Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 808

Jing Yiran is deeply stimulated by Jingrui's cool attitude!

What's the matter? Little fart child has the same virtue as jingyichen. It's a replica of jingyichen!

He is just watching Jing Rui wander around the mall alone. He is worried about his accident and wants to send him home. However, the boy is ungrateful!

"Little one, are you holding a grudge

Jing Yiran can't think of any other reason. He thinks it must be Shangguan Ning who said bad things about him in front of Jing Rui, so that Jing Rui rejected him.

Of course, Jing Rui knows what Jing Yiran did before, but it's not shangguanning who told him, but Mu Qing and Zheng Jing often slander Jing Yiran, listing his crimes one by one.

It's just that Jing Rui is not indifferent to jingyiran because of these things. In fact, he treats everyone like this, and he doesn't mean to aim at jingyiran.

He wants to go around alone now, not to waste his time on useless words.

Jingyi doesn't say anything, but Jingrui turns around and goes.

It's true. What do you want him to do? It's a waste of time!

Unfortunately, his legs were too short, and he didn't go out a few steps, so Jingyi ran pulled him back: "Stinky boy, where are you going? So many people, you lost what to do! If I didn't die in my hands, it would be too bad to die in someone else's hands! "

"You let go, I'll go by myself!"

Jingyi grabs his collar by Jingyi, which makes Jing Rui very angry and destroys his image of genius!

Moreover, he really doesn't like to be touched by others, and he can't touch his clothes. Last time in Germany, he was picked up by the little beggar and touched his clothes, which made him feel a little psychological shadow.

"I'll let you go. You can't run! I'll take you home in a moment. It's not safe to wander around alone! What do your parents think? Is this still natural? "

Jing Yiran doesn't want to hold Jing Rui so far. At first, he seems to be bullying a child. Jing Yichen sees him and points out how angry he is. Secondly, he also pays attention to his image. He can't be handsome at all if he drags a little bit!

Jing Rui nodded: "I don't run, I can't run you at all."

As for being sent home He just ran out. How can he go back so soon!

Well, uncle Jing, since you are unkind, don't blame me for my injustice.

"Well, you know you can't run away from me!"

Jing Yiran nods with satisfaction. It's a good thing for children to be smart. There is no obstacle in communication! He himself analyzed the advantages and disadvantages very clearly, there is no need to say more, it is really saving energy!

He releases his hand and lets Jingrui go by himself. Seeing Jingrui follow him honestly, he is very proud.

Ha ha, he was always beaten by jingyichen when he was a child, and he cleaned up his black and blue face. Now he can finally be proud of himself!

Can't clean up jingyichen, can't he fix jingyichen's son?

It turns out that jingyiran can't clean up jingyichen and Jingrui.

After performing on the stage, the long legged beauties who step down one after another pass by jingyiran and Jingrui.

When the last beautiful woman walks past, Jing Ruimai moves his two legs and runs to the front of others, lifting the beautiful woman's skirt.

The beauty screamed in panic, and then she saw the little girl who lifted her skirt and said to a man who was in a commotion: "uncle, I see. Her underwear is red. Give me sugar quickly!"

Jing Yiran's beautiful face is full of consternation. He hears Jingrui call him "second uncle" as he wishes. However, he would rather not hear anything!

He was in a cold sweat. He said anxiously, "no, no, no, this lady, listen to my explanation. It's not like this!"

"Dirty rascal! Who do you call Miss? You are the miss. Your whole family is a miss! Looks like a good face, which is full of black heart rotten intestines! It's a shame to instigate a child to do such a thing

Beautiful woman's voice and her soft appearance do not match, scold people loud, almost can lift the top of the mall!

All of a sudden, everyone's eyes are staring at Jing Yiran's body. Many people are whispering and pointing.

Jingyi ran cold sweat more urgent, he was his little nephew to pit miserable!

This little thing is much more difficult than his father!

"No, no, this elder sister, i..."

"Pooh! You stare at your dog's eyes and take a closer look. Girl, I'm only eighteen this year. Who is your elder sister! You are not serious

She was so exposed, her chest was fake, and she wore so much makeup that she looked like a panda. Who could tell she was eighteen?

What's more, what's wrong with calling elder sister?

Jingyi Ran's head is big!

He wiped the sweat on his forehead and said in the most sincere way of his life: "this girl, what happened just now is definitely a misunderstanding. It is my nephew who is too naughty. It is absolutely not what I asked him to do. It has nothing to do with me! I'm not that kind of person at all. Besides, I don't really like you because of your beauty! "The last word, directly to the hot temper of the beauty to provoke!

She screamed and yelled, "I don't like you and let the kids lift my skirt?! Be told by the child, you throw all the dirty water on the child, shameless! He is so young that if you hadn't instigated him, how could he have done such a thing! If you have the ability, you take off your pants to show us whether you are hard or not

As soon as this word comes out, the market is fried immediately!

This woman is too fierce!

Jingyiran first met this kind of cheeky woman who didn't listen to the explanation. He was more arrogant than before!

Xiao Jingrui has a good eye! One of these thorns was chosen at once!

Eh, no, what about jingruiren?!

Good boy, if you pit him, you will run away immediately! If you get caught by him, you have to peel his skin!

Jingyi ran took a lot of effort to get rid of the "Roaring Girl", and then immediately went to the monitoring room of the shopping mall.

"My child is lost in your shopping mall. I want to see your monitoring and find the child!"

The security guard in the monitoring room said, "would you like to have the mall broadcast so that your child will come to you after hearing the broadcast?"

How can I do that? As soon as I hear the broadcast, Jing Rui will run away! It's strange to be able to come!

"No, my child is deaf, he can't hear! I'll find him myself

Jing Yiran pretends to be anxious about the loss of a deaf mute child, successfully deceives the security guards, and then begins to search for Jing Rui's small figure in hundreds of monitoring images. , the fastest update of the webnovel!