Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 820

Zheng Lun turned his head and cried sadly: "brother, my anchovies are dead! They are all dead! "

Zheng Jing immediately took a look at the fish tank, and sure enough, the four lively little fish had lost their breath of life.

He didn't care about the death of the fish. He just loved Zheng Lun.

He gently wiped tears for Zheng Lun and coaxed her with a soft voice: "it's OK. I'll buy it for you again. It's normal for small fish to die. You can keep it for such a long time, and none of them has any problem. It's already very serious."

Zheng Lun has always liked flowers and plants and small fish and turtles, so Zheng Jing would buy her fish as a gift.

But there's a big problem with buying live animals. They all die easily.

Zheng Yu Lun would not have died so early.

Pei Xinhua and Zheng Qinan also heard Zheng Lun cry. They thought something was wrong with her, so they went downstairs to have a look.

Knowing that the anchovies she raised died, Zheng Qinan breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time, he couldn't help asking, "didn't you do well yesterday? You have been raised for so long, how can you all die suddenly? Even if other people raise fish, they will die one by one slowly, which will die all at once. "

Pei Xinhua was not sure: "is it that Lun Lun fed them waffles yesterday, and it was too much to support?"

Zheng Lun said with red eyes: "no, I gave them a little bit to eat. I was afraid that they would hold on. You can see that their stomachs are flat, and they should not be able to hold on. Are they not used to eating snacks, so they die? "

She said and began to blame herself: "all blame me, read the book said you can feed them snacks crumbs, and then learn to feed them, as a result, they all died..."

"It's OK. It's OK. If you die, you'll die. I'll buy it for you. You can buy as much as you want. Don't be sad."

Zheng Jing patted her on the back to comfort her, ignoring Pei Xinhua and Zheng Qinan's eyes, and moved affectionately to help her wipe away the tears on her small face.

However, Pei Xinhua's eyes were not good, but she also loved her daughter. She didn't say anything. She turned to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for the family with the servants.

Zheng Qinan was an occupational disease. He went to the fish tank, carefully looked at the water in the fish tank and the fresh aquatic plants, and fished out the fish one by one.

Seeing that he was serious, Zheng Lun couldn't help but come over and asked softly, "Dad, do you want to solve the case?"

Zheng Qinan was amused by his daughter's simple and serious manner. He touched her soft hair and said with a smile: "yes, four fish's lives were lost. One of them is the director of public security and the other is the leader of the criminal police team. If they can't find out the result, I'm afraid we don't have to do it!"

Zheng Lun was affected by his smile, and his little face also showed a smile: "how can, you and your brother are the most powerful!"

She said, took a look at Zheng Jing and lowered her head again: "however, the four of them must have been killed by my random feeding. You don't need to check. I am the culprit."

Zheng Qi Nan but light way: "no, that may not necessarily."

Zheng Lun raised his face in surprise: "is there any other reason?"

Zheng Jing also began to pay attention to it. He looked at his father and asked in a deep voice, "Dad, do you have any doubts?"

"I'm not sure, but I'm sure the fish is dead on a snack. They died too strange, you take the fish and the fish tank together, go to the forensic medicine for identification, let them produce a professional test report


Isn't it necessary?

Zheng Lun was a little surprised.

Her four little fish are not valuable, but because the person who gave it was Zheng Jing, and she had been raised for such a long time that she was so miserable when she died. At this time, she was much more comforted by Zheng Jing and Zheng Qinan.

I haven't heard of anyone's small fish died, but also sent to the forensic medicine there for identification!

"Dad, this No need? They are just small fish, not human beings. Would it be a little fussy to make an appraisal? "

Zheng Lun felt a little uneasy in her heart. She felt as if she had given her father and brother more trouble.

When the time comes, will my brother's colleagues laugh at him and spoil his sister too much. If a few fish die, they will have to be identified by forensic medicine. This is an abuse of law enforcement resources!

Zheng Qinan said with a smile: "Lun Lun, you don't believe dad's professionalism and ability to judge cases over the years?"

Zheng Lun quickly shook his head: "no, no, no, Dad, I believe you!"

Of course, she believes in Zheng Qinan. He almost never does any useless work. How complex a case is, it will become clear in his hands. The case detection rate of city a is the highest. Many cases in other provinces and cities will turn to Zheng Qinan for help because of his keen judgment.

Is it true that her fish is not a simple death?

However, Zheng Jing's heart gradually became heavy because of Zheng Qinan's words.

He had already guessed what Zheng Qinan meant - he thought there was something wrong with Zheng Lun's snacks for anchovies!

In the last two months, Gu Qianyue would bring snacks to Zheng Lun every few days. Pei Xinhua had praised this matter many times in front of them. Zheng Jing and Zheng Qinan knew it.Zheng Lun said that she fed her small fish those snacks, and then all the fish died. Zheng Qinan's first reaction was that there was something wrong with the snacks, which was very reasonable and normal.

Even though it seems unreasonable that those snacks are out of order!

Zheng Jing and Zheng Qinan have systematically studied the detection and reasoning of cases. What Zheng Qinan most highly praises is a sentence of Sherlock Holmes: excluding all impossible, the remaining one, even if it is inconceivable, is the truth.

In other words, Zheng Qinan began to doubt the ancient Qianyue!

The father and son looked at each other in silence and saw shock and anger in each other's eyes.

However, they didn't show it on their faces. Zheng Lun and Pei Xinhua knew nothing about it. When Gu Qian was more and more, both of them were still the same as before. One said hello to him with a smile, and the other warmly invited him to have breakfast with him.

Zheng Jing finished the meal, as usual, and Gu Qianyue not cold and warm to say hello, and then holding the fish tank to go out.

Gu Qianyue curiously looked at the fish tank and asked casually, "why, how did the anchovies raised by Lun Lun die?"

Zheng Jing also seems to be casually back: "Oh, I was fed by Lun Lun, waffle was fed to death, maybe I ate too much."

However, is such a very common answer, but let Gu Qianyue pupil suddenly shrink.

Although his facial expression changed very subtle and disappeared in a flash, he was still captured by Zheng Jing and Zheng Qinan.

Two hearts at the same time a Lin!

It's him!

There's something wrong with the snack! , the fastest update of the webnovel!