Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 813

But when Mu Wensheng saw Jingyi's eager eyes, he could only go on.

He changed many ways to try, and kept stripping the virus. Once the egg couldn't bear it, he immediately stopped and cultured it for a period of time. After the virus reproduced to a certain degree, he began to peel off again.

It's boring and tedious.

After jingyiran came, he completely replaced jingtianyuan's "assistant" work, and soon became a more qualified and agile assistant than jingtianyuan.

Although he didn't have the kind of rebellious intelligence quotient of Jing Yichen, he was also very intelligent and learned things very quickly. Now, coupled with his great efforts, his knowledge of medicine has gone a long way.

Even Mu Wensheng is surprised at jingyiran's understanding of medicine.

Jing Yiran is quite proud of himself. He thinks that he can almost become a doctor!

Only Jingtian yuan hated the way that iron was not made into steel: "it's very proud to learn such a little thing, and it's really thick skinned! These things, when your brother was three years old! You didn't learn it until you were thirty, but you still wanted to show off! "

Jingyiran has been used to jingyichen's extraordinary talent for a long time. Jingtianyuan is the lightest one now. What I said before was much worse than this one!

He didn't pay attention to it at all. He was still very happy. Heartless, he said: "I'm so easy to learn such high-end things. How can I not show off? Oh, by the way, I can show my brother in the future. If I have such a talented brother, I have to make full use of it! "

He learned practical medical knowledge, very happy, the whole person is a little elated.

In the past, he was ignorant. When jingyichen worked hard, he always played and felt that he had taken advantage of Tianda.

Now sensible, want to learn from the beginning, but no one is willing to teach him hand in hand.

Mu Wensheng seems to have been used to teaching Mu Qing and the children of the Mu family. Although he has a bad temper and is always irritable and likes to pat people in the back of the head, he really teaches jingyiran with great care, and he has no reservation about his experience in the past decades.

Jing Yiran is eager to learn. He always has a feeling of sudden happiness. Although he is very tired and boring every day, it is the most substantial and satisfying moment in his life of 30 years.

In terms of intelligence quotient, Jing Yiran actually surpasses Mu Qing, and his learning ability is also very strong. Although he does not have Mu Qing's innate keen intuition in medicine, he is willing to work hard and work hard.

Moreover, he was used to fighting with Jing Yichen when he was young. Mu Wensheng was angry and hit him twice. He didn't care. He was still smiling and had no face to follow him.

Mu Qing was beaten by Mu Wensheng, and then he ran far away, for fear of being beaten again, where would he be so hard to get close to like Jing Yiran!

In addition, jingyiran has a strong psychological quality. She is not afraid to be scolded by Mu Wensheng because of her ignorance. She immediately chases Mu Wensheng to ask what she doesn't understand. She is even easier to learn than MuQing.

One is willing to learn and the other is willing to teach. It's strange that Jingyi doesn't make rapid progress!

Later, Jing Yiran didn't report to Mu Wensheng one day, so he kept asking jingtianyuan: "what about Yiran, that boy? Why didn't you come today? Where have you been? If he doesn't come, I have no one to beat and scold. I miss him a little bit! "

He is so easy to meet an apprentice of the same grade as Mu Qing. He is smart and eager to learn. Moreover, he works hard than Mu Qing. He can't let it go!

After another month, Mu Wensheng said to Jingtian: "I'll take your grandson as a disciple! This boy is very talented. If you don't learn medicine, it will be wasted. If you are sick, your grandson will be able to cure you! "

Jingtian Yuan gas stare: "you just have a disease!"

For mu Wensheng to accept jingyiran as an apprentice, Jingtian has long seen his intention.

Mu Wensheng seldom praises others. Mu Qing's medical attainments are already very high. He will still be damned by him.

But recently, he often praises jingyiran and murmurs bitterly about why Jingyi Chen jingyiran is the grandson of Jing family, and why not give one to Mu family.

At this age, he doesn't care whether his medical skills are learned by others, but only whether those top medical skills he can lose.

In addition to Mu Qing, he has always wanted to find another successor, even if it is not Mu's family.

Jing Yiran is a member of the Jing family. It is a good choice to teach him medical skills.

Wood asked students are willing to create a medical talent for the Jing family for free, but jingtianyuan has no reason to disagree.

"That son of a bitch has been expelled from the Jing family by his father. It's not my grandson. If you take an apprentice, it doesn't matter to me!"

Although Jing Tianyuan didn't say it clearly, the meaning in the words was acquiescence.

"Yes, then take him away!"

Wood asked a pat on the thigh, the matter was given, there is no need to ask Jing Yiran's own opinion.As long as Jingtian doesn't object, it's useless for Jing Yiran to oppose even if Jingtian doesn't object. He has many ways to force jingyiran to submit.

Of course, now jingyiran doesn't need to be forced by Mu Wensheng. He can't get Mu Wensheng as a teacher!

Later, he said that he was the "miracle doctor" Mu Wensheng's disciple, but he was the second young master of the Jing family!

Oh, I can wake up laughing in my sleep!

Jing Yiran is proud of walking all day. He feels like floating in the clouds. The only thing that makes him more painful is that he has to call Mu Qing the bastard elder martial brother!

Oh, forget it, wet chest on wet chest, this "wet chest" is also a well-known "little miracle doctor", said it is more face-saving!

Look, he's not low now!

Jingshao, who owns a super business empire in a city, is his brother. The famous doctor who can bring the dead back to life is his master. The president of Mu's hospital is his senior brother. Even his daughter-in-law is the number one killer in the world. Tut Tut, with so many titles, you can kill a large number of people every minute!

The sense of happiness surrounded jingyiran tightly, which made his whole person full of energy and looked wonderful!

Isn't this the life he always wanted?

How easy it is!

Jing Yiran drank happily, put his head on Luo Hao's shoulder and yelled, "Xiao Luo Zi, do you have any wish? Come on, say it, brother help you to achieve! I'm capable now

Luo Hao looked at Jingyi ran dyed some micro red perfect side face, in the heart way: I want to marry you, this you can also achieve? , the fastest update of the webnovel!