Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 823

In fact, Zheng Jing has been looking for Zheng Lun's parents since last year.

He wants to marry Zheng Lun, the best way is to let her parents recognize her, and then he will marry Zheng Lun back. In this way, no one will ever talk about their status as brothers and sisters. When Zheng Lun's household registration is moved out, they will no longer be brothers and sisters. Marriage is not only legal, but also will not violate the traditional ethics.

Although Pei Xinhua and Zheng Qinan will feel heartache when they are recognized by their biological parents, this kind of heartache is only temporary. As long as he can marry Zheng Lun back, the life of the four of them will be the same as before.

No, it will be happier than before!

However, things were not going well, and Zheng Jing encountered a lot of difficulties.

After so many years, many clues have long been lost. After being sentenced, the child trafficker died in prison. It is impossible to know where he bought Zheng Lun.

Fortunately, Zheng Lun was not the only one who was sold. When Zheng Lun was adopted, those children who were forced to beg on the street were sent to the best welfare home in city a at that time. Except for a few who died of long-term malnutrition, most of the little beggars have grown up healthily. Several of them have found their own parents and have been taken home A happy and secure life.

Zheng Jing went to those little beggars one by one. Most of the young beggars were about ten years old, but few of them were about six years old. Zheng Lun did not remember the past, but the rest of the children had deep memories of that painful begging experience.

A few children remember Zheng Lun, especially those who were sold together with Zheng Lun.

According to the intermittent clues they provided, Zheng Jing groped for more than half a year before he found a little clue.

He has been to nearly 100 families with lost children, and the situation is quite consistent with Zheng Lun's situation at that time, but the DNA comparison results are not the same.

It was not until last month that he found Zheng Lun's real parents.

This family is extremely poor and has many children. Speaking of Zheng Lun, they have no impression. Only one of the married men remembers Zheng Lun. He also takes out the only photo of the whole family. Although Zheng Lun is young, Zheng Jing still recognizes her at one glance.

Zheng Lun's appearance has changed a lot, but Zheng Jing remembers his childhood appearance.

However, their parents died last year. The couple are lazy and have given birth to children. They have sold six children so far.

Zheng Lun's parents died, and there was no way to do DNA identification. Zheng Jing solicited the opinions of his brothers and sisters. Everyone gave a large sum of money to do the identification.

However, to Zheng Jing's surprise, Zheng Lun's brothers and sisters, who were not sold, were all brothers and sisters, and those who were sold had no blood relationship!

Zheng Lun has no blood relationship with those people!

It turns out that Zheng Lun's so-called parents are also human traffickers!

They are not Zheng Lun's real parents!

No matter how Zheng Jing investigates, he can't find out how Zheng Lun was abducted to his home by the couple of human traffickers.

"Dad, I didn't find Lun Lun's biological parents. The parents in Lun Lun's memory are actually human traffickers. She was too young at that time, and she may not remember her parents clearly."

Zheng Jing's voice is a little low. If you can't find Zheng Lun's parents, it's hard to marry her.

He can't find a pair of fake parents to claim Zheng Lun!

This kind of fraud is easy to be exposed, and it will be very bad for Zheng Lun in the future.

Moreover, since Zheng Lun may not have been sold by her parents, she may have been abducted by human traffickers. Her parents are likely to have been looking for her all the time.

Zheng Qinan was also shocked: "the couple who sold her are not lunlun's biological parents?"

If Zheng Lun's parents are someone else, if her parents are not heartless sellers of their daughters, then maybe he really needs to help Zheng Lun find her own parents.

"Yes, I found out about the couple's home only last month. They are dead now, but some of their biological children are not consistent with Lun Lun's gene. Lun Lun Lun is not their own, so it was sold."

Zheng Jing told Zheng Qinan what he had found one by one. He knew that Zheng Qinan was not a rigid person, and he also knew that his sense of justice was very serious. Only when he had explained everything clearly, could he win Zheng Qinan's consent. The two men looked for Zheng Lun's biological parents together.

"There are six children who were sold, but I only found four. With Lun Lun, there are five children in total, and one is said to be dead."

After a long time, Zheng Jing found the four sold children with the help of jingyichen, otherwise he could not find out the matter so quickly.

Zheng Qinan was silent for a long time. He whispered: "ah Jing, you let me go back and discuss with your mother before making a decision. After raising Lun Lun for such a long time, we all regard her as our daughter. We want us to find her biological parents and send her back. This is a stab in our heart. You're not a parent now. You don't understand this feeling. When you have children, you will understand. "Zheng Jing knew that it was impossible to persuade his father all at once. He nodded: "well, it should be. You should discuss it with my mother."

Father and son talk in a dignified and depressing atmosphere. When Zheng Jing's mobile phone rings, their spirits are shaken. There is a result in MuQing!

Zheng Jing answers the phone, and there comes Mu Qing's tired voice. It's daytime in China, but it's late at night in Germany. MuQing conducts data analysis all night to identify toxins with the fastest speed.

"Brother, I am so tired! But the composition of the drug is finally clear! This kind of poison is extracted from the pollen of Mexican candle and mixed with other chemical agents. It is a chronic poison. If the dosage is relatively small, no problem can be seen within one month

Wood green voice although tired, but the tone is serious and serious, with rare dignified.

"But if you take this poison for a long time, your mouth will be hot and painful, and then you will have small blisters. When it is more serious, your throat will be red, swollen and hoarse. If you cough constantly, your voice will become hoarse. What's more, it will cause cancer. People who are poisoned will often die of throat cancer, but the cause can't be found out." , the fastest update of the webnovel!