Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 812

Jing Yiran was not so good at talking before. Now he speaks better than he sings. He must have something to ask him for. He must have no intention of being polite!

Mu Wensheng ignores him, turns his head and looks at jingtianyuan. He is ready to settle the account of jiuxiancao with him.

However, Jingyi ran didn't give up so easily. He took the deer to Mu Wensheng, and said directly, "Grandpa mu, please help me and the deer to see if we can have a baby in the way of surrogacy like MuQing."

Mu Wensheng and jingtianyuan listened to his words and were slightly stunned. It turned out that he wanted a child!

Jingtianyuan sat there silent.

Although Jing Yiran has been expelled from Jing's family, his relationship with Jing Yichen has improved a lot in recent days. He also takes deer to see Moran from time to time. He is quite different from the one who used to make trouble and make trouble in his family.

Anyway, Jing Yiran is a member of Jing family, which can't be changed. Although Jing Tianyuan didn't treat him as his successor, he would not be denied a child of his own.

He didn't make a statement, so he agreed by default. Mu Wensheng knew what he meant, but it was more difficult for Xiaolu to have children than Zhao An'an!

Wood asked the unruly way: "do you think surrogacy can be found at will? Zhao an has a problem with the Zi Gong. The embryo can't be implanted, but her egg is active and can be cultivated into an embryo. Then she can take advantage of a healthy Zi Gong to give birth to the embryo! There is no problem with your Deer House. You don't need to borrow it! The problem is her egg cells! "

Jing Yiran knows some of these things, but he still doesn't give up: "what's wrong with the deer's eggs?"

"All the cells in her body have been genetically modified. All the new cells are infected with virus, and so are the egg cells. There is no way to cultivate an embryo!"

Jing Yiran was not convinced: "you have not tried how to know that there is no way to cultivate embryos, maybe it can be done?"

"You've been married for so long, and you haven't had a baby. That's what it says? If you can, you can use it to find me? "

Jing Yiran still insists: "natural pregnancy is not good, maybe artificial pregnancy can? Aren't you a miracle doctor? That's why I came to see you

"My miracle doctor has a limit, not magic! You don't have to wear a high hat for me. Even if you call me a fairy, I can't do anything about it! "

Mu Wen was very angry. He didn't give up. He had done a comprehensive examination for the fawn for a long time. He knew her physical condition very well.

It's not easy to plead and flatter. Jingyiran began to play tricks: "you care so much about your grandson yourself. Now that he has a child, you're always happy. Do you care about other people's lives? I don't care. If you don't show us, we'll stay here! When the time comes, I will not be sorry if you don't want to see one of the pregnant women

Wood asked to live nearly by Jing Yi Ran to death, actually dare to threaten him!

He angrily took off his shoes and threw them on jingyiran's body. The shoes flew into the air and was caught by the deer.

Jing Yiran took the shoes from the deer's hand with a smile, went to Mu Wensheng and put them on for him: "don't throw them away. Didn't my grandfather throw a teacup and miss me? My daughter-in-law is No.1 in the world. She can even catch bullets! I'll put on your shoes. You need help! My grandfather doesn't have this treatment. "

Jing Yiran puts on shoes for wood Wensheng, which dissipates a lot of anger in his heart.

Mu Wensheng can understand jingyiran's desire for children in his heart. He was not like this before!

It was not until he worked hard for more than five months and successfully developed the embryo that he was relieved.

He thought for a while, frowning, but he couldn't think of any way to improve the activity of deer's egg cells and develop into embryos.

However, his heart was really moved by Jing Yiran's persistence. Maybe he can have a try.

"OK, you two go to the hospital to get Jing's eggs and eggs, and then send them to me. I'll see if there is any hope. I'll say it first. I'm not sure at all. If it doesn't work then, you can't come here to make trouble!"

Although Mu Wensheng's face is impatient and his voice is angry, Jing Yiran is overjoyed. As long as Mu Wensheng is willing to try, it's good!

He said with a smile on his face: "no, no, I will never make trouble. I appreciate your time! You just go ahead and try, it doesn't matter to you whether you can succeed or not! "

Mu Wensheng is the best at complicated diseases. He has studied infertility for decades, and he has gained a lot in this field. Moreover, he is the person most familiar with the body condition of fawn. He even developed a method to control the virus briefly, so that the deer can survive until now.

Besides him, Jing Yiran could not find a more effective and suitable doctor.

Xiaolu also knows muwensheng's skills. She knows better than anyone what kind of state muwensheng's medical skills have reached. Her body can't even help her parents and scientific research institutions who specialized in that kind of virus, but she can make the best treatment without knowing anything about the virus.Since he was a few years old, he began to learn medical theory with his family elders. Up to now, he has learned medical skills for more than 70 years. Now he is fully able to bypass the analogy and find a new way to solve various diseases.

There is a light in the deer's eyes. Maybe, Mu Wensheng will have a way to make her a mother!

No matter what, there is hope now. Mu Wensheng is alone there, and Xiaolu and jingyiran leave happily.

Extraction of oocytes need to wait for a long period of time, a woman in a month generally can only discharge one egg, want more, you have to hit the egg needle.

So when I went to Mu Wensheng again, it was a month later.

After that, Jing Yiran reported to Mu Wensheng almost every day and watched whether the embryo had been successfully cultivated.

However, the experiment failed again and again, and Mu Wensheng himself was a little impatient, which was hundreds of times more difficult to cultivate embryos for Mu Qing and Zhao An'an!

Mu Wensheng wants to peel off the virus contained in the egg cell, but the virus has integrated into the whole egg cell. On the one hand, it inhibits the activity of the egg cell, on the other hand, it maintains the vitality of the egg cell. If it is stripped, the egg cell will slowly die.

He has known for a long time that it will be very difficult and the possibility is very low. Now he is doing these things, basically, he is useless, because he knows what the result will be. , the fastest update of the webnovel!