Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 818

Gu Qianyue has seen that Zheng Lun likes cherries very much, so today he specially asked his mother to make cherry crisp.

At present, there are no fresh cherries in China this season. His mother's cherries for snacks were transported by air from abroad. They were sold very expensive in imported supermarkets. They were sold by piece, not by catty.

However, although the ancient family is not rich, but buy a few cherries or buy.

"It doesn't matter. My mother loves to make these snacks. She thinks about these things all day, but she doesn't feel hard at all. If you have anything you like, just tell me, and I'll let her cook it for you

Gu Qianyue pushed the dim sum to Zheng Lun in front of him. He said in a soft voice: "try it. My mother just made it this morning. Cherries are the freshest. This time, you should like more cherries."

Zheng Lun just had breakfast and was not hungry, but Gu Qianyue looked at her with expectant eyes, and she was not easy to refuse.

And it's also her favorite snack. Even if she's full, she can eat a little more.

He took a bite of peach blossom.

The dim sum is full of fragrance, with the sweet cherry and smooth chocolate. It is really delicious.

"Auntie's craft is getting better and better. She can open a snack shop now."

Zheng Lun sincerely praised.

"Eat more if you like it. She will be very happy if she knows you like it. It's impossible to open a dim sum shop. Her craftsmanship is not as good as you said. Otherwise, you would have eaten all these snacks

Gu Qianyue said jokingly, his expression was still gentle, his eyes were smiling, and his voice was very soft.

Zheng Lun was sensitive to feel that there was something wrong, but she could not say what was wrong.

This subtle sense of discomfort has appeared more than once.

Every time Gu Qianyue talks like this, Zheng Lun will have a kind of creepy feeling.

This feeling is too inexplicable, because no matter how you look at it, Gu Qianyue doesn't look terrible at all. On the contrary, he looks like a shy and introverted big boy next door. It seems that people and animals are harmless and easy to win the favor of others.

Fortunately, every time this feeling will soon dissipate, Zheng Lun used to have this feeling for others occasionally, so she has basically been used to it, and has not paid much attention to it.

She followed Gu Qianyue's meaning, ate two more snacks, and then stopped.

Every time Gu Qianyue came, he would bring gifts. Sometimes they were some small things, sometimes they were potted plants, and most of the time they were snacks.

However, what makes Zheng Lun a little strange is that the snacks he brings are always just enough for her to eat alone, and never bring more because she likes it.

For example, today, his snacks are packed in a delicate box. There are ten beautiful peach blossoms in it. Each snack is only the size of a walnut. If you are really hungry, it is not enough to plug your teeth.

But Zheng Lun never asked Gu Qianyue why he didn't bring more. If he did, people would think she had never eaten snacks and insisted on asking for them!

Anyway, since Zheng Lun came to the Zheng family, he has been living a good life. He has eaten all kinds of delicious food. Snacks are dispensable.

She ate three little peach blossoms, and there were seven left in the box.

Gu Qianyue picked up one and ate it. He said with a gentle smile: "Lun Lun, isn't my mother's snack delicious this time? Well I have a good taste. What's wrong? Tell me, I'll ask my mother to improve. "

Zheng Lun immediately shook his head and said, "no, no, no, you misunderstood me. My aunt's cooking is very delicious, that is I'm full, I can't eat any more. "

She was a little embarrassed, and felt that she did not eat those snacks, as if she were sorry for Gu Qianyue.

"Besides, these snacks are so beautiful that I can't bear to eat them!"

Zheng Lun is telling the truth. The snacks are very delicate. She wants to leave some for Zheng Jing.

But the strange feeling in her heart came back.

She vaguely felt that every time Gu Qianyue brought snacks, he would always quietly and implicitly persuade her to eat more.

However, it seems that everyone is willing to persuade others to eat what they have made or their relatives have made.

"What's the matter? These snacks are made for you to eat. If you don't eat them, it's a waste. If you like, ask my mother to make more next time, so you can eat some and keep some. "

ancient thousand good temper smile, pick up a snack slowly eat, and then ridicule: "Oh, you do not eat, I was eaten up, home should be my mother scolded!"

He said, picked up a snack and handed it to Zheng Lun. He said in a pitiful way: "can you help me eat one? It's too wasteful not to eat. The cherries are not fresh after a few hours, and the taste is not good. "

The ancient thousand Yue has already said the words on this portion son, if Zheng Lun does not eat again, really cannot say.So even though she was not hungry at all, she ate up all the rest of the cherries.

Fortunately, the dim sum is really delicious, and it's not big. After eating all of them, Zheng Lun doesn't feel up to it.

Seeing that she had finished all the snacks, Gu Qianyue's pretty face showed a happy smile: "that's right. After you eat all of them, I can tell my mother when I go home. Otherwise, she may not let me in."

Zheng Lun took a sip of tea, but he just laughed and didn't speak.

She is gentle in nature and simple in mind, but this does not mean that she is a person who is completely submissive.

Gu Qianyue forced her to eat snacks with her family card, which made her deeply contradicted.

In the past, this kind of thing has been done for thousands of years, and it is very clever. It makes people almost feel that there is a deliberate trace, but it really makes Zheng Lun feel uncomfortable.

Every time Pei Xinhua sees Gu Qianyue let Zheng Lun eat this and that. He also thinks that Gu Qianyue is very considerate and can take care of people. However, Zheng Lun's inner feelings are not like this.

It's easy to feel a man's kindness to her.

Zheng Lun is delicate in mind, simple but intelligent. She can clearly feel the love of Zheng Jing to her, but she thinks that what Gu Qianyue has done is just superficial skill.

Women's intuition is terrible, what has no basis and no evidence, you can judge the truth of things.

The next day, Koo came again. This time, he brought a vanilla waffle made by his mother.

Similarly, Gu Qianyue has been advising Zheng Lun to eat more. , the fastest update of the webnovel!