Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 819

"Lun Lun, you are too thin. You should eat more."

Gu Qianyue is gentle and full of kindness. He uses a plastic fork to fork up a waffle cake and hands it to Zheng Lun: "here, eat it. I'll be very happy to see you eat!"

Zheng Lun took the waffle, but instead of eating it like yesterday, he put it back in the box and said with a smile, "thank you, but I don't like waffles. It's just that my brother loves waffles. I'll leave it to him."

Pei Xinhua looked at her daughter in surprise.

Zheng Lun is never picky about food. She basically eats everything and never wastes food. This may have a lot to do with her childhood experience of starvation.

Waffle is one of Zheng Lun's favorite snacks. Why does she say she doesn't like it today?

Pei Xinhua took a look at the waffle in the box. The waffle was fragrant and golden, and there was strawberry jam that Zheng Lun liked.

Good ah, it should be Gu Qianyue's mother specially made according to Zheng Lun's taste.

Perhaps the reason why Zheng Lun didn't like these waffles was not because of the waffles themselves, but because he didn't like the ancient thousand Yue?

Yesterday, Zheng Lun inadvertently asked her, does Gu Qianyue not have to go to work? Why do you come every day?

Pei Xinhua knows that Zheng Lun is a little bothered by the quiet man.

In fact, Pei Xinhua also has some doubts about this question, but Gu Qianyue said with a smile that there are few things in the school. He only needs to go to class for students occasionally. Most of the time belongs to himself and is very free.

However, it seems that the teachers in any school are not as free as him?

Zhao Anan is the principal of X, and she has the final say in her own time, but she can't go out to play everyday.

However, these are small things for Pei Xinhua. Gu Qianyue would rather not go to work to accompany Zheng Lun, which is a good thing.

As for the fact that Zheng Lun lied that he didn't like waffles, Pei Xinhua subconsciously chose to protect her daughter without exposing her little lie.

She picked up a waffle and ate it. She said to Gu Qianyue with a smile: "this child is not lucky. Your mother's waffle is comparable to the top pastry maker. It's sweet and fragrant. If she doesn't eat it, it's cheaper for me and ah Ching!"

Gu Qianyue seems to be still very happy: "how can, Lun Lun is the most blessed girl! Next time you don't bring waffles, I'll ask my mother to make other waffles. I'll leave them for you and brother Zheng Jing to eat. "

Although he was smiling on his face, there was an indescribable evil in his eyes when he looked at Zheng Lun. However, this trace of evil passed away in a flash, which made Zheng Lun almost think he was dazzled.

However, Zheng Lun believed that she had no eyesight. She refused to eat waffles on purpose today.

It's a bit of a gamble, but also a bit of a trial.

But the results of the trial let Zheng Lun a little confused.

She is far from being able to do as Zheng Jing did. She can use a little trial to analyze the behavior and purpose of the other party. She just subconsciously feels that something is wrong, and subconsciously she doesn't want to be forced to eat.

She felt very warm to her mother's protection, or her mother was kind to her. When she heard her saying that she didn't like to eat, she didn't ask for any reason, so she directly took over the topic.

Zheng Lun held Pei Xinhua's arm and refused to let her go. He leaned on her, like when he was a child. He called her softly: "Mom, Qianyue is right. I'm really the most blessed one!"

Pei Xinhua knows what Zheng Lun means. She is saying that with a mother like her, she is the most blessed.

She clapped her daughter's hand happily. Her heart was softened into a pool of water by her daughter's heartfelt dependence. Zheng Lun was really coquettish. Every time she was coquettish, the whole family basically had no power to resist, and she would be spoiled to the sky.

When Gu Qianyue left, Pei Xinhua took her daughter's hand and asked her softly, "Lun Lun, why don't you eat waffle today?"

Zheng Lun said to the truth: "Mom, Qianyue makes me feel a little bit Strange, I can't say, but I always feel something wrong. Yesterday and a few days ago, he forced me to eat snacks. He seemed to care about me, but my brother never forced me to eat

She unconsciously compared Zheng Jing with Gu Qianyue, and then felt that Zheng Jing was better.

"I was a little angry today, so I said I would not eat it, but he ate up all the waffles he had brought. Is it a little strange?"

Pei Xinhua really did not pay attention to this problem. Now he was reminded by Zheng lunyi and felt a little strange.

In principle, Gu Qianyue brought snacks to Zheng Lun. Even if Zheng Lun didn't eat them, he shouldn't have eaten all the snacks himself.

She unconsciously helped Gu Qianyue to find an excuse: "maybe, he didn't think it was a waste of his mother's snacks?"

It's not easy to have a man who can talk to Zheng Lun. He can't be so disgusted with him! Where to find such a suitable person in the future.

"Well, that's what he said himself."

Zheng Lun herself is not sure. Although she occasionally feels that Gu Qianyue is strange, on the whole, he is a very gentle and good man.Maybe she is too sensitive!

In the evening, Zheng Lun cleared the snack box on the table and saw a little bit of waffle crumbs. She pinched a little bit and put it into the fish tank to feed her four anchovies.

Four anchovies happily ate the debris, swimming in the water, seems to be still looking for food.

Zheng Lun didn't dare to feed too much. Anchovies are small, and a little food is enough.

Yesterday she also fed them the crumbs of cherry crisp. It seems that they are addicted to snacks and swim more happily than ordinary fish food.

Zheng Lun smiles happily. It seems that the craftsmanship of Gu Qianyue's mother is so good that even fish like it!

However, the moment she saw the aquarium the next morning, it all dissipated.

Four beautiful anchovies, at the moment, all turned their bellies and floated in the fish tank. They did not have the cheerful appearance of yesterday. They had already died and could not die any more.

Zheng Lun's tears burst out in an instant!

Zheng Jing bought these four little anchovies for her birthday last year.

She raised them for more than a year, raised them from the size of soybeans to the size of copper money, has raised feelings.

Now that they are all dead, Zheng Lun's sad heart is torn up.

Does it mean that she and her brother will never be together in the future?

Otherwise, why the little fish my brother gave her will die!

Zheng Jing just walked down from upstairs, and saw Zheng Lun standing in front of the fish tank, tears falling down like broken pearls.

He stepped forward quickly, grabbed Zheng Lun and asked anxiously, "Lun Lun, what's wrong with you?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!