Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 814

Luo Hao, of course, can't say that. He is not the kind of man who separates people's feelings at will.

Jing Yiran didn't care so much about anyone before, only fawn. He was so careful and considerate that he almost changed from a playboy and a dandy to a good husband who cared for his family. His changes were so great that everyone who knew him was surprised.

Besides, they are both men. If they get married Always feel a little awkward, he married a man to go home, his parents will break his leg!

Luo Hao sighed in his heart, alas, how did he fall in love with a married one? And still a man! What a miserable life!

Jing Yi Ran saw his "confidant" with a frown on his face, and thought that he had encountered something difficult to worry about. He immediately put his arm around his shoulder and said, "what's the matter? What's the trouble with me! Elder brother is now a disciple of the miracle doctor. He walks with a spirit of immortality

He called himself brother by mouth, and did not say "this childe", which showed that he was very close to Luo Hao.

But Luo Hao is not very grateful. He is still in a low mood. He pushes aside jingyiran's arm and goes straight without saying a word.

Jingyi was stunned there. After a long time, she said to herself, "does xiaoluozi have such a few days every month? Why do you look a little angry? "

He soon forgot Luo Hao's small temper, still happy to drink wine, humming songs, free like a fairy.

When the deer comes back from the outside, he finds jingyiran leaning against the wall outside the villa door.

She put down the big bag and small bag of food and new clothes in her hand, picked up jingyiran from the ground, and then went to the villa.

Even if Jing Yiran drinks too much, his brain is not clear, and he is not willing to let the fawn hold his princess!

He struggled down, pinched the delicate chin of the fawn with his long and beautiful fingers, and his tongue knotted: "honey, you can't hold me like this next time. I'm your husband. I should hold you!"

He said, then threw away the empty bottle, picked up the deer, staggering in.

The fawn did not struggle, let him hold it and asked softly, "Why are you so happy today?"

Jing Yiran seems to be in a very good mood. He usually doesn't drink too much. He's quite a few, but he's drunk today.

"Ha ha, old man Mu accepted me as the door closing disciple! How about your husband

Mention this matter son, Jing Yi Ran is very excited, even talk don't knot son.

The deer was surprised: "really?"

"True, of course!"

Fawn sincerely praised him: "you are so good!"

Mu Wensheng hasn't taken any apprentices for so many years. The Mu family almost doesn't accept any other person as an apprentice. On the one hand, it is easy to be robbed of his job. On the other hand, there are many descendants of the Mu family, so it's not necessary to find another apprentice.

His medical skills are superb, and his vision is naturally very high. If he can choose jingyiran as his apprentice, he must have taken a fancy to jingyiran's talent and efforts, which is the recognition jingyiran got completely by virtue of his own strength.

It's very proud indeed!

Deer is very happy. She holds jingyiran's neck and kisses him actively. This is what jingyiran taught her. When she is happy or wants to make him happy, she kisses him. This is the best way to express her feelings.

Jing Yiran was kissing by fawn, proud and happy. He also felt that he was very powerful, which was no less than the genius of jingyichen!

Alcohol paralyzed his brain to a certain extent, but also promoted his mental excitement to a greater extent. He pressed the fawn on the bed and took off her clothes at random. Seeing her white and exquisite body, he could not suppress her desire and went in directly.

Perhaps because of the special constitution, the deer's skin is very delicate and smooth, full of elasticity, as beautiful and attractive as an 18-year-old girl.

Jing Yiran kisses her carefully, which makes her tremble and murmur.

Jing Yiran thought more than once that fawn's aging speed was dozens of times slower than that of him. After 30 years, he became an old man, but she still looked like she was 18 years old. What can I do!

If he marries a daughter-in-law who is nearly immortal, even if he is beautiful as a demon, he is also under great pressure!

When they go to the street together, others will think that fawn belongs to his daughter!

But at this time, Jing Yiran will not think about anything else. He is seriously pleasing his women, and his women have learned how to please him under his guidance.

Xiaolu is a very good student. She can't do anything from the beginning to now. Jingyiran is surprised.

Their husband and wife's life is very harmonious, and because the deer's constitution is very good, jingyiran will not have any problems no matter how hard it is.

Jing Yiran thinks that only when the deer is in bed, it will appear like an ordinary woman, gentle, charming, beautiful and sexy.

Deer immersed in the ocean of happiness, holding jingyiran tightly with him. She had long forgotten that a lot of food she had bought from the supermarket was still left outside. In her eyes, there was only one jingyiran left in her heart.The next day, when Jing Yiran went to Mu Wensheng, she still had a little wine smell on her body, which made him scold him.

"I decided to accept you as an apprentice only yesterday. You won't let me regret it today?! Virtue, how dare you drink so much wine! Look for yourself. What time is it now? The sun is almost setting. You will come! The skin is itchy and under smoked, isn't it? It's just like MuQing, who doesn't go to the house and uncover the tiles one day! Where's my bamboo? I'll smoke you first! "

"Master, you're exaggerating. It's just over nine o'clock. The sun didn't come out for a while. It's not in the north pole and the South Pole. How could it set so quickly?"

Jing Yiran couldn't help but retort and yelled, "I was so happy that I was accepted as an apprentice by you yesterday. I forgot to drink more for a moment, and I will never again! You must teach me something quickly. Don't look for any bamboo sticks. I've already thrown it away. Should I keep it and let it play its heat? "

Muwensheng's bamboo stick was used to smoke MuQing before. Now it's used to smoke jingyiran. Jingyiran was hit twice and then threw it away. It hurt me so much! He'd rather ask a student to slap someone!

Wood asked to listen to the bamboo was thrown, the gas of hard patted Jingyi ran two times.

However, Jing Yiran's sentence "I'm too happy to be accepted as an apprentice" made Mu Wensheng feel at ease. He snorted coldly and did not care about jingyiran's drinking and being late. He started a new round of embryo test today. , the fastest update of the webnovel!