After listening to him, Mu Qing has some doubts.

"No, some poisons can be treated with antidotes, but there is no antidote for such chronic carcinogens. If the poisoned people eat these things for a long time, their cells will become diseased. If Gu Qianyue also ate those snacks, and he is still the person who poisoned them, then his situation should be more serious than that of Lun Lun."

Mu Qing said, and a flash of light flashed in his mind: "Uncle Zheng, can the poisoned person not be Gu Qianyue, but the old lady who makes snacks?"

Zheng Qinan affirmed: "Mrs. Gu was involved in poisoning. At present, I can't make an accurate judgment, but Gu Qianyue is definitely one of the poisoners. Ah Jing tried to test him today, and he has already revealed his horse's feet. "

Mu Qing has no clue about this complicated and confusing situation. He has a good operation, but he is a paste for analyzing the people's mind and the case.

After hearing Zheng Nan's words, he was probably right.

"Uncle Zheng, if aunt Pei doesn't eat a lot of snacks, and sometimes those snacks are poisonous and sometimes not poisonous, then Aunt Pei must be OK, as long as you don't eat any more. As for Lun Lun, since she basically has nothing wrong with her, she should be more optimistic now. Don't worryMu Qing's tone is as relaxed as possible, so as not to let Zheng Jinghao worry about Zheng Qinan.

"The reason why those anchovies died so quickly was that the fish were much more sensitive to the toxin than humans. Moreover, they were small in size, poor in metabolic capacity, and delicate, so they died after eating a little bit of debris. Lun Lun doesn't even have a cough now, that's a good thing! "

Professional doctor's comfort or very effective, Zheng Qinan and Zheng Jing father and son both slightly put down the heart.

Fortunately, this thing was discovered early. If it was later, Zheng Lun would be really dangerous.

Speaking of it, or Zheng Jing gave Zheng Lun these small fish saved Zheng Lun's life, otherwise they don't know when to find out some heart poison!

Gu Qianyue was so careful that every time he brought the snacks to the Zheng family, he would eat them all. He would not leave a little handle. Even if they wanted to check, they did not have any snacks to test.

Zheng Jing's mood relaxed, and finally he was not so scared. His voice had unspeakable gratitude: "good brother, thanks to you! I have several forensic medicine can not find out what the poison is. When you come back, we will drink together! How is Ann? When can I be discharged from the hospital , the fastest update of the webnovel!