Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 811

Although Jing Tianyuan is in good health and looks much younger than his actual age, he is more than 80 years old after all, and the possibility of having children is almost zero?

However, although the deer thought Jing Yiran didn't speak properly, he would not let him be hurt by the cup, so he would give the cup to the next step.

He pushed the deer to the side: "I teach my grandson, you girl to stay for me! No meddling

Jingyi is not stupid. He has always been flexible in front of jingtianyuan. When he saw the old man, he would continue to beat people. He quickly admitted his mistake: "grandfather, I was wrong! Don't fight. Be careful. Your hand hurts! If you get angry, my grandmother will have to kill me! "

Moran certainly won't kill him, but how serious should we say now!

"You know how to take care of your grandmother?"

Jingtianyuan's teacup was thrown out. The rest of the tea cup was tightly protected by Mu Wensheng. He refused to let him move. There was nothing to beat him. He was very angry in his heart and his voice was obviously angry.

If this grandson can be half as clever as jingyichen, he will be relieved!

It's really mindless. Those two women are not his people. Jing Yiran is still talking nonsense there. If this word is spread out, he will lose all his face!

"Your grandmother is the only woman in my life. When did I have someone else? If you talk nonsense again, you'll get out of city A. I'll be angry when I see you

Jing Yiran quickly said, "yes, you are the most loyal to my grandmother. It is so when you are young, and even more so when you are old! Sun Tzu was confused just now. Don't worry about it! I knew that you can't change your preference to European and American models. What you like is always Oriental beauty. "

Why doesn't that sound right?

Jing Tianyuan looks a little ugly. This stinky boy is more and more able to pull!

He snorted and went back to his chair. Then he found that he was sweating and his ears were buzzing in the winter. What a life lost!

Jing Yiran's body is a layer of sweat, even on the face!

He wiped the sweat off his forehead and breathed a long sigh of relief.

He now understood that the two blonde beauties with big bellies and good play had nothing to do with Jing Tianyuan.

Oh, it's not the father's seed!

Otherwise, Jing Zhongxiu will have a younger brother who is 50 years younger than him, and he and Jing Yichen will have an uncle who is 30 years younger than them. This picture is too beautiful to watch!

Since it is not built in Jingzhong, then

Jing Yiran turned her eyes to the wood who was wrinkled into a ball because of the pain of herbs.

"Grandfather mu, it seems that you are not old! congratulations! Mu's family is going to have more children. Mu Qing needs two more uncles or aunts this time. "

Mu Wensheng just drank a sip of tea. "Puff" all of a sudden were scared to vomit out!

Jing Tianyuan saw Mu Wen's expression of eating flies raw, and his heart immediately balanced!

Let you laugh at me, the worldly news comes so fast, let you have a taste!

"Stinky boy, don't talk nonsense! It's true that my wooden family will have more children, but these two children are not other people's, they are all wood green! "

Mu Wen was angry and his new beard was shaking!

What kind of sword is not old? Jingyiran dare to say it!

Just now he felt that Jingtian had wasted a bundle of nine fairy grass. At the moment, he only thought that the bundle of nine fairy grass was too small, and he didn't kill Jing Yiran, the bastard!

Jing Yiran couldn't help but be astonished. He lost his voice and said, "what? It's all wood green?! How could that be possible! "

Although Jing Yiran and Mu Qing have not been able to deal with each other, they are either sarcastic or hard hitting each other, but he still trusts Mu Qing's character.

Mu Qing doesn't need any doubt about Zhao An'an's feelings. He has been waiting for Zhao An'an for so many years. How can he cheat on Zhao An'an after his marriage?

The two blondes obviously understood Chinese. They winked at Jingyi and laughed at him. Then they went out for a walk arm in arm.

When Mu Wensheng saw the two of them go out, he immediately called out the servant who specially came to take care of the two pregnant women: "hurry up, follow them, don't let them fall and knock, my precious great grandson can't have any mistakes!"

The servant laughed, and then followed up and took care of the two pregnant women. It was like taking care of national treasures.

Jing Yiran murmured, "is Mu Qing going to be a father? It's impossible. How can it be so fast? I didn't hear a word before! Didn't he take Zhao An'an abroad for treatment? Why are there two pregnant at home? And is it European or American? In order to keep the seed, he has also put it together

Mu Wensheng was proud of himself, touched his beard and snorted coldly: "with my old man here, what is impossible! He and Zhao An'an are treating their diseases abroad, and there is no delay in having children at home. When they come back, a pair of fat boys will call them parents! "Jing Yiran's brain immediately woke up from the chaos, and he was keen to grasp the key words: "call them parents? What does this have to do with Zhao An'an? The children of those two women must be European and American, right? Can Zhao An'an be willing? "

"Who said the children of those two girls must be European and American? The two of them must be 100% Asian! What's wrong with Zhao an? She's the mother of the two children




This is a flash in your mind

I see!

This is a good way!

Mu Wensheng's idea of this old man is very avant-garde. He can help his grandson find a surrogate. He is really a good grandfather!

I wonder if he and fawn can also use this method?

As soon as Jing Yiran's eyes lit up, he immediately praised him to the wood man: "Oh, grandfather mu, you are really worthy of the title of a miracle doctor. You have solved such a difficult matter. It is estimated that any medical problem will not be able to defeat you!"

Wood asked a stranger to mature, just won't fall into jingyiran's trap, he blew his beard and glared: "you don't have to flatter, it's useless! Just now you have completely offended the old man. Get out of my way. I feel bad when I look at you! "

Jingyi ran touched her face and said with a smile, "how can it be? If you take a closer look, I look like the most handsome man in a city. Even most women can't compare with me. You should be in a good mood when you look at it so well! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!